Saturday, August 31, 2019
Political Science and Federal Bureaucracy Essay
Develop a detailed outline of your second main point. (For assistance with your writing skills, check out the Ashford Writing Center at 1. Federal Policies: a. Provide a topic sentence that briefly describes one advantage and one disadvantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy. One advantage of a policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy is the actual federal experts in the bureaucracy. The people set up the policy know much more about the issues than the president and this creates bureaucracy power. One disadvantage is that at any time the president can rearrange the organization chart of the bureaucracy. b. Provide a topic sentence that recommends one option to maintain the advantage and one to improve the disadvantage. One option to maintain the advantage is to keep the detail of the policy inside the bureaucracy. The less the president knows about the issue, the more the bureaucracy has control of the issue. One way to improve the disadvantage is implement order. The reorganization should be authorized through congress. 2. Scholarly Support: (For assistance with your research see the Tutorials provided by Ashford University’s Library at, the APA Style Aid at, and for Annotated Bibliographies at for additional help) a. Provide two credible sources in APA format to support your main points. O’CONNELL, A. J. (2014). BUREAUCRACY AT THE BOUNDARY. University Of Pennsylvania Law Review, 162(4), 841-927 Scholz, J. T., Twombly, J., & Headrick, B. (1991). Street-Level Political Controls Over Federal Bureaucracy. The American Political Science Review, (3). 829 b. Briefly discuss how these sources support your main points. Both articles provide a vast amount of detailed information on what the president can and cannot control in the bureaucracy. Also it provides information on their limitations as well as to why they generate polices. c. Briefly evaluate your sources for bias, validity, and reliability. Both sources have been reviewed for bias, validity and reliability. The source were found on Ashford’s peer scholarly reviewed sources in the library which makes them credible.
Friday, August 30, 2019
How to write a winning personal statement for graduate and professional school Essay
Perhaps the architecture is the most challenging and interesting course anyone interested in becoming an architect must undergo. I love architecture as it is influential in creativity, thus shaping our physical environment and promoting design solutions in terms of sustainable regeneration programmes linked to public building, housing and urban design. I am an ambitious, challenge oriented and hardworking person with desires to become a qualified architect. Indeed, my life in the city of Shiraz, Iran has led to my motivation of the architectural environment. My father was an engineer and since my childhood, I admired his engineering works and in most cases offered my help to him. As a result, this great experience led to my desires to learn design and structural things. During my time living in the city of Tehran, I witnessed the high degree of expansion of the city, and this made me appreciate the wonderful architectural knowledge and structure of buildings in the city. Numerous individuals have obtained their post-secondary architectural education in UK and became great professionals with new and innovative ideas widely accepted and appreciated in Iran. Likewise, the UK has promoted energy saving techniques globally, and this led to my decision to study in the country as energy saving and sustainability is important (Irving & Malik, 2005). Having studied sciences and mathematics in secondary school, I felt that I had a solid engineering foundation. Essentially, geometry that was my favorite topic followed a design course that shaped my drawing and design talent. In my free time, I have always taken close interest in architectural matters by practicing drawing and design. Therefore, my passion is based on turning architecture into a career, and I hope enrolling for an architecture undergraduate degree in UK is significant for achieving my dream. As I am about to conclude on my current course in architecture, I consider enrolling for MBA for my postgraduate degree education. Lastly, I believe that my existing skill and experience coupled with my hardworking nature and commitment would provide me the platform to excel in my MBA that I am about to enroll. Business Administration Personal Statement My commitment in enrolling in masters in MBA reflects an investment in my future that will help fill my knowledge gap, as well as offer a platform for the next step in my career. MBA is probably the widely recognized and the best course sought after management qualification. With the obligation of interacting with different cultures worldwide, this course would provide me with a practical hands-on experience that will prepare my career after the university. Management is a key tool in any field of study and challenges are also bound to occur. However, enrolling in this course will make me a better professional and develop my potential and finally realize my career dreams. Developing a career as Berman (2013) writes, requires cross-cultural interaction. I have the ability to express personal opinions and ideas. This is significant for succeeding in an environment where interpretation of opinions and ideas of other people is instrumental.In particular, good communication has assisted m e