Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Global Retail and the Transfer of Management Knowledge Case Study
Global Retail and the Transfer of Management Knowledge - Case Study Example There was much friction to be overcome if convenience stores were to be successful in Japan. This was mainly because of the overwhelming presence of small shops in the area. A lot of laws and regulations were put into place to try to protect these small shop owners, such as laws restricting large retailers-such as department stores-from certain activities (Bernstein, 2008). The company was brought to Japan mainly because of Toshifumi Suzuki. The company which he represented, Ito-Yokado, did not support the idea of bringing the convenience store to Japan as a franchise. However, Suzuki did support the idea and claimed that not only could profits be generated by convenience stores, but that the concept could also result in lessened friction between stores of different sizes. The number of small stores in the country was seen to Suzuki as an opportunity rather than a challenge. His idea was to build a franchise system of convenience stores and, in exchange for a cut of their profits, offer them managerial expertise and other guidance. He obtained knowledge from Southland with regards to how to operate a franchising system. Eventually, Suzuki was able to convince Masatoshi Ito to at least look into the idea (Bernstein, 2008). There were quite a few right moves by the company that led to it being such a large success in Japan. The company sent its amateurs for training in the United States. They knew to avoid price competition with supermarkets. They utilized Southland's accounting system. The setup of the store itself was perceived to the Japanese as being foreign, which had an appeal of its own. Ito-Yokado had such a great market power that Seven-Eleven Japan was able to leverage it to acquire wholesalers. The company positioned its stores in urban areas to attract individuals who only wanted a few items and were in a hurry. They carried a broad array of items for sale (Bernstein, 2008). When the model was re-exported to the United States, the Japanese had learned what mistakes to avoid by observing Southland's slow demise. They used some of the techniques that they utilized in their own country in order to make the convenience store change successful in the United States. One of the biggest keys to doing this was through adapting the latest in information technology. Since that concept had been so successful in Japan, the Japanese figured it could only do the same for the United States. In conclusion, this was a relatively unforeseen event-at least of its scope-in Japanese history. Japanese companies in the retailing industries were not seen worldwide as being efficient. Their distribution systems were archaic at best, and large retail giants such as Wal-Mart were few and far between. Using the skills they learned from Southland and their own parent company, Seven-Eleven Japan was very successful (Bernstein, 2008). Why did 7-Eleven thrive while Southland declined and eventually went bankrupt' Why, more in general, are there so many successful global retailers of non-US origin' 7-Eleven thrived not only because of the reasons discussed above, but also because of several other key factors. These include its franchise system and market dominance strategy, the rationalization
Monday, October 28, 2019
Chili’s Bar Essay Example for Free
Chili’s Bar Essay In the decision making process, it helps to look at all the information. This SWOT is comparing Chili’s restaurant to two of its competitors, Ruby Tuesday’s and Applebee’s. Company History Chili’s restaurants are part of the company, Brinker International Corporation. Chili’s Bar Grill is a casual dining restaurant that was founded in 1975 and has expanded to include 1,200 restaurants located domestically and internationally. There menu consists of fresh and healthy American dishes and limited amount of southwestern style Mexican dishes. In the last 30 years, Chili’s has created an identifiable, recognizable brand name, just think of the commercials. Chili’s Strengths Chili’s is the one of the largest full service restaurant chains with over 1,200 stores, second only to Applebee’s which has about 1,900 stores. Their competitor Ruby Tuesday has less than 900 stores with many of those franchises. Chili’s is part of Brinker Intl. , which is world’s second largest casual dining restaurant operator, the first being Darden restaurants. This allows them to offer affordable prices, because they can negotiate product rates for all of their stores, unlike a smaller company. They have also expanded their company to include Chili’s Too, Small Town Chili’s, and offer catering services. They update their menu one to two times a year, unlike Ruby Tuesday’s which updates their menu every three to four months. Chili’s has a popular menu that keeps people coming back, so they tweak it a bit to keep up with trends, but keep their core items. At this time they serve the same menu in every store, which allows for consistency throughout the company. They have a very broad market with a recognizable brand name and they focus on customer satisfaction. The restaurant business can be very competitive, but they have unusually high management retention and that may be in part to extremely competitive starting salaries and excellent benefit packages. Their competitor, Ruby Tuesday, has franchised many of its stores, creating varied salaries, salary caps, and benefits, when going from a franchise to a corporate store, which can make it difficult to retain managers. When Chili’s is looking for hourly employees, it offers several opportunities to them. They can apply and interview online, receive benefits and have the opportunity to grow with the company. Their hourly employee turnover rate is also lower than the industry average. Chili’s Weaknesses Even though the Chili’s brand is recognizable, it doesn’t appeal to the upper class. The casual dining concept, no matter how different, is still the same. They receive much of their food frozen, unlike Ruby Tuesday which receives all of their meat and produce fresh, making some items not the best of quality. During the busy times, servers are pressured to decrease their table turn time, the time from when a guest sits at the table until they leave and the table is ready for another guest, which can make it difficult to build a rapport with their guests, but at the same time they want their PPA (per person average) to be higher. Many of their restaurants are focused around the bar, which segregates some consumers that do not want to be in that environment. It also makes their seating area than some of their competitors. Chili’s Opportunities There are several things Chili’s can do to remain competitive in the casual dining industry. They can continue to expand internationally, beyond the 20 countries they are already in. Their competitors have yet to exceed that with Ruby Tuesday’s being in about twelve countries and Applebee’s is in almost twenty. They have a very well known brand which will allow them to continue expansion at a rapid rate with the backing of their parent company, Brinker Intl. They are launching a program to try international cuisines at some of their foreign locations. If consumers react positively this could be a great growth opportunity, if it is not taken to, it could be a threat to their international stores if they continue it. They can enlarge their restaurants or configure different models, based on the demographics of the area, to include more seating for guests and not just the bar area. They can continue to expand their brand recognition apparel and glassware. Chili’s Threats The largest threat to the Chili’s brand is the competition of casual dining restaurants, which are easy to duplicate. Applebee’s and Ruby Tuesday’s both had higher 1-year sales growths, with 10% and 17. %, respectively, compared to Chili’s at 6. 1%. Chili’s saturated some U. S. markets and has no where else to expand in those areas. They need to keep up with current trends and eating habits, because they change often, to stay current with the market. Summary Chili’s has managed to saturate the US and foreign markets better than its competitors. Their sales are higher and they retain their employees longer. They need to look at a few things like following eating trends and standing out from the competition a bit more, but they are a highly competitive company that keeps people coming back.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Aristotle’s Elements of Tragedy Essay -- Creek, Poetics, Tragedy
Aristotle is one of the most important western philosophers in history that has influenced our society in many aspects. Many of Aristotle’s teachings have affected our world for many years and still continue to have such a big impact. Some of the subjects Aristotle has influenced include: logic, physics, government and poetry. Aristotle’s study of poetry mainly focused on the elements to a good tragedy. Some of his elements have been used in Greek tragedies and modern movies. The Greek play, Medea, and the modern movie, No Country for Old Men, use elements from Aristotle philosophy, while using similar and different techniques but both achieving an effective tragedy. In Aristotle’s book, Poetics, he defines tragedy as, â€Å"an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and possessing magnitude; in embellished language, each kind of which is used separately in the different parts; in the mode of action and not narrated; and effecting through pity and fear†(Aristotle 1149). Tragedy creates a cause and effect chain of actions that clearly gives the audience ideas of possible events. The six parts to Aristotle’s elements of tragedy are: Plot, character, language, thought, spectacle, and melody. According to Aristotle, the most important element is the plot. Aristotle writes in Poetics that, â€Å"It is not for the purpose of presenting their characters that the agents engage in action, but rather it is for the sake of their actions that they take on the characters they have†(Aristotle 1150). Plots should have a beginning, middle, and end that have a unity of actions throughout the play making it complete. In addi tion, the plot should be complex making it an effective tragedy. The second most important element is character. Characters... ...hough the two demonstrate the elements in different ways, they both achieve an effective tragedy. Now after learning about Aristotle’s philosophy on tragedy, one can examine any type of tragic poetry, play, movie and analysis if the elements are portrayed. Its interesting to see how much of Aristotle’s philosophy has effected poetry in the art of the Greek tragedy, Medea, and the modern movie, No Country for Old Men. Works Cited Aristotle. Poetics. Trans. Gerald F. Else. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1967. Dorsch, T. R., trans. and ed. Aristotle Horace Longinus: Classical Literary Criticism. New York: Penguin, 1965. Ley, Graham. The Ancient Greek Theater. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1991. Reinhold, Meyer. Classical Drama, Greek and Roman. New York: Barrons, 1959. Puchner, Martin. The Norton Anthology of World Literature. Vol. A. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2012. Print.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Plc Programmable Logic Controller
AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM USING PLC * Company Products & Services * Abstract * Hydraulic System * Bow Compression Machine * Circuit Diagram * Description * Chiller Unit * Solenoid valve * Introduction To PLC * Software * Advantages Of PLC * Introduction To PLC * Existing System * Proposed System * Ladder Logic Diagram * Ladder Logic Description * Energy Saving Calculation * For Existing Method * For Proposed Method * Advantages & Applications * Conclusion * References ABSTRACT :One of the challenging factor in factories, for the proper functioning of the machine for the long duration with efficiency is to keep certain parameters within a specific range. Thus, in this paper, we have designed a ladder diagram for running PLC with the objective to automatically control the hydraulic system. Our main requirement is to design a PLC which can be connected to hydraulic system to implement the parameters and operations like Temperature detection, Pressure detection, Lubrication, Automatic machine operation and Oil level detection.The mentioned parameters and operations can be sensed and operated through PLC without any manual checking and operation. This saves more power to industries by reducing the power consumption. INTRODUCTION In the last decades, the machines used in the industries were operated manually. So keeping its certain important parameters in a specific range was difficult. Also they can not be checked out frequently. This results in improper functioning of the machine. Also, the machines cannot work efficiently for a long time.For example, if the temperature of the oil goes beyond the desired value it will affect the machine function. Hence the machine accessories cannot withstand this high temperature. This leads to the damage in machine and the durability of the machine also gets reduced. Thus, the working machine requires frequent checking of certain parameters to maintain the value within the specified range for proper operation. The var ious parameters to be checked frequently are: 1. Temperature detection 2. Lubrication 3. Automatic machine operation 4. Oil level detection . Pressure Thus we are using a PLC to control all these parameters. We are designing a ladder diagram to control all the parameters automatically. In this paper, we are describing about the hydraulic drive system in which PLC is used to control its working. An introduction of PLC is provided and also the ladder diagram overview. We will be discussing about the advantages of PLC and also the power saving estimation in the industries by using PLC. The machine which we have taken under consideration for implementation is BOW CORRECTION MACHINE.Also, the chiller unit is described as it plays a major role for the power saving purpose. HYDRAULIC DRIVE SYSTEM : A hydraulic drive system is a drive or transmission system that uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to drive hydraulic machinery. The term hydrostatic refers to the transfer of energy from flow and pressure, not from the kinetic energy of the flow. Principle of a hydraulic drive Pascal's law is the basis of hydraulic drive systems. As the pressure in the system is the same, the force that the fluid gives to the surroundings is therefore equal to pressure ? rea. In such a way, a small piston feels a small force and a large piston feels a large force. For an understanding of how a hydraulic system works, we must know the basic principles, or laws, of hydraulics, that is, of confined liquids under pressure. This will be made easier, however, if we first examine the somewhat simpler laws governing the behavior of liquids when unconfined, that is, in open containers. 1. Liquids in open containers. a. Density and specific gravity. The first characteristic of an unconfined liquid which interests us is its density.The density of a fluid is the weight of a unit volume of it. The unit of volume normally used in this text is the cubic foot; the unit o f weight normally used is the pound. The standard of density, to which the densities of all other liquids are referred, is that of pure water at zero degrees centigrade (32 degrees Fahrenheit), and at sea-level atmospheric pressure. b. Force and pressure. A liquid has no shape of its own. It acquires the shape of its container up to the level to which it fills the container. However, we know that liquids have weight.This weight exerts a force upon all sides of the container, and this force can be measured. Therefore, for unconfined liquids, that is, liquids in open containers, the pressure in pounds per square inch exerted by the liquid on the bottom of the container is equal to the weight of the liquid on each square inch of the bottom of the container. It must be emphasized that the weight of the liquid is here thought of as a forceexerted on the bottom of the container. Expressed as a formula, we have: Pressure = Force per unit areaIt is understood that the word pressure , when not otherwise qualified, means pressure in pounds per square inch. This is called the total force and is obtained by the formula: Total Force = Pressure X Area The pressure exerted by a liquid on the bottom of a container is independent of the shape of the container, and depends only on the height and density of the liquid. 2. Liquids in enclosed systems. a. Liquids are practically incompressible. The following two basic principles will help to explain the behavior of liquids when enclosed: a) Liquids are practically incompressible. ) The applied pressure is transmitted equally in all directions at once. b. Increase of force with area. The ratio between the force applied to the smaller piston and the force applied to the larger piston is the same as the ratio between the area of the smaller pistonand the area of the larger piston. Expressed as a proportion, then, we have: Force on larger piston/Force on smaller piston = Area of larger piston/Area of small er piston This means that the mechanical advantage obtainable by such an arrangement is equal to the ratio between the areas of the two pistons.Since the area of the larger cylinder is 10 times as great as that of the smaller cylinder, pushing the smaller piston downward a distance of 1 inch will move the larger piston upward only 1/10 of an inch. The ratio between the displacement of liquid in the smaller cylinder and the displacement of liquid in the larger cylinder is once again equal to the ratio between their areas. so that the amount of work (force X distance) done by the larger piston is exactly the same as the amount done by the smaller piston. c. Multiple units.It is not necessary to confine our system to a single line from the source of hydraulic power. Hydraulic power may be transmitted in many directions to do multiple jobs. PUMP – In practice we usually need some device which will deliver, over a period of time, a definite volume of fluid at the required pressure , and which will continue to deliver it as long as we desire it to do so. Such a device is called a pump. Basic principles of pumps. A hydraulic pump is a mechanical device which forcibly moves, or displaces, fluids.Various pumping principles are employed in the different types of hydraulic pumps, but one fundamental principle applies to all: a volume of fluid entering the intake opening, or port, is moved by mechanical action and forced out the discharge port. Hydraulic fluids. Almost any free-flowing liquid is suitable as a hydraulic fluid, as long as it will not chemically injure the hydraulic equipment. For example, an acid, although free-flowing, would obviously be unsuitable because it would corrode the metallic parts of the system. a. Basic units of a hydraulic system. 1.A reservoir, or supply tank, containing oil which is supplied to the system as needed and into which the oil from the return line flows. 2. A pump, which supplies the necessary working pressure. 3. A hydra ulic cylinder, or actuating cylinder, which uses the hydraulic energy developed in the pump to move the door. 4. A cut-out valve, by means of which the pressure in the actuating cylinder may be maintained or released as desired. 5. A check valve, placed in the return line to permit fluid to move in only one direction. 6. â€Å"Hydraulic lines,†such as piping or hose, to connect the units to each other.The supply tank must have a capacity large enough to keep the entire system filled with oil and furnish additional oil to make good the inevitable losses from leakage. The tank is vented to the atmosphere; thus atmospheric pressure (14. 7 pounds per square inch) forces the oil into the inlet, or suction, side of the pump. The tank is generally placed at a higher level than the other units in the system, so that gravity assists in feeding oil into other units. The pump is the hand-operated, reciprocating piston type. SOLENOID VALVE : A solenoid valve is an electromechan ically operated valve.The valve is controlled by an electric current through asolenoid: in the case of a two-port valve the flow is switched on or off; in the case of a three-port valve, the outflow is switched between the two outlet ports. Multiple solenoid valves can be placed together on a manifold. Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control elements in fluidics. Their tasks are to shut off, release, dose, distribute or mix fluids. They are found in many application areas. Solenoids offer fast and safe switching, high reliability, long service life, good medium compatibility of the materials used, low control power and compact design.There are many valve design variations. Ordinary valve can have many ports and fluid paths. A 2-way valve, for example, has 2 ports; if the valve is closed, then the two ports are connected and fluid may flow between the ports; if the valve is open, then ports are isolated. If the valve is open when the solenoid is n ot energized, then the valve is termed normally open (N. O. ). Similarly, if the valve is closed when the solenoid is not energized, then the valve is termednormally closed. [1] There are also 3-way and more complicated designs.A 3-way valve has 3 ports; it connects one port to either of the two other ports (typically a supply port and an exhaust port). Solenoid valve are also characterized by how they operate. A small solenoid can generate a limited force. If that force is sufficient to open and close the valve, then a direct acting solenoid valve is possible. An approximate relationship between the required solenoid force Fs, the fluid pressure P, and the orifice areaA for a direct acting solenoid value is: Where d is the orifice diameter. A typical solenoid force might be 15 N (3.  lbf). An application might be a low pressure (e. g. , 10 pounds per square inch (69 kPa)) gas with a small orifice diameter (e. g. , 3? 8 in (9. 5 mm) fo r an orifice area of 0. 11 sq in (7. 1? 10? 5 m2) and approximate force of 1. 1 lbf (4. 9 N)). When high pressures and large orifices are encountered, then high forces are required. To generate those forces, an internally piloted solenoid valve design may be possible. [1] In such a design, the line pressure is used to generate the high valve forces; a small solenoid controls how the line pressure is used.Internally piloted valves are used in dishwashers and irrigation systems where the fluid is water, the pressure might be 80 pounds per square inch (550 kPa) and the orifice diameter might be 3? 4 in (19 mm). In some solenoid valves the solenoid acts directly on the main valve. Others use a small, complete solenoid valve, known as a pilot, to actuate a larger valve. While the second type is actually a solenoid valve combined with a pneumatically actuated valve, they are sold and packaged as a single unit referred to as a solenoid valve.Piloted valv es require much less power to control, but they are noticeably slower. Piloted solenoids usually need full power at all times to open and stay open, where a direct acting solenoid may only need full power for a short period of time to open it, and only low power to hold it. A direct acting solenoid valve typically operates in 5 to 10 milliseconds. The operation time of a piloted valve depends on its size; typical values are 15 to 150 milliseconds. Solenoid valves are used in fluid power pneumatic and hydraulic systems, to control cylinders, fluid power motors or larger industrial valves.Automaticirrigation sprinkler systems also use solenoid valves with an automatic controller. Domestic washing machines and dishwashers use solenoid valves to control water entry into the machine. Solenoid valves are used in dentist chairs to control air and water flow. In the paintball industry, solenoid valves are usually referred to simply as â€Å"solenoids. â € They are commonly used to control a larger valve used to control the propellant (usually compressed air or CO2). In addition to this, these valves are now been used in household water purifiers (RO systems).Besides controlling the flow of air and fluids, solenoids are used in pharmacology experiments, especially for patch-clamp, which can control the application of agonist or antagonist. Many variations are possible on the basic, one-way, one-solenoid valve described above: * one- or two-solenoid valves; * direct current or alternating current powered; * different number of ways and positions; INTRODUCTION TO PLC : A Programmable Logic Controller, or PLC, is more or less a small computer with a built-in operating system (OS). This OS is highly specialized to handle incoming events in real time, i. . at the time of their occurrence. The PLC has input lines where sensors are connected to notify upon events (e. g. temperature above/below a certain level, liquid level reached, etc. ), and output lines to signal any reaction to the incoming events (e. g. start an engine, open/close a valve, etc. ). The system is user programmable. It uses a language called â€Å"Relay Ladder†or RLL (Relay Ladder Logic). The name of this language implies that the control logic of the earlier days, which was built from relays, is being simulated.The PLC is primarily used to control machinery. A program is written for the PLC which turns on and off outputs based on input conditions and the internal program. In this aspect, a PLC is similar to a computer. However, a PLC is designed to be programmed once, and run repeatedly as needed. In fact, a crafty programmer could use a PLC to control not only simple devices such as a garage door opener, but their whole house, including switching lights on and off at certain times, monitoring a custom built security system, etc.Most commonly, a PLC is found inside of a machine in an industrial environment. A PLC can run an automatic machine for years with little human intervention. They are designed to withstand most harsh environments. When the first electronic machine controls were designed, they used relays to control the machine logic (i. e. press â€Å"Start†to start the machine and press â€Å"Stop†to stop the machine). A basic machine might need a wall covered in relays to control all of its functions. There are a few limitations to this type of control. * Relays fail. * The delay when the relay turns on/off. There is an entire wall of relays to design/wire/troubleshoot. A PLC overcomes these limitations, it is a machine controlled operation. PLCs are becoming more and more intelligent. In recent years PLCs have been integrated into electrical communications networks – i. e. , all the PLCs in an industrial environment have been plugged into a network which is usually hierarchically organized. The PLCs are then supervised by a control center. There exist many propri etary types of networks. One type which is widely known is SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).The PLC is a purpose-built machine control computer designed to read digital and analog inputs from various sensors, execute a user defined logic program, and write the resulting digital and analog output values to various output elements like hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, indication lamps, solenoid coils, etc. Scan cycle Exact details vary between manufacturers, but most PLCs follow a ‘scan-cycle' format. Overhead Overhead includes testing I/O module integrity, verifying the user program logic hasn't changed, that the computer itself hasn't locked up (via a watchdog timer), and any necessary communications.Communications may include traffic over the PLC programmer port, remote I/O racks, and other external devices such as HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces). Input scan A ‘snapshot' of the digital and analog values present at the input cards is saved to an i nput memory table. Logic execution The user program is scanned element by element, then rung by rung until the end of the program, and resulting values written to an output memory table. Output scan Values from the resulting output memory table are written to the output modules. Once the output scan is complete the process repeats itself until the PLC is powered down.The time it takes to complete a scan cycle is, appropriately enough, the â€Å"scan cycle time†, and ranges from hundreds of milliseconds (on older PLCs, and/or PLCs with very complex programs) to only a few milliseconds on newer PLCs, and/or PLCs executing short, simple code. ADVANTAGES OF PLC: * PLC’s have flexibility (i. e. ) it is possible to use just one model of PLC to run any one of the 15 machines. * In a PLC program circuit the PLC program can be used from any keyboard sequence in a matter of minute and rewriting is required. PLC has a large number of contacts for each coil in its programming. * I ncreased technology makes it possible to compact move functions into smaller and less expensive packages. * A PLC programmed circuit can be pre-un ad evaluated in the officer or lab. The program can be typed in tested observed and modified if needed. * PLC circuit operation can be seen during operation directly on a CRT screen. * The operation speed for the PLC program is very fast. * PLC is more reliable. * A PLC programmer who works in digital or Boolean control system can easily perform PLC programming. PLC’s program can’t be made unless the PLC properly unlocked and programmed. LADDER LOGIC DIAGRAM : What is a Ladder Diagram? A Ladder Diagram is one of the simplest methods used to program a PLC. It is a graphical programming language evolved from electrical relay circuits. Each program statement is represented with a line, called the rung, that has all relevant inputs to the left and the output to the right. The output device of a rung is energized if electric powe r can conceptually flow from the left side of the rung to the right side.Input devices are assumed to block the flow of power if they are not activated. During the execution of a ladder diagram, the PLC reads the states of all inputs, then determines the states of all outputs starting from the rung at the top side, going down to the last rung, and finally updates the state of the output devices. * Naming Convention During the development of a PLC program, we must use specific names to identify the inputs, outputs, memory flags, timers and counters. PLC manufactures use a variety of approaches in naming the inputs, outputs and other resources.A typical naming convention is to identify inputs with the letter â€Å"I†and outputs with the letter â€Å"O†, followed be a 1-digit number that identifies the slot number and a 2-digit number that identifies the position of the input or output in the slot. For example: I1:00 refers to the first input of slot 1 O2:00 refers to th e first output of slot 2. Some manufactures number the inputs or outputs starting from 00, while others use the number 01 to identify the first input or output. It is also common to use numbers like 400 e. t. c. The state of an output can be also used as an input in a ladder diagram.In such a case the PLC uses the state of the specific output device that is stored in the output image memory. * Relay Logic Instructions (XIC and XIO) Examine if Closed (XIC) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ[ ]â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Use the XIC instruction in your ladder program to determine if a bit is On. When the instruction is executed, if the bit addressed is on (1), then the instruction is evaluated as true. When the instruction is executed, if the bit addressed is off (0), then the instruction is evaluated as false. Examine if Open (XIO) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-[/]â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Use the XIO instruction in your ladder program to determine if a bit is Off.When the instruction is executed, if the bit addressed is off (0), the n the instruction is evaluated as true. When the instruction is executed, if the bit addressed is on (1), then the instruction is evaluated as false * Relay Logic Instructions: Input Transition Sensing Positive Transition Sense (PTS) The condition of the right link is ON for one ladder rung evaluation when a change from OFF to ON at the specified input is sensed. Negative Transition Sense (NTS) The condition of the right link is ON for one ladder rung evaluation when a change from ON to OFF at the specified input is sensed. * Output Instructions Output Energize (OTE) â€â€-( )â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ If the condition of the left link of the OTE is ON then the corresponding bit in the output data memory is set. The device wired to this output is also energized. Negative Output Energize (NOE) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€(/)â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ If the condition of the left link of the OTE is OFF then the corresponding bit in the output data memory is set. The device wired output is also energized. Output L atch/Set (OTL) and Output Unlatch/Reset (OTU) If the condition of the left link of the OTL is momentary ON then the corresponding bit in the output data memory is set, and remains set even if the condition switches to the OFF state.The output will remain set until the condition of the left link of the OTU is momentary ON * Basic Logic Functions (OR, AND) Two Input OR Function The output is ON only if the two inputs are OFF. Two Input AND Function The output is ON if both of the two inputs are ON. * Basic Logic Functions (NAND,NOR) Two Input NAND Function The output is ON if any of the two inputs is OFF. Two Input NOR Function The output is ON if both of the two inputs are OFF. * Basic Logic Functions (EXOR, EXNOR) Two Input EXOR Function The output is ON if any of the two inputs is ON, but not both. Two Input EXNOR FunctionThe output is ON if both of the two inputs are either OFF or ON. * Set/Reset Latch Set/Reset Latch using a Hold-in contact Set/Reset Latch using Latch/Unlatch out puts Notes: O1:00’ means that the output is unchanged If both inputs are ON then normally the output is OFF, since the Unlatch rung appears last in the ladder diagram. * Timer Instructions Timer Instructions are output instructions used to time intervals for which their rung conditions are true (TON), or false (TOF). These are software timers. Their resolution and accuracy depends on a tick timer maintained by the microprocessor.Each timer instruction has two values (integers) associated with it: Accumulated Value (ACC): This is the current number of ticks (time-base intervals) that have been counted from the moment that the timer has been energized. Preset Value (PR): This is a predetermined value set by the programmer. When the accumulated value is equal to, or greater than the preset value, a status bit is set. This bit can be used to control an output device. Each timer is associated with two status bits: Timer Enable Bit (EN): This bit is set when the rung condition to t he left of the timer instruction are true.When this bit is set, the accumulated value is incremented on each time-base interval, until it reaches the preset value. Done Bit (DN): This bit is set when the accumulated value is equal to the preset value. It is reset when the rung condition becomes false. * Timer On-Delay (TON) Instruction The TON instruction begins count when its input rung conditions are true. The accumulated value is reset when the input rung conditions become false. Timer ladder diagram example. Typical timing diagram (Assume that Preset = 07). * Timer Off-Delay (TOF) InstructionThe TOF instruction begins count when its input rung makes a true-to-false transition, and continues counting for as long as the input rung remains false. The accumulated value is reset when the input rung conditions become false. Timer