during my foundation year as a student in UK. I worked as part of a multicultural group and most recently conducted an anthropological research project that has also upgraded my cultural knowledge and interaction. The research project included designing a survey using a questionnaire to be completed by the local people we approached in the city center of Cambridge. The study findings were presented using PowerPoint presentation and indeed working with such a group was highly rewarding. Besides, I captained The Qods Tennis Club in Tehran and also practiced music and playing guitar.Currently, I consider enrolling for an MBA course with a realistic time frame to fully enjoy and appreciate my studies. Indeed, one of the most activities I enjoy in my professional life is empowering other through leadership. Leading groups provides me the opportunity to to develop my colleagues and enhance their skills. Having successfully captained a tennis team and spearheaded my research project, I c onsider the potential traits of leadership that has provided me with the ability to significantly lead in various capacities. As such I have developed a sincere interest in leadership, and in particular, running groups. Likewise, enrolling for MBA course is essential for fulfilling my business and financial career dreams. Besides, my personal quality incorporates high standards of respect, commitment, and attitude to work, good communication and proven ability to make good judgments, be innovative and work well under pressure. Therefore, having evaluated my career interest, I believe it would be an interesting idea to shift from architectural to MBA. I consider MBA a comprehensive career as even the traits of leadership, financial management, and the entire business world is intertwined with any career, architecture included. I have a good time in UK Cambridge University because of the teaching quality and the highest professionals standards f the courses offered. Besides, I believe the UK your MBA teaching in strengthened by world-class research that provides postgraduates authoritative and innovative approaches to theory and practice (Stelzer, 1997). References Berman, S. J. (2013). Pass the bar: A practical guide to achieving academic and professional goals. Irving, B. A., & Malik, B. (2005). Critical reflections on career education and guidance: Promoting social justice within a global economy. London: Routledge Falmer. Stelzer, R. J. (1997). How to write a winning personal statement for graduate and professional school. Princeton, N.J: Peterson’s. Source document
Thursday, August 29, 2019
International Management Accounting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
International Management Accounting - Case Study Example By using this technique, Toyota sets goals for cost reduction, and then tries to achieve these new targets through design changes that will accomplish the cost reduction goal. Toyota goes through a vigorous testing phase to judge the costs of the new design in comparison with the old one, in order to guarantee a cost reduction after implementation of the new technique. This is the main idea that Toyota uses to achieve their company wide goals. Toyota Co made changes to existing automobiles and not the design of new ones.There are several steps in the sequence of price, production, and cost decisions.Toyota first decides what the new retail price of the automobile is going to be by taking the old price and adding the value of any new functions.The sales division comes up with the suggested production volume, by taking past numbers and indexing them to market trends and the state of competitors.After all these figures have been set, the focus switches to cost planning.This cost plan is based on the product plan and the targets for retail price and production volume.Toyota establishes a profit target that is subtracted to determine their target cost. These cost planning decisions are made three years before they release the model. When Toyota estimates the approximate costs of a
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Christian College Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Christian College - Personal Statement Example In my opinion, Christian colleges offer not only pure value based education but also they teach the students to live a holistic life. In fact, this is the reason that most of the top executives of a nation have got educated from Christian schools and colleges. They combine education with leadership in a more meaningful manner. It is not only that Christian colleges are rated among the top for the educational achievements, but also that they have the best campus. For instance, if we take into consideration the environmental aspect, it can be noted that these are the campuses where more greenery will be seen. As a result of this the learning environment is very congenial. While many college students come to campus believing that protecting the environment has little to do with their beliefs, many are having their eyes opened to a greener world when they get into a Christian college. According to Peter Illyn, the founder of Restoring Eden, a parachurch ministry in La Center, Washington that's because "Christian campuses are considered theologically safe places where new ideas can be examined and tested,". When it comes to the faculty, it is noteworthy to mention that Christian institutions present the most qualified teaching faculty. In fact, when these colleges appoint the faculty, they look into the experience as well as the value based leadership the teacher can provide to the students.