ladder diagram example. Typical timing diagram (Assume that Preset = 07). * Retentive Timer (RTO) Instruction The RTO instruction begins count when its input rung conditions are true. The accumulated value is retained when the input rung conditions become false, and continues counting after the input rung conditions become true. * Counter InstructionsCounter Instructions are output instructions used to count false-to-true rung transitions. These transitions are usually caused by events occurring at an input. These counters can be UP (incrementing) or DOWN (decrementing). Each counter instruction has two values (integers) associated with it: Accumulated Value (ACC): This is the current number of the counter. The initial value is zero. Preset Value (PR): This is a predetermined value set by the programmer. When the accumulated value is equal to, or greater than the preset value, a status bit is set. This bit can be used to control an output device.Each counter is associated with two status bits: Counter Enable Bit (EN): This bit is set when a false-to-true rung condition to the left of the counter instruction is detected. Done Bit (DN): T his bit is set when the accumulated value is equal to the preset value. It is reset when the rung condition becomes false. The maximum count value is 9999*. After a maximum count is reached, the counters reset and start counting from zero. * Count-up (CTU) Instruction The CTU instruction increments its accumulated value on each false-to-true transition at its input, starting from 0. Counter ladder diagram example.Typical timing diagram (Assume that Preset = 10). * Count-down (CTD) Instruction The CTD instruction decrements its accumulated value on each false-to-true transition at its input, starting from 0. Counter ladder diagram example. Typical timing diagram (Assume that Preset = -10). * The Reset (RES) Instruction The RES instruction resets timing and counting instructions. When the RES instruction is enabled it resets the following. Counters:Accumulated value, Counter Done Bit , Counter Enabled Bit. Timers: Accumulated value, Timer Done Bit, Timer Timing Bit, Timer Enable Bit.R eset ladder diagram example. ADVANTAGES ; APPLICATION: * Automatic control of machine. * Free from manual operation and frequent checking. * Machine fault is reduced. * Energy consumption is reduced. * This method can save more power. * Industrial application mainly used for boiler production. * Drilling and boring applications. * This applications can be implemented for all machines in BHEL. BOW CORRECTION MACHINE : These are the specifications of the bow correction machine currently in use. MACHINE| BOW CORRECTION MACHINE| CAPACITY| 600 TONS| CYLINDER BORE| 550 MM| RAM DIAMETER| 520 MM|DAYLIGHT| 3000 MM| THROAT| 1700 MM| STROKE| 500 MM| CONNECTED LOAD| 60+1+5 HP| TOTAL WEIGHT| 80 TONS| BOLSTER SIZE| 1500*2000*200 MM| SPEEDS OF OPERATION| 15mm/sec – APPROACH6mm/sec – PRESSING60mm/sec – RETURN | PURPOSE. In the pipes used in boilers, small pipes are attached using welding. This welding makes the pipe to bent. Thus its surface becomes uneven and makes it imperfec t to be used in boilers. In this case this machine is used. Using this machine the bents and bows can be straightened and makes the pipes perfect to be used in the boilers. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM : OPERATION.The hydraulic circuit is designed to achieve fast approach speed, slow pressing speed and fast return speeds by use of a single pump. The fast approach speed is achieved by ensuring that the cylinder ram moves down through its self weight or what is termed as gravity fall. To achieve gravity fall of the cylinder of the cylinder it is important to ensure that at all times the pressure in return line is minimum 5 kg/ cm2. On starting the motor the pump delivery is directed to the tank through unloading type relief valve no. 4. The same flow is directed to the Z1 lines of catridge valves 5 ; 7, which ensures that the valves are closed.On operation of solenoid S1 of main relief valve the pump flow is directed to the catridge valves, however due to differential areas the catridges are still closed and pump reaches system pressure and unloads to tank through relief valve 4. On operation of solenoid S2( valve 6) along with S1, Port A of solenoid valve no. 6 is connected to tank Y1 which facilitates opening of catridge valve 5 and hence the oil flows into the forward line of the cylinder resulting in downward movement. At the same time the oil in the return line of the cylinder is connected to tank at the set pressure through valve no. 11.Hence the cylinder moves down with slow pressing speed. On operation of solenoid S4 ( valve 8) along with S1 ; S2 the X port of catridge valve 10 is connected to tank through valve 8, 6 and port Y1 that ensures the opening of the catridge valve 10. Opening of the catridge valve ensures that the return line is connected directly to tank and hence the cylinder oves down with its self weight and fast approach speed is achieved. At the same time prefill valve 14 opens to fill the cylinder forward area with oil. To set the maximum fast appro ach speed valve 10 is provided with a stroke adjustment setting.On operation of solenoid S3(valve 6) along with S1, port B of solenoid valve no. 6 is connected to tank Y1 which facilitates opening of catridge valve 7 and hence oil flows into the return line of the cylinder. At the same time since A port of solenoid valve no. 6 is connected to pump port X4 is also connected to pump, ensures the opening of prefill valve no 14 and that the forward line of the cylinder is connected back to tank. This results in reverse movement of the cylinder. Pressure relief valve 9 is provided to ensure smooth deceleration of the cylinder from fast approach to pressing.The valve ensures that the pressure in X port of the cartridge valve does not exceed set pressure therby ensuring that the valve closes slowly reducing jerks. The hot oil from the machine is then sent to the chiller unit to reduce its temperature. CHILLER UNIT: In the chiller unit, the refrigerant is used to cool down the hot oil from the machine. REFRIGERATION: A liquid whose Saturation temperature at normal atmospheric pressure is below the temperature that is to be produced by refrigeration is chosen as the working liquid in the refrigerant.Such a liquid will evaporate at lower temperatures and will absorb hear as it does so. This heat is extracted from the surroundings. The vapour formed in this way is compressed in a compressor. After compression the refrigerant may be in the vapour state or, in the liquid state if its temperature after compression is not greater than the saturation temperature at that increase pressure. The low temperature vapour is condensed in a condenser, in doing so it lowers its temperature below the surroundings . Now the condensed liquid is expanded to a lower pressure and the cycle of refrigeration is repeated.REFRIGERATION CYCLE: * Compressors are used in vapour compression cycles. It is the heart of the system and it sucks low-pressure refrigerant vapour from the evaporator and co mpresses it to a pressure corresponding to the saturation temperature that will be higher than continuously re-circulate the refrigerant through the system. * Air-cooled condensers are heat exchangers,which reject heat from the condensing refrigerant to the atmosphere. * The function of condenser in a refrigerated system is to de-superheat and condense the compressed discharge refrigerant vapour.High-speed fans are mostly used to speed up the process. * At the exit of the condenser the refrigerant loses temperature but still is in high-pressure state. The temperature falls down a little high to the ambient. * Dryers are mainly used to capture the moisture content if any mixed with the refrigerant. When the refrigerant passes through its thin filter mesh the moisture gets trapped on the silica gel and clean refrigerant flows through. * Throttle valve(also called as Expansion valve)is also a very important component of the vapour compression refrigeration system.The function of an exp ansion device is to expand the liquid refrigerant from the condensing pressure to the evaporating pressure. Also it throttles the required flow into the evaporator depending on the load conditions. Commonly used expansion devices are capillary tubes, thermostatic expansion valves and constant pressure expansion valves. * Any liquid when evaporate creates a cooling effect. Same applies here, when the refrigerant exists expansion valve it is partly in vapour state at low temperature and pressure. It flows through the evaporator and exchanges heat with the surroundings. After existing the evaporator it has gained heat from the surrounding media, thus lowering the temperature in the freezing compartment. This superhead vapour passes further and is drawn by the compressor, which compresses it,and delivers to condenser, thus, completing the refrigeration cycle. The ladder diagram used in this machine is : CNT_ON CNT_OFF MEM_1 MEM_1 MEM_1 MOT_ON MOT_ON MOT_OFF VAL4_ONVAL4_ON VAL4_ON MEM _2 MEM_2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 FAST_APP FAST_APP S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 PRESS_ON TIMER T1 PRESET 15 ACC 0 PRESS_ON S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 HOLD_ON HOLD_ON HOLD_MEM HOLD_MEM S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 RET_ONRET_ON VAL4_ON COMPARE TEMP_ON;45 TEMP_ON MEM_4 MEM_4 CHILLER_ON TEMP_ON CHILLER_OFF COMPARE TEMP_ON;45 LOW_SEN ALARM_ON V_LOW_SEN TANK_ONPRES_ON VAL14_ON EXISTING SYSTEM : * There is no temperature detection system. Hence, the chiller unit has to function continuously irrespective of hydraulic oil’s temperature. * Possibilities of machine can run due to friction since there is no Indication of oil in tank. * The chiller unit is running continuously hence there is a possibilities of lot of Energy consumption losses. * There is no automatic control for the whole machine. * There is no automatic function for declamping and lubrication. There is no oil level sensor in the hydraulic tank to sense the oil level in the tank. * Relays are used which is not automatic and inefficient. HORIZONTAL BORING MACHINE HY DRAULIC TANK CHILLER UNIT PUMP SOLENOID VALVE PROPOSED SYSTEM: * In this method there is a temperature sensor which is used to sense the temperature of the oil in the hydraulic tank. * The chiller unit will be turned on only when the oil temperature gets increased with the specified value of oil temperature * Friction of the machine can be reduced by implementing the lubrication function. Oil level in the hydraulic tank can be detected by using an oil level sensor . * Two types of oil level sensor is used. I. Low level sensor II. Very low level sensor So that we can avoid the machine running in dangerous condition. * All the operation in one axis (x or y or z) can be operated by a single push button switch. * Declamping and lubrication function takes place automatically. ENERGY SAVING CALCULATION: * WITH CHILLER UNIT WORKING CONTINUOUSLY: For continuous running of chiller unit the motor consumes 18KW. Per day: morning -4hrs night -8hrs so chiller unit runs totally 12hrs a day. 8KW*1 2hrs=216 KWhr The chiller unit consumes 216KWhr per day. For electricity: 1unit= Rs. 5 Therefore 216*5= 1080 So for 216 unit it costs Rs. 1080 per day. 1080*30=Rs. 32,400 For 1month it costs Rs. 32,400 32400*303= Rs. 98,17,200 For 1year it costs Rs. 98,17,200. * WITH PLC: For automatic on/off of chiller unit the motor consumes 10KW. Per day: morning -4hrs night -8hrs so chiller unit runs totally 12hrs a day. 10KW*12hrs=120KWhr The chiller unit consumes 120KWhr per day. For electricity: 1unit= Rs. 5 Therefore 120*5= 600 So for 120unit it costs Rs. 600 per day. 600*30=Rs. 8,000 For 1month it costs Rs. 18,000 18000*303= Rs. 54,54,000 For 1year it costs Rs. 54,54,000. CONCLUSION : This project mainly focuses the oil temperature and oil level detection and also the automatic control of machine. Implementation of this project is simple and very economical. This applications can be implemented for all machines in BHEL. All the functions can be achieved through a single PLC program. The adv antage of our project is used to eliminate manual checking and operation. The above mentioned parameters and operation can be sensed and operated through PLC.This project saves more power to industries by reducing the power consumption. REFERENCES : 1. â€Å"Allen bradely Instruction Set user manual†by Rockwell Automation. 2. Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Methods and Applications by John R. Hackworth and Frederick D. Hackworth, Jr 3. â€Å"Ladder logic fundamentals†industrial control system fall 2006. 4. DOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK â€Å"INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL Volume 2 of 2†- U. S. Department of Energy Washington, D. C. 20585. 5. â€Å"Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs†(Version 5. 0, May 4, 2007) -Hugh Jack
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Angels in America Essay Essay
Tony Kushner’s play, Angels In America, explores the trials of the journey of human life through the development of his characters throughout the play. When Rabbi Chemelwitz says â€Å"Great Voyages is this world do not any more exist. †(Millennium 16) he speaks only the partial truth. It is true that none of the characters at the funeral can make the same kind of trip Sarah Ironson made, the pilgrimage from her home to a foreign land across the Atlantic. However, the voyage to America Sarah took and the various struggles the characters face have many parallels. Instead of the physical trials of Sarah’s great voyage, they are faced with equally as difficult emotional problems that cause them to make certain choices in the great voyage of their lives. Every character faces some psychological journey throughout the play that takes them to new places emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The best example of all three of these journeys is Prior’s development through the play. Prior’s great voyage is the most obvious and widely explained of any of the characters in the play. We first meet Prior at what he knows is a turning point in his life: telling Louis he has AIDS. He says â€Å"K. S. baby. Lesion number one. †(27) telling Louis he is going to die. This is clearly an immensely difficult decision or Prior because he then goes on to say how afraid he is that Louis will leave him. This is the first real step in Prior’s â€Å"great voyage. †Everything else that happens to Prior is a result of this one act. The most immediate and drastic change brought about by this decision is that Louis confirms Prior’s fears and leaves him. After Louis leaves, Prior is thrown into a deep state of depression. His emotional struggle at this point is a perfect parallel for the initial hardships suffered by immigrants immediately after they leave home. In both cases, their lives are drastically changed by some decision which leads to some form of hardship. For the immigrant, it is the physical hardship of adjusting to life at sea and the emotional hardship of losing their home. For Prior, it is the physical hardship of his own body betraying him due to his AIDS and the emotional shock of needing to live without having Louis as a part of his life. The point where we truly see Prior’s voyage is in Perestroika when he climbs the ladder to heaven. The voyage to heaven and back is Prior’s physical great voyage in the play. Everything else has lead up to this culmination of his journey. Prior: But still. Still. Bless me anyway. I want more life. I can’t help myself. I do. I’ve lived through such terrible times, and there are people who live through much worse, but†¦ You see them living anyway. When they’re more spirit than body, more sores than skin, when they’re burned and in agony, when flies lay eggs in the corners of the eyes f their children, they live. (Perestroika 267) When Prior says this, it shows that even though he recognizes that his life is awful, and life in general can be awful, he wants to go on living. While it may seem contradictory, it ends up working out for him in the end when he and Louis make up in the epilogue, or final chapter of Prior’s great voyage. Prior manages to reverse all of the bad about him, except for the AIDS, and even that he is able to beat with his wish for more life. Harper’s great voyage is also another voyage in which the character taking it changes completely. She starts the play as a hopeless drug addled housewife, unable to even truly take care of herself. This is shown in her introduction to the play. She is portrayed as a semi-mad woman who talks to her hallucinations more than actual people. Harper even realizes this is wrong when she says â€Å"Weird stuff happens†¦ like you, for instance. †(Millennium 23) She realizes something is clearly wrong yet does nothing about it. As the play progresses though, she gains more confidence in herself and eventually confronts Joe about his homosexuality. She comes out and directly asks him, â€Å"Are you a homo? †(43) after her hallucination with Prior. This is a huge step for her because she has always had her suspicions about Joe but has never confronted him about it before. Now however, she begins to change. She gains confidence and winds up leaving Joe. It is at this point when she takes a journey with Mr. Lies to try to get away from her life in New York. Unfortunately, the hallucinations are only a temporary distraction as first, Joe finds his way into them and second, she eventually comes back to her senses and is arrested for burning a tree in Central Park. Finally, at the end of her great voyage, she gains enough self-confidence and assurance to make a physical voyage all the way out to San Francisco. A third character who goes on a great voyage through the play is Louis. He originally starts out unable to deal with the reality of Prior having AIDS so he leaves him. However, although he left Prior, he feels truly guilty and awful about it so tries to cover it up. He first tries to bury it by not focusing on it. This is shown by his entire speech at Belize. He doesn’t really want to talk about politics and racism in America, it is his way of coping with the soul-eating guilt that is killing him. He later tries to bury it through sex, â€Å"Keep going. Infect me. I don’t care. I don’t care. †(63) He says this to a random stranger indicating that he feels so guilty, he would rather catch AIDS and die than live with his guilt. He doesn’t stop after this though. He says â€Å"I have to find a way to save myself. †(85) indicating that although Prior is the one with AIDS, he is still only worried about himself. Finally, he continues his downward spiral with Joe. He says â€Å"Let’s stop talking. Or if you have to talk, talk dirty. †This show that he is really not worried in the slightest about Prior at this point and is still only worried about himself. Eventually though, he start to miss Prior, shown when he tells Joe â€Å"I just†¦ need to see him again. †He has the realization that he has greatly wronged Prior and goes back to try and make amends. However, Prior refuses to take him back and although they are no longer lovers, he and Prior are at least back to friends in the epilogue. Louis’ great voyage is an emotional roller coaster in which he eventually does the right thing and makes up with Prior. All of these characters go through great voyages over the course of the play. They change emotionally, physically and psychologically due to them. While Rabbi Chemelwitz may have been technically right when he said they could not go on a great voyage because they are already in America, he is speaking the literal truth. However, the play does not truly bear this out as every character undergoes some fundamental change after going through what can only be described as a great voyage.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Georges Marvellous Medicine Essay Essay Example
Georges Marvellous Medicine Essay Essay Example Georges Marvellous Medicine Essay Essay Georges Marvellous Medicine Essay Essay Roald Dahl is an imaginative writer and does create vivid images in the readers mind. i do agree with this statement. Roald Dahl has used many narrative techniques such as imagery, vocabulary and humours illustrations. Georges Marvellous Medicine should be read by all students, because of all the techniques and key features used. Georges Marvellous Medicine is a story about a young boy who’s tempted to do â€Å"something†about his so called â€Å"grandmother†, and by something he means searching around the house collecting all kinds of horrible ingredients that will make grandma disappear, but instead, of disappearing she gets bigger !. The story affects on themes such as groth, family, good people, bad people, understanding people jealousy and greed. An important theme is good people because, being evil / bad, doesn’t pay out later, what goes around comes around an example would be grandma to George. Roald Dahl was the best storyteller in the 20thcentury. He used fantastic plots that matched by the extraordinary events in his life. He played with the vocabulary, and invented his own words. Roald Dahl stories have brought delight to millions of people. He was born in Llandaff, Wales on September 13th 1916. His parents were Norwegian and he was the only son of a second marriage. His father Harald and his elder sister Astri died when Roald was only three. He remembered his mother as â€Å"a rock, a real rock, always on your side whatever you’d done. Roald Dahl died on the 23rd of November 1990. An interesting narrative technique Roald Dahl used to make his stories entertaining and creative were his own words / vocabulary. An example of them would be: Squigglers, jacky jumpers, heigh – nonny- no and spissing. : These words present imagery which makes all Roald Dahl’s stories imaginative and entertaining. Italics is also another narrative technique style Roald Dahl used to emphasise a word. An example of an italic would be: No wonder, good. He slants these words, to make their voices have expression, for example, sarcasm. No wonder : Obviously he had left something out of the medicine. The illustrations by Quentin Blake are another narrative technique, used by Roald Dahl in his novel, Georges Marvellous Medicine. The illustrations help the reader to picture the key events and storyline. These illustrations are quick sketches, in black ink which support the fast rate in the storyline. An example would be, when Grandma hops out of her chair once George hands her the medicine. This book cover Georges Marvellous Medicine created and designed by Quentin Blake is effective as a visual text as it illustrates the key ideas in the novel. This book cover aims to target at children promoting a light and comical storyline and themes. For example, the childish font in the cream coloured box has forms of abstract and vector lines which would attract children’s attention. The large saucepan is a salience image because of the size of the pan. It makes you wonder the many ingredients put into it and the power of this potion. The ladle on which George is holding, guides the viewers eyes around the book cover. This is a form of vector lines. In conclusion, Roald Dahl is an imaginative writer and does create vivid images in the readers mind. Roald Dahl’s novel Georges Marvellous Medicine is an entertaining and imaginative novel with its made up vocabulary and humorous illustrations. Quentin Blake, the creative illustrator of this novel. is one of the finest illustrators in children’s literature. His illustrations are original and easy to follow. Once again, Georges Marvellous Medicine, by Roald Dahl is an entertaining novel and should be read by all students because of all the key features used. The moral / coda of the book Georges Marvellous Medicine, is that grandma had learnt her lesson for being so cruel and wicked to George, as they say, what goes around comes around.