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Country Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Country Inventory - Essay Example This manuscript will reflect on Scotland, highlighting its physical, cultural, religious, cultural and political aspects. Scotland, located in the northern part of the United Kingdom, harbors nearly 800 islands. Recent statistics indicate that the nation’s population is slightly over 5.2 million people (Hallwood & MacDonald, 2009). The three regions that are distinct in the country include the Highlands, the Central Lowlands and the Southern Uplands. The Highlands is mainly a rugged barren region, with several valleys known as glens, including the Glen Mor. The area is particularly poor in forestation and typical with low population density (IBPUS, 2012). Mountain ranges such as the Grampian Mountain and the Northwest Highlands are some of the physical features present in the region. The Central Lowlands extends from coast to coast and is the most suitable place for agricultural activities. The land is relatively flat with a few hilly parts of the region. Its agricultural capa bilities render it the most populous region in Scotland(IBPUS, 2012). The region also boasts of mineral resources. Rivers Clyde, Tay and Fourth pass through the region, providing a suitable environment for agricultural practices. The third region is the Southern Uplands, located between the lowlands and the English boundary. The region consists of hilly plateaus. It is particularly barren, but the lower parts of the region encompass rich soils. The region is suitable for livestock rearing, with the availability of sheep and cattle. The Cheviot Hills are the most apparent physical features in the region(Koch, 2012). The climatic pattern is characteristically cool, wet and windy and modern culture. Modern and traditional music are a key feature of the country’s culture. The bagpipe, drum and the harp are key features of the music that have spread globally. The nation also encompasses sports as a key aspect of its culture. The nation has successfully participated in various spor t, including soccer, rugby, cricket and Olympic games at international levels. The nation’s major language is English, with a variety of dialects accents. Other significant languages include the Scots and Gaelic (Koch, 2012). A common Scottish diet may include fruits and vegetables. Mince and tatties, which comprise of ground beef and mashed potatoes, also serve as a common dish. Scotch natives use wine to celebrate special occasions, with turkey and haggis serving for Christmas. The country’s traditional dresses include the plaid and the kilt, which are worn on events such as weddings. Scotland’s tradition also boasts of diverse myths and legends, which include the Loch Ness monster and the Haggis among others (Koch, 2012). The nation’s most celebrated days include Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day and Mothers’ day among others. The nation is unique in that it has two flags, each with a distinct meaning. The flags are the Rampant and th e Saltire with the Rampant representing power and aristocracy while the Saltire represents the crucifixion of Saint Andrew, a significant figure in the Scottish history.UK’s hereditary nobility caste is also evident in the Scotland culture. Political Geography Before 1832, Scotland’s authority was under rich property-owners and the minority merchants. There was a political rearrangement that year, and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Investments & Returns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Investments & Returns - Essay Example Systematic risk, in finance, also known as non-controllable or non-diversifiable risk is the uncertainty in financial returns caused by factors that are beyond the control of an entity. These factors are macro-economic in nature. This type of risk cannot be managed by the organizations. They are the interest rate risk, the inflationary risk, the exchange risk and the market risk. The interest rate risk is caused by the movements in the cost of debt, thereby causing a decline or an increase in the interest payment on debt finance. An increase in the interest rate is unfavourable to the borrowers who will dig deeper into their pockets in order to meet the cost of debt. On the other hand, an increase in the interest rate is favourable to the lender due to an increase in the return. The opposite of the statement is true (Akrani, 2012). The inflationary risk is caused by a future increase or decrease in the commodity prices due to a deficit or a surplus in the supply level. An increase in the inflation reduces the real value of the local currency while a decrease in the inflation increases the real value of the local currency. A decline in the value of the local currency reduces the value of organizations, whereas, an increase in the value of the local currency increases the value of organizations. The exchange rate risk is caused by the volatility of the exchange rate. The exchange rate is the price of a local currency against that of the foreign currency. Companies that have subsidiaries in the internal market lose/gain when converting foreign currency to local currency when the exchange rate decreases/increases (Akrani, 2012). A decrease in the exchange rate means that less local currency is given up for the foreign the foreign currency. On the other hand, an increase in the