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Guide to a Social Work and Human Services Research Paper
A Guide to a Social Work and Human Services Research Paper A ‘research paper’ is the phrase, which evokes anxiety and depression among students. Learners realize that they will have to put many efforts and time into crafting their paper if they want to get a high mark and impress their groupmates with surprising findings. An individual should be able to organize the writing process and complete all parts of the research paper to reach the desired result and contribute to the field with his/her findings. The following social work research paper guide will be helpful when you do not know how to start or stuck with a particular part of your work. Pre-Writing Tips from Our Academic Writers At this point you should clearly understand the difference between a research proposal and a research paper. Although these two works are interconnected, they differ much in lengths, content, structure, goals, etc. The writing process is similar as you will have to gather information on the problem, select a topic for your research and analyze it using a particular framework. However, the primary purpose of the research proposal is to introduce the issue and convince the audience that the study worth conducting. This paper is similar to a pitch as you will have to engage the audience and motivate them to focus on your issue. Besides, you will formulate your research goals and describe what you are going to investigate in your study. On the contrary, the research paper is a finished project in which you present all the details of your work and tell about the main findings. In this study, you should expand on the topic, explain your position on the issue and introduce the results of th e study. There are a set of features, which set a research paper apart from the research proposal: A research paper is approximately a 10-pages document, but the lengths of the paper might differ greatly depending on the topic, methodology, the audience, type of the study, etc.; A research proposal is shorter as it should only introduce the problem and convince the reader that it is worth studying; A research paper should be backed up with 8-15 credible sources, so you will need to carry out an in-depth investigation of the problem; A research paper presents the results of the study and describes all the details. These features might help you to differentiate between two documents and correctly structuralize your study. It is essential to understand the central singularities between to work to craft a perfect paper and get the highest mark. How to Select the Social Work Research Paper Topic In most cases, students are assigned a particular topic, which they should develop and investigate in their study. In this case, you can skip this point and come to the research process. It is essential to gather more information to make the work exciting and insightful. Nevertheless, some instructors want their learners to conduct an investigation and collect more data on the issue. On the one hand, a student can look into the field of Social Work and gather information about relevant problems and existing solutions. At the same time, the writing process might become more challenging and time-consuming as a learner will have to focus on different fields, develop options, weigh up alternatives and decide on the best topic for the paper. In this case, it is possible to make a list of the most relevant and actual problems in the community and choose the one, which will meet your interests and preference. Furthermore, you might think about your profession and pick up the issue, which yo u might face at work. In such a way, you may develop practical solutions, which you will be able to apply in the real-life situations. If you run out of ideas, you may select a topic from the following list: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Social Wellbeing; Early Intervention in Special Education and its Effect on the Life of Troubled Families; Trauma Grief and Loss among Veterans; Intervention Techniques for Adopted Children; Diversity and its Effect on US and Canadian Communities; An Interconnection between Increased Crime Rate and Drug Addictions; Protection of Children’s Rights in Muslim Countries; Generation Gap and its Effect on Culture; Social Services for Refugees; Innovative Counseling Techniques for Individuals with Disabilities, etc. Deep Dive in the Research Process: Key Points Before you start writing your paper, it is vital to gather more information on the topic and get a better understanding of the Social Work and Human Services field. The stage is essential since it will provide you with the necessary data and help to establish the foundation for your study. The research process might assist you with the following tasks: Understand your subject; Find the problematic areas and focus on them; Select a relevant and exciting topic for your paper; Develop a persuasive thesis statement; Discuss the issue with the authority and gather primary data from your groupmates or an instructor. The first step is to find resources, review it and analyze it. Nonetheless, you should be careful about selecting the sources for your paper as some of them might be incredible, which will negatively affect the value of your study. You might use for the following resources and incorporate them in your research paper: Google Scholar; Online Encyclopedias and databases: Scientific Journals; Newspapers; State publications; Official reports, etc. Identify the keywords in your topic and search for the available information on the Internet. In such way, you will see whether your problem is relevant to the community. Additionally, you will have a chance to look at the findings of renowned scholars and analyze their solutions to a problem. Develop an Outline before You Start Writing When you conducted a study and gained basic knowledge about the sphere, you might already have the ideas for your research paper. You can develop an outline where you will include all the components of the work and incorporate your arguments. At this stage, it is significant to identify your position on the issue, which will tie up all the parts of your research paper since it will help you to develop an effective thesis statement. Identify the Goal of the Study You should write the primary goal of your study and make sure that it is realistic, attainable, specific and measurable. For example, the aim â€Å"to resolve the problem of homelessness†is not suitable for the research paper as your investigation will not help to address the issue in the global perspective. Instead, you should focus on realistic outcomes of you study, such as: Investigate the positive and negative effects of health care reforms on the community; Develop a smart solution to the problem of homelessness; Evaluate the impact of innovation on the social work field; Analyze the legal framework of social work in the United States and offer a set of amendments to the documents; Identify the central issues in special education; Analyze the effect of corporate social responsibility projects on the wellbeing of the society, etc. These goals are attainable since you can achieve them in the scope of your study. Moreover, they are specific since they will let you focus on a particular problem and develop a discussion. Besides, these goals are realistic as you will be able to come up with a new solution and contribute to the development of the Social Work and Human Services field. Writing Tips You Must Follow Introduction. In this part, you should present the background to your study and provide necessary information about the problem. It is an excellent idea to craft a strong opening sentence, which will quickly grab readers’ attention and engage them in the discussion. Individuals should be interested in reading the whole paper and look at the findings of your study. You might start with impressive statistics or a shocking fact, which will speak about the significance of the issue for the modern community. If you write a research paper, it does not mean that it should be boring. After that, you can state the primary purpose of your study and formulate the goal of the research. Explain how you organized your paper and what parts you want to include in the work. Finalize with a persuasive thesis statement, which will present your position on the topic and encourage readers to accept your point of view. You should cover the following steps in your introductory paragraph: Create the context of the study; Formulate the primary goal of the research and explain its value for the audience; Conclude with a thesis statement. Main Body. You can use your outline here and include all your arguments in this part. The content of the main body is highly dependent on the type of your research and methods used. First, you can conduct a literature review and analyze the findings of other scholars. This step will help you to understand the field and provide readers with essential information on the topic. At this stage, you should identify the gap in the study and concentrate on the problem, which requires your attention. After that, you should write methodology and determine the methods and techniques, which you will apply in your research. Think over the steps, which will help you to get more data and investigate the topic in-depth. For instance, you can use interviews or questionnaires to obtain primary data, which will significantly help you in the research process. However, in this case, you will have to think over the target audience and their rights. Store the data on secure websites and databases to preven t leakages and disclosures, which will negatively affect your study and reputation. After you analyzed the previous works and obtained results, you can come to the discussion and list your main findings. It is an excellent idea to contrast your results with other scholars as it would help you to look at the problem from different perspectives and come to objective conclusions. Conclusion. Now, it is the time to summarize your findings and finalize the research paper. The majority of students restate the thesis statement, which helps reads to remind about your goal and position on the topic. However, you must not copy paste the sentence from your introduction and insert it in the conclusion section. Persuasively reword your thesis statement and encourage readers to think over the problem. Additionally, you may identify the area for further research and explain why you feel scholars should continue investigating this topic. Post-Writing Tips: Final Touches That Matter Editing and Proofreading. After you developed the draft of your work, you should ensure that you do not have any mistakes or errors in your work. Your instructor might mark down your paper if he/she finds misprints. Therefore, it is better to give the document to your friend and ask him/her to read it. This step will help you to listen to other person’s opinion and make necessary corrections. Moreover, you can use software to check the paper for grammatical, spelling or stylistic mistakes. References. Cite your sources correctly and pay attention to the format of your paper. You should follow the requirements and make sure that all books and articles are included in your work. However, every educational institution might have own standards, so it would be better to ask a professor to provide you with recommendations. The social work research paper tips listed above can simplify the writing and make it more joyful. Focus on your field and find interesting information that will grab readers’ attention. If you enjoy the research process and deep dive into the area, you are likely to get the highest mark and gain success with your social work research paper.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Relative Pronouns on ACT English Tips and Practice
Relative Pronouns on ACT English Tips and Practice SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Relative pronouns tend to inspire a lot of confusion. Is it the boywhocried wolf or the boywhomcried wolf? All's wellthat ends well or all's well which ends well? As much as we may think we need the fancier pronouns, like whom and which, more often than not, the ones we're more familiar with are just fine. In both of those cases, the first version of the saying is the correct one. In general, this principle holdstrue on the ACT, but we'll cover all the rule you'll need to know, as well as the special cases that may trip you up! Agreement for Relative Pronouns Using Relative Pronouns to Correctly Connect Clauses Tricky Cases: Who and Whom, Which and That, Where and In Which Strategy Round Up
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analyse the 2 articles about Amazon, consider how strategy is Case Study
Analyse the 2 articles about Amazon, consider how strategy is developed and implemented from an emergent and deliberate perspect - Case Study Example Article 1 essentially revolves around the work culture of Amazon. The article deals with the recruitment, selection and absorption process of the organisation. The company after setting its office in Rugely, started recruiting in huge numbers. The company hired Randstad as its major recruiting agency. The hired workers were known as associates and were kept under a training period of minimum three months before they were absorbed by the company. The main objective behind this strategy was to find the top performing temporary associates for the available permanent vacancy. The company achieved creative advantage by following the kaizan approach to increase the efficiency of workforce. Every warehouse was appointed with a continuous improvement manager whose job was to look for any kind of hindrance or delay, and solve them. The company also appointed mobile problem solvers who continuously patrolled the warehouse to look for issues slowing down the operational process and fix them. Am azon started its operations as an online bookseller. Once the company became a prominent leader in the online book selling category, it started diversifying its operations into other sectors. From article 2, it is clear that product differentiation and diversification has provided a competitive advantage to the company (Ehmke, 2010). The company has also invested in technology to remain competitive in the market. The products of Amazon are essentially simple and easy to operate, which increases the customer preference. The company’s continuous investment in new and creative areas such as technology, cloud computing etc., has provided a competitive edge to the company. Strategy Development and Implementation A strategy can be defined as a scope and direction for the organisation, which is profitable to the organisation in the long run, makes the best and most efficient use of the resources, meet the needs and demands of the market and satisfy the stakeholder expectations (Anon ymous, 2006). Different strategies are applied in different stages of business, such as corporate strategy, business strategy and operational strategy. Amazon is one the prominent leaders in the retail business. Article 1 reflects the overall operational strategy of the organisation. An operational strategy aims in efficient management of each operational unit of the company and to efficiently utilise the tangible and intangible resources of the company to generate maximum profits (Datta and Roy, 2011). To maximise the efficiency of its operational processes, the company has applied many strategies. The recruitment and selection process of the company is strict and rigorous. To optimise the efficiency of workforce and increase the cost-effectiveness, the company follows the strategy of recruiting and maintaining the best talent among the temporary job positions. Amazon’s efficient software helps workers to reach the target destination in least time and distance covered. To fu rther monitor the work flow in the warehouse, kaizan strategy has been applied extensively. In kaizan approach every warehouse was appointed with a continuous improvement manager whose job was to look for any kind of hindrance or delay, and solve them. The company also appointed mobile problem solvers who continuously patrolled the warehouse to look for issues slowing down the operational proces
Friday, October 18, 2019
Nursing Should Not Unionize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nursing Should Not Unionize - Essay Example It seems that there are various strong arguments against the unionization of nurses. The first argument, in the opinion of Anne Shields and Kathleen Rice, is that unionization of nurses goes in stark contradiction with the Florence Nightingale Pledge to â€Å"devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care†(Shields & Rice, 2000). It is very evident that a nurse needs to be able to think, speak, and act independently in order to serve this purpose. However, unions often come between patient and nurse. This takes away the professional freedom and status of nurses. To illustrate, it is very common for unions to adopt strike and walkout as the strategies to achieve their targets. In such cases, all the nurses in the union will be forced to do so because of their affiliations. However, unlike other professions, all healing professions are first and foremost servants of the patient. Unionization often comes with common issues like collective bargaining, political action, and litigation. When such economic considerations are given importance, the quality of patient care goes down. Another adverse impact of unions will be on the effectiveness of supervision. Admittedly, the reality of nursing is that the ones who are highly dedicated and perform exceptionally are appreciated and better compensated by the nursing supervisors. However, the presence of a contractual agreement will make it impossible for the supervisors even to think about giving different compensation to different people violating the agreements. Things turn even worse when it is about incompetence. To illustrate, it is possible for a supervisor or management to remove such nurses who are ‘good enough’ or who are incompetent regardless of their seniority. However, such actions invite the wrath of unions. Thus, managers lose the power to argue for the welfare of the patient. Thus, AS Sbinga (2008) points out, instead of providing the best possible care to the patient, the
Managing Performance Examine why performance management is a necessary Essay
Managing Performance Examine why performance management is a necessary but often difficult process in organisations - Essay Example That is, as part of performance management, the organisation has to keep the mental as well as physical state of the employees in an optimum state. Only if the employees’ are physically fit and importantly mentally motivated, they can optimally contribute their skill, knowledge and hard work for the success of the organisation. So, through performance management, the employees can be optimally motivated to provide optimal contribution. As part of performance management, the organisation, management, leaders and managers has to implement certain steps or strategies. These performance management strategies will surely elevate the employees’ motivation and make them productive. However, while implementing these strategies, there will certain pitfalls or problematic issues, which could hamper the strategies from reaching logical conclusion. That is, these issues will cause certain problems, which could make these strategies unsuccessful. So, although performance management strategies will lead to many positives for the organisation, there will be some difficulties in aptly implementing it, and this paper will examine this issue by focusing on the performance management strategies in each aspect of organisational functioning. Performance management refers to commitment by managers to achieve highest performance levels. Managers should take responsibilities to eliminate road blocks to success by providing sufficient resources and be careful in employee selection process as well as being ready to provide adequate rewards valued by employees (Cascio, 1996). The activities conducted by managers before, during and after interviews of performance feedback entail roles before interviews including communication with employees on their performance by coaching them, giving feedback and communicating performance efficiency. During interviews, the manager should avoid judging individuality of the employees and ponder on performance in order not to discourage
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Personal development through reflective practice Essay
Personal development through reflective practice - Essay Example ts on a monthly basis with all of the heads of service within the council Senior Management Group to make sure that all of the senior managers within the council have a regular opportunity to keep up to date with the latest changes and/or issues which are taking shape. Their stipulated task and the agenda is to Provide strategic advice to the council, ensuring that the policy objectives of the council are incorporated within the work programmers of services; Lead and/or manage the development of major strategies; Provide information and support to councilors, managers and staff; Manage the performance of the directors and heads of service to enable services to implement the councils policies efficiently and effectively; Oversee the development of working relationships between councilors and staff; Ensure the health of the organization (values, culture, expectations and structures);Provide the lead on corporate and inter-agency initiatives to achieve an integrated approach for issues which fall outside of traditional service delivery mechanisms; Co-ordinate the councils work with partner organizations and to establish working relationships with their representatives; Represent the council in local, regional and national debates and Deal with the re solution of conflict. The primary agenda of the counsel is to ensue that the children are developed to their full potential and are brought in a stable, safe and a secure environment. The real deal lies in improving upon their educational attainment and to help even the most vulnerable children and young people to groom them and become better individuals in the long run. Would be to Enabling all children and young people to fulfil their potential, Promoting their safety, care and stability, improving their educational attainment and to enable the most vulnerable children and young people in the Council to develop to their full potential The real strength of the department lies in the wide pool of staff knowledge
Ethics and corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethics and corrections - Essay Example For example if a correctional officer have to use force to subdue a inmate, does he use excessive force or the least amount necessary, as it will be difficult for a outsider to determine if the officer have acted ethically, but the officer himself will know if he have acted in good faith or abusive. Correctional professionals are also required to keep the inmates' personal information and reasons for incarceration confidential even though this may pose a danger to other inmates. So the dilemma in corrections can be seen as decisions and actions that needs to be taken in order to facilitate due process of rehabilitation, and in certain circumstances doing good will result in bad consequences, in others implementing negative or bad will have positive results. This correctional professionals have to make ethical decisions each day, facing dilemmas that goes against there morals, believes or value system. This may impede on their ability to make certain decisions or implement certain actions that could have resulted in a positive outcome or prevented a negative outcome. To be able to propose an ethical approach that can be used by correctional professionals we first need to evaluate the current system in use. In the world today many ethical systems are used in several unrelated fields such as business, environment, animal rights, medical, technological and criminal. In the criminal justice system Normative Ethics is the fundamental system used for making decisions. The idea behind Normative Ethics is that persons should act morally and take reasoning into account when making decisions or implementing actions. "Essentially, ethics, in prescribing certain standards of conduct, gives us a way of making choices in situations where we are unsure about how to act," (Cindy Banks, 2002, p7). Within the Normative Ethics system the Utilitarian Principals seems to apply most fittingly to correctional personal. Within the utilitarian concept the Rule Utilitarianism aligns with their responsibility and functions, and the Harm Principal to their behaviour. "Rule Utilitarianism: An act is right if and only if it is required by a rule that is itself a member of a set of rules, the acceptance of which would lead to greater good for society than any available alternative. Harm Principle: Society is justified in coercing the behavior of an individual in order to prevent her or him from injuring others; it is not justified in coercing her or him simply because the behavior is deemed immoral or harmful to herself or himself." (John Cleese, 2005). Even with this ethical system it is not always clear what action is the correct one, as when a person is facing a dilemma where an unmoral action will result in a positive outcome. People's value system they developed normally guides their ethical behaviour. Some of these values are; respect, responsibility, trust, truth, courage, faith, dependence, interdependence, etc. So how will a correctional professional be able to make sure his or her behaviour is ethical, even when facing a difficult dilemma Ethical Approach for Correctional Professionals Every person have to make ethical decisions from day to day, just deciding to help or not to help a old lady over the street is a ethical decision. A person can also decide not to make a decision
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Personal development through reflective practice Essay
Personal development through reflective practice - Essay Example ts on a monthly basis with all of the heads of service within the council Senior Management Group to make sure that all of the senior managers within the council have a regular opportunity to keep up to date with the latest changes and/or issues which are taking shape. Their stipulated task and the agenda is to Provide strategic advice to the council, ensuring that the policy objectives of the council are incorporated within the work programmers of services; Lead and/or manage the development of major strategies; Provide information and support to councilors, managers and staff; Manage the performance of the directors and heads of service to enable services to implement the councils policies efficiently and effectively; Oversee the development of working relationships between councilors and staff; Ensure the health of the organization (values, culture, expectations and structures);Provide the lead on corporate and inter-agency initiatives to achieve an integrated approach for issues which fall outside of traditional service delivery mechanisms; Co-ordinate the councils work with partner organizations and to establish working relationships with their representatives; Represent the council in local, regional and national debates and Deal with the re solution of conflict. The primary agenda of the counsel is to ensue that the children are developed to their full potential and are brought in a stable, safe and a secure environment. The real deal lies in improving upon their educational attainment and to help even the most vulnerable children and young people to groom them and become better individuals in the long run. Would be to Enabling all children and young people to fulfil their potential, Promoting their safety, care and stability, improving their educational attainment and to enable the most vulnerable children and young people in the Council to develop to their full potential The real strength of the department lies in the wide pool of staff knowledge