exchange rate means that more local currency is given up for the foreign currency. The market risk is caused by the rise and fall in the prices of shares and other securities in the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Lab report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Lab Report Example In the course of the experiment, the presence of a peptide bond through the application of the method would result to a copper (ii) ion forming violet color in an alkaline solution. The Biuret test in this experiment is used in the determination of the concentration since peptide bonds occur with the same frequency in each amino acid in the peptide. This is possible in this experiment since the absorption at 550 nm is directly proportional to the protein concentration in accordance to Beer-Lambert law, thus enabling the experiment to determine the level of protein concentration in a solution (Janairo et al. 2011). Folin protein assay is a biochemical assay for determination of the total level of protein in a solution. In this experiment, the concentration of protein is manifested in the color change in the sample solution in proportion to the concentration of protein. The method is based on the reaction of Cu+ produced by the oxidation of the peptide bonds (Lowry et al. 1951). For the biuret protein assay, when 3mg protein is used in the experiment, the average absorbance in 550nm is 0.690. For 2.5 mg, the average absorbance is 0,440nm, for 2mg protein, the average absorbance is 0.588nm. When 1.5 mg protein is used, the average absorbance is 0.564 nm, 1mg result to average absorbance of 0.540nm while 0.5ng solution results to an average absorbance of 0.224nm. In tube X the average absorbance is 0.454nm while tube Y which contains approximately half of the volume of X results to an average absorption of 0.232nm. From the experiment, it is evident that the amount of absorption is directly proportionate to the amount of protein concentration in a solution at a standard absorption level of 550nm absorbance. Thus, the biuret protein assay test is a concrete test that can be used in the determination of the peptide bonds and the amount of proteins in a solution (Lipscomb et al. 2006). For
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Leadership Capability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Leadership Capability - Research Paper Example These are the main areas that I need to improve on as a leader. As a leader with such weaknesses, I will ensure that the subordinates are aware of the fact that their inefficiency will not be tolerated in any way. Ways of improving this include having talks with the subordinates to explain their decisions on various issues. I will also engage the subordinates in friendly activities. However, when it comes to awarding punishments I will not be friendly or take sides. In any organization, for subordinates to follow the laid down procedures, the leader needs to be straight to the point and articulate. As the leader, I will occasionally seek assistance from other employees in areas where more assistance is required. All subordinates need to feel that their employer is friendly, but this is only to a certain extent. Therefore, I will ensure that employees are more cooperative and self-initiative (Adair, 2011). Chapter 3 shows that as a leader I am involved in working moderately with what the subordinates are doing. My strengths include being able to coordinate with the subordinates and engaging in what they are doing. As a leader, I am able to make things work and make valid decisions with the consideration of how it affects others. My weaknesses, as highlighted in the score, include not being fascinated by technical work and not being able to work with abstract ideas. These are the two main reasons why I had a low score. One of the steps that I need to take as a leader so as to improve is to adapt to technical issues. To adapt I will ensure that the issues which I do not understand are explained to me in ways that are interesting. I will also ensure that there is a competent subordinate who will be in a position to deal with such issues. In all organizations, most subordinates prefer a leader who is an all-around person. Hence, as the leader, I will ensure that they view me as a competent individual in all aspects concerning the firm. An all-around leader, in a suc cessful organization, is perceived by the subordinates as a person who can solve their problems. These are not just any problems but only those that are related to the organization. Addressing weaknesses such as these, will involve all my time and ensuring that I get all the information required when dealing with employees’ new ideas. This approach, in my opinion, is likely to solve my weakness because having all the information will assist me to have more confidence in the ideas presented by the employees. In a successful organization, when a leader makes a point of doing the research individually, his or her actions increase the level of confidence among subordinates (Godwyn and Gittell, 2011). The fact that the leader is involved in what subordinates are doing, shows that he/she is a suitable leader. Hence, to strengthen my strong characteristics, I will ensure that my subordinates view me as a leader who is concerned with their problems at work. Chapter 4 shows that as a leader I have the ability to effectively deal with group work. This is a crucial character trait of a leader in organizations where most work is done in groups. In this chapter, this is one of my key strengths. I scored highly, but there are some areas that need to be improved. One of the areas that need to be improved is my social aspect of being a leader. It is clear from the test scores that I am not in a position to solve
Friday, August 23, 2019
Assessing the Strategic Health of Moog Inc Research Paper
Assessing the Strategic Health of Moog Inc - Research Paper Example y supported by the fact that the company has strong product portfolio, higher number of national and international clients are some factors providing strong and sustainable financial base to the company. Moog Inc. operates in numerous business lines. The company is a well known integrator designer and manufacturer of precision motion control systems and products (Moog, 2014). These are the narrow components and segments that are being manufactured by the company. And the macro level, the company deals with systems control commercial and military aircraft (aviation market segment), space and satellites vehicles (space market), missiles and launch vehicles (defense industry), wind energy (energy market), industrial machinery (machinery market), marine systems and applications (ocean products market) and medical products (medicine industry) (Moog, 2014). Moog manufacturers, assembles and deals with various business products. The company offers surveillance systems, medical lab services, alternators, control loading systems, asset tracking, integrated motion assemblies, sensors, cartridges and servo cartridge valves, avionics instruments, slip rings, test systems, surgical hand pieces, manifolds, actuation systems, motion systems, air moving products, multiplexers and media converters, actuators and servo actuators, pitch solutions, solenoids, screws-ball and planetary, spacecraft payload interfaces, propulsion controls, haptics/ robotics, resolvers, G-seats, flight controls, engine controls, fluid rotary unions, electronics, weapon stores management, radial piston pumps, robots-semiconductor wafer handling, fiber optic devices, gyros/ rate gyros, printed circuit boards, pitch servo drive, propulsion controls, RVDT position sensors, vibration suppression & control, test systems, integrated motion assemblies, medical pump systems, AHR S and dental trainers (Moog Products, 2014). Moog serves many customers. Based on the above mentioned market segments, it can be
Clinical pharmacology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Clinical pharmacology - Essay Example 2010). Antibiotics especially co-trimoxazole, metronidazole, macrolides, fluroquinolones: As far as sulpha drugs which cause enhanced effect of Warfarin resulting in bleeding, in the absence of proven mechanism of action, it has been hypothesized by clinicians that systematic administration of such antibiotics results in reduced production of Vitamin K caused by intestinal flora. Same mechanism of action applies to macrolides that include Azithromycin etc and quinolones such as ciprofloxacin (Medication Management Home).As for metronidazole, it interferes with metabolism of S enatiomer of Warfarin. As for, Rifampin, it induces hepatic enzymes thus increasing metabolism of Warfarin (Horton and Bushwick, 1999). Antidepressants: Two theoretical hypotheses about Warfarin’s potential interactions with antidepressants are that because Warfarin is protein bound, antidepressants which are also protein bound, their interaction can result in displacement of Warfarin from its binding sites as stated by Sansone and Sansone (2009). They at the same time point out the observation of Sayal et al (2000) that there is no clinical evidence to that effect. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), are found to potentially inhibit Warfarin metabolism through their isoenzymes 2C9 and 1A2. However Sertraline and Citalopran are not likely to cause interaction. While Paroxetine has low-to-moderate risk, fluvoxamine and fluoxetine have the potential to effects of Warfarin. Ginkgo biloba has properties capable of inhibiting platelet aggregation, if taken with Warfarin, it will enhance the toxic effects monamine oxidase inhibitors. However, Ginkgo on its own is capable of causing bleeding complications (Dharmananda). Dong qual increases the anticoagulant action of Warfarin. St John’s Wort induces P450 pathways resulting in lowering of INR. This increases the metabolism of Warfarin.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Teachings of Confucius and Dao Essay Example for Free
The Teachings of Confucius and Dao Essay Confucius stressed that a harmonious society can be created through the practice of Li. Discuss how this is possible by using the Five Relationships concepts. What is the Five Relationships? * In Confucianism, it’s between superior and inferior person. They are ruler – subject, husband – wife, father – son, older brother – younger brother, and elder friend – younger friend. * Each has a formal responsibility to carry out toward the other. The husband has responsibility for li toward his wife as she has an obligation for li toward him. The family is formally structured among males. * Friendships outside the family are ritually governed. * Relationship between ruler and subject entail obligations on each side. * Younger people learn from their elders and the elders learn from observing the junzi. In summary, there are five distinctive qualities or virtues in the junzi. (1) Humans exert their uprightness regardless of outward circumstances. (2) Humans are magnanimous, expressing