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Commanding Heights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Commanding Heights - Essay Example I am in agreement with Keynes that during the time after World wars and depression as many folks were in desperate poverty and had to unite to build nations. However, am in disagreement with Keynes when he states that the disadvantage of free market is the extremism, which he stated could be countered by government interventions. However, these interventions are orthodox considering how US president Nixon compromised when he introduced wage and price control leading to collapse and deterioration of the economy. This is also one of the reasons why Payeks argued that central planned economy would give governments much power leading to totalitarianism which is detrimental to the economy (tanmovie1234s channel). Socialism system has the benefit of ensuring the poor a decent life through fair and equitable sharing of resources among the people, but, on the other hand, free market brings about opportunities through which they can increase their living standards. However, irrespective Payeks idea of free market, there is need for the government to control the industries and business because in case of monopolies they should be monitored to avoid exploitation. Moreover, in a competitive economy facilitated by free market, there may bring about unhealthy competition which will be at the peril of the consumers or citizens. I am in agreement with Van Misses who was in support of free market and argued that socialism economy lacked the price system that governed the demand and supply that dictates the prices of commodities, which lead to chaos and ultimately economic crisis. Irrespective of these arguments for or against both socialism and free market systems, I have come to learn that history repeats itself irrespective of the system implemented. This is considering the 2008 economic crisis and stock market collapse similar to that of October 24, 1929. Therefore, every economic system has its advantages and disadvantages,
Penny Synthesis Essay Example for Free
Penny Synthesis Essay Penny Synthesis Essay To â€Å"†¦ not ban pennies, but merely discourage their use by establishing a system†¦Ã¢â‚¬ It is because I agree with Mark Lewis of Forbes. com, that I affirm abolishing the penny, yet with some restrictions. In 2001 a United States Representative by the name of Jim Kolbe introduced a proposition to eliminate the penny (United States’ lowest denomination coin). To deeply reason as to why an individual might support this proposition, we must look at three different points of analysis. First, â€Å" How zinc manufacturing around the nation may be affected due to this decision†, Second, â€Å" What this means for the people of this country on an economical standpoint†, and Thirdly, â€Å" What are the benefits of eliminating the penny in terms of time and money†. According to Source A, since 1982 penny manufacturing has been produced from 97. 5% zinc material. Mentioned, as opposition to this bill, is Tennessee who is rich in raw zinc. Representative Kolbe’s idea is to make the nickel the country’s lowest denomination coin. Interesting enough Kolbe’s state of Arizona is rich in copper, which makes up most of the higher denominational coins. Keep in mind zinc manufacturing is not solely dependent upon penny manufacturing. The fact that this issue is being used to negate this bill is invalid because of this exact reasoning. Moreover, The proposition would gradually eliminate manufacturing instead of suddenly stopping production. This gives time for manufacturing companies to find other means of work besides the penny. It is understood from the proposition that prices would be altered rounding to the nearest nickel’s place. The study shows that if a person’s time is worth $15 an hour (which we all know it’s worth less than that, but that’s a different story) a person would be losing close to $60 per year. The penny will always be a crucial statement in our nation’s history yet we must keep our mind set on the future. In the words of Bob Dylan, â€Å" Times are a changing. †It is a better economical strategy to gradually eliminate the penny from circular use. From this reasoning I affirm Jim Kolbe’s proposition to eliminate the penny.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Literature Review of Self Leadership and Creativity
Literature Review of Self Leadership and Creativity The purpose of this literature review is to study and critique a number of academic articles and scholarly literatures in the area of self-leadership and specifically its influence on creativity. With the promising growth of human resource practice, concepts such as self-leadership and creativity become indispensable parts of the HRM framework. Upon careful assessment of the different contributors and impact of self-leadership, subsequent recommendations for future research and implications for contemporary human resource practice will be devised upon the findings of this literature review. Research Methods In locating the relevant literature materials, various popular management databases such Ebsco, ProQuest and Infotrac were consulted. They keywords used in facilitating the search include self-leadership, creativity, self-motivation, employee influence and contemporary human resource management. The result of the bundle of literature includes case studies, empirical research (both qualitative and quantitative) and scholarly journal articles. A diversity of literature and scholarly articles were chosen in attempt to obtain an overall understanding of the chosen topics of self-leadership and creativity. An analysis and understanding of these academic literatures will be addressed subsequently. Self-leadership and Creativity An emerging area in contemporary human resource practice is self-leadership. A succinct yet meaningful definition of self-leadership is known as the process of influence to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform (Manz, 1986, p.585). Furthermore, an empirical study conducted by Houghton et al (2004) illustrated that employees who are high in self-leadership are more likely to have higher innovation and creativity potential than employees who are low in self-leadership. Pursuing further, Beer and Walton (1987) emphasised a new set of assumptions in shaping their meaning of contemporary human resource management as the Proactive system-wide intervention, with emphasis on fit linking HRM with strategic planning and cultural change. In contemporary human resource practice, self-leadership and creativity marry at a point when effective self-leadership influences the creation of motivation and a self-bettering learning culture that will support the behaviours required for success. Such self-bettering learning culture serves its optimum purpose when it is transferred across the entire organisation. The shaping of an organisations culture is analogous to fertilising the soil for seed planting crops. Organisations with supportive cultures and positive attitudes in self-leadership tend to empower employees motivations and job satisfaction. Findings It is important to the note that the findings of these scholarly articles vary in variables and a number of other constraints in their own merits. However, for the purpose of this literature review, these findings will be discussed as a collective finding in self-leadership and creativity and contemporary human resource management. First of all, it is worthy to note that the findings in Houghton et al (2004) paper are predominantly based on correlations between self-leadership and the potential of creativity and not the actual level of creativity. With due respect, it is understandable that there are many variables affecting the practice of creativity such as supervisory styles (Ford, 1996) and the work environment (Amabile, 1997). Other literatures have suggested that employees with high levels of self-leadership tend to have an internal locus of control (Woodman, Sawyer and Griffin, 1993). This means that these employees believed that they have a fairly high level of control over the outcome of results. On the other hand, employees with an external locus of control believed that they have very little or no control over the results or outcome of a matter and therefore may not try as hard as the internal locus of control employees. This is a significant piece of information towards the study of contemporary hum an resource practice because through understanding the different types of employees belief, the organization can provide training tailored to individual employees to suit their learning styles most effectively. For instance, employees with internal locus of control, self-leadership and therefore, a high degree of creativity would be a valuable group of human resource to the organization as they would be most likely to strive and produce innovative results. Owing to their high level of self-leadership, they would be influencing themselves to motivate and perform towards their set career goals. In addition, it is fascinating to note that in the theory of cross-cultural self-leadership, Houghton et al (2004) had referenced the work of Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov (2010) and contends that cultural biases (ethnocentrism) would significantly impugn on the integrity of collection of empirical data. As a result, Houghton et al (2004) had conducted the empirical data of self-leadership quantities research to encompass team members from different races. The conclusion of the findings is that self-leadership is a self-influence concept and does not usually transcend across cultures. However, Houghton et al (2004) remarked that one should take into account that the western self-leadership concept should be conveyed and explained to the Asian culture to gain unanimous understanding and a more controlled environment of collecting empirical data. In the research conducted by Ford (1996), different types of supervisory styles were observed. Out of the array of styles, the more prominent one is the comparison of transactional leadership and transformational or charismatic leadership with respect to their impact on creativity. It is interesting to find that transformational supervisors with a vision and/or charisma to motivate employees would often draw their inner potential out and as a result, fulfil self-motivation. This inherent cause and effect proposition coincides with the positive correlation between self-leadership and creativity. It is reasonable to posit that this is due to the fact that when employees are motivated and entrusted with leadership roles, where they can foresee a positive future with the organisation, the likelihood is that they feel a sense of security and association, thus identify themselves with the organisation. These suggestion made by Ford (1996) are aligned with the literature on the hierarchy of needs conducted by Maslow and Frager (1987), that people in general would demand social recognition and a sense of belonging in their workplace. Quality of literature The overall presentation and language used amongst these literatures vary greatly. Despite their prominent stance in the human resource management evolution, some of the older papers (i.e. Beer and Walton, 1987; Amabile, 1997) are seen to be using more archaic language and antiquated grammar in presenting their findings. For instance, in the work by Beer and Walton (1987), words such as societal wellbeing and personnel or people management were often used. It is worthy to note that these terminologies have long been compromised by words such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource management respectively. Implications for Future Research Williams (1997) has suggested that future research should identify the correlation between how different types of personality characteristics affects the level of self-leadership. Drawing upon Williams suggestion, future research could further benefit from focusing specifically on personality characteristics such as general self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control and self-monitoring. Due to the growing importance of self-leadership in the HRM arena, future research can also gain advantage from finding correlations between different personality traits and self-leadership. For instance, through the usage of the Myers-Briggs personality traits test as a part of the initial assessment in the early stages of recruitment process. In addition, through the engagement of HRM professionals, the process of short listing the candidates that are most suitable to the desirable culture of the organization can be achieved. Another practical implication of this new correlation research would be useful for companies who are particularly trying to prevent any increase in employee turnover rate and sunk costs in relation to training and retaining potential leaders. It is also helpful for companies to predict the level of self-leadership in the early stage of human resource management by selecting candidates with the desirable personality traits. This will in turn lower the cost of human resource selection and future training and development investments. Furthermore, by selecting candidates with high self-leadership it indicates that these potential employees are more likely to utilize their creativity (as discussed above), contributing to the overall innovative culture of the company. Summary In summary, the overall quality of the chosen literatures is of exceptionally high standards. In spite of the origin of majority of these articles being from the United States, there is in fact a high coherence of applicability in the Australian workplace. As uncovered by these literatures, there are many benefits of the inter-twined qualities of self-leadership and creativity to the productivity and growth of an organisation. However, it is strongly proposed that future research can build upon these existing findings to add value in the area of contemporary human resource management by filing in the gap from findings of the above-discussed literatures.
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