forgiveness toward others. Humans are not to be ruled by laws but follow an internal principle. (3) Humans are sincere in speech and action and are not a mouthpiece for hire. Their world is their bond. (4) Humans are earnest. They want to be rather than seem to be. Genuine good work replaces the mere appearance of it (5) Humans are benevolent, always generous in their relationship with people. Why Confucius think education is important? * Li present as the principle of harmony that should rule the home, the society and the empire. Li has to do with ritual, the correct formal way to behave in religious rites or in court ceremonies. * Li applied to the naturally good human being yield yi, which is the personalization of Li. * Yi is internalized Li. When humans internalize the rites, selfishness is overcome and benevolence takes its place. They act on what is appropriate to themselves and to their position in society. They attain the mean that gives harmony. * Confucius taught that Li is learned in studying rites and music, which included poetry. Music is required study, as its performance accompanied all ceremonies, whether religious sacrifice, court assembly or family entertainment. Harmony in music reflects harmony in society and the universe. * Ren (jen) is humaneness, the quality of being a genuine human being to other human beings. This quality of human kindness is in balance with Li and Yi – to keep formalism from destroying the highest and best possibilities of human personalities. Ren seeks the good of others as well as the self. * In Confucianism, Shu is reciprocity which means individuals treating others as they would like to be treated. They do not do to others what they would not want done to themselves. Taoism Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) * A later Daoist and he wrote Dao De Jing to distinguish Daoism from Confucianism. * Also known for the philosophical questions he raises regarding the experience of dreaming. Beneath the apparently simple questions lie some profound questions about what is real and how to know what is real. * For example, Chuang Chou (Chuang Tzu) dreamed that he was a butterfly, a butterfly fluttering about, enjoying itself. It did not know that is Chuang Chou. But suddenly, he awake and he did not know whether he was Chuang Chou who had dreamed that he was a butterfly or whether he was a butterfly dreaming that he was Chuang Chou. Between Chuang Chou and the butterfly, there must be some distinction. That is what is called the transformation of things. According to Daoism, societies suffer when they disregard the Dao. Interpret the statement with you own opinion. In my own opinion, yes, societies suffer when they disregard the Dao. Societies suffers because of disharmony with the nature and universe. * Suffering comes from trying to conquer nature, altering the way of the universe and establishing artificial human organizations. * Artificial needs to develop and value foreign to natural order to entice humans away from the source of their peace and harmony. * Civilization is an enemy of the contented human. Humans| * The best human is natural human. * Humans are essentially good and can enjoy a good life in the world. * They should seek to live as long as long as possible, old age is a sign of wisdom in fulfilling the proper human role. * People should not be forced into educations, rituals, social organization and etiquette. * Humans are best when they were born weak and simple. | Problem| * Their disharmony with the universe. * Suffering comes from trying to conquer nature, altering the way of the universe and establishing artificial human organizations. * Artificial needs to develop and value foreign to natural order to entice humans away from the source of their peace and harmony. * Civilization is an enemy of the contented human. | Solution| * Human solve their problem by returning to a simple life. * Living in harmony with the nature, either in a forest or in a small village, is the best way for a person to resolve tensions and experience peace of body and soul. * A good, long life is the reward of those who learn to go with the flow of the Dao. |
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Introduction To Industrialised Building System Construction Essay
Introduction To Industrialised Building System Construction Essay In this chapter, the detail of explanation and relevant literature review of Industrialised Building System in Malaysia high rise project will be presented. Generally, the contents of this chapter are covered by definitions, classification, essential characteristic, critical success factors and barriers of the IBS implementation of the high rise buildings in our local construction industry. The IBS is not a common term in Malaysia Construction industry now. Until now, it still has no one common accepted or agreed definition of IBS by any researchers. However, there are few researchers define the IBS on the characteristics and definition with different way. IBS is often referred to as off-site construction of the literature (Pan et al. 2008), remote (Blismas, 2006) the production, industrialization and automation of construction (Warszawski 1999), the off-site manufacturing, prefabricated buildings, pre-assemblies building (Gibb Isack, 2003), the prefabricated building, prefabricated building, non-traditional architecture and modern method of construction (MMC) said by Kamar, 2009. The following is the definition of the IBS from different authors: Warszawski (1999) described the process of industrialization, investment in equipment, facilities and technology to maximize production, reduce labour resources, and improve the quality. These elements are interconnected and joint together to make or improve performances of the building. Rahman and Omar (2006) said that the IBS as a construction system by using prefabricated building systems. The manufacturing of the components are done with machines, templates, and other forms of machinery and equipment. Components manufactured off-site, once completed, will be delivered to the General Assembly and erection of the construction site. IBS is defined as an integrated manufacturing and construction process, carefully planned organization, and efficient management, preparation and control of resources, activities and results from the highly developed components (Lessing, et al., 2005). The most comprehensive definition of IBS was perhaps clarified by Junid (1986). He said that in the process of industrialization in the construction industry, including IBS, building component, vision, planning, fabrication, transportation and site erection. The system includes a combination of software and hardware components of the balance between. Software includes system design; this is a complex process, learning the end-user requirements, market analysis, development of standardized components, manufacturing and assembly layout and process of the establishment, allocation of resources and material, a definition of the concept of architect framework. The software element provides a prerequisite for creating an enabling environment for industrialization and expansion. Chung Kadir (2007) defined as a large-scale production of building components IBS both in the factory or on-site according to standard shapes and sizes and transportation to the construction site, re-arrange some standard form construction and specifications Construction Industry Development Board (2003) defined as a construction method in which components are produced in a controlled environment (or off) IBS, transportation, location and assembled into a minimal additional site works with the structure. The definition of Industrial building systems (IBS) is varies. It depends on the authors position and philosophy in the ontology and epistemology. Some authors may be defined as a process or technology IBS. Table 2.1 is to highlight the definition of IBS category. On the other hand, there is an ontological position, either as a method, idea, product, innovation, improvement, modernization and new methods of provision. This problem has been discussed in the construction industry, since the industrial revolution, to change the human way of life and economic activity. Since the concept of quality improvement and in industry, invention and innovation, has become an important industry to deal with. This production and services, as the construction industry continues to progress and development, the latest and modern instrument factors. Then, every industry stakeholder can define with themselves on their practices and methods. Table 2.2 shows, only the author describes the process of defin ing a list of IBS and technology. Table 2.1: The Ontology of Building system (Sources: Adopted from Abdullah, 2009) Authors Characteristics Factory Base(Off-site) Production Techniques Mass Production Site Erection and Preassemblies Modular Component Elements Standardisation Labour Reduction Modem Method Automation Manufacturing Parid, W., 1997 X Trikha, D.N., 1999 X X X X Gibb, A,. 1999 X X X Warszawski, 1999 X X X X Ingemar, L. and Gylltoft.K 2000 X X X Kadir, M.R.A., et al., 2005 X X X X Marsono, A.K. et al,. 2006 X X X Table 2.2: The Characteristics of Building system (Sources: Adopted from Abdullah, 2009) Bil Authors Process Techniques 1 Dietz (1971) X 2 Dickerman (1973) X 3 Junid (1986) X 4 Parid (1997) X 5 Esa Nurrudin (1998) X 6 Badir Razali (1998) X 7 Trikha (1999) X 8 Warszawski (1999) X 9 CIDB Malaysia (1999) X 10 CIDB Malaysia (2003) X 11 Lessing (2005) X 12 Marsono. (2006) X 13 Rahman Omar (2006) X 14 MD Rahim (2006) X 15 Chung L.P. (2006) X 16 Henry M.A. (2006) X 17 (CIB) TG57 X 18 (CIB W24) X 2.2 Classification of IBS MMC is a long-term off-site infrastructure as technology and technological innovation of the collective description of the scene. The latter includes techniques such as thin-joint block work and tunnel in the form of construction (Goodier and Gibb, 2006). MMC also includes the floor or roof cassettes, pre-cast concrete foundation components, pre-formed wiring looms, mechanical engineering composite materials and modern construction methods. They can also include such as a tunnel or in combination with thin pieces of work (NAO, 2005; Gibb and Pendlebury, 2006) innovation (which is the essential characteristic). As the above quote, IBS is a component in which manufacturing, positioning and assembled into a structure with minimal extra site works off and on-site (CIDB, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹2003; Chung, 2006). Although outside the technology will be discussed below, on-site prefabricated IBS can be used in place of steel formwork system (CIDB, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ †¹2003) in the form. Production and construction site prior to installation, they found a remote location off-site construction of the assembly or part of the description of the spectrum. All off-site may be a general decline in IBS and MMC title, not all of the IBS and MMC can be considered as off-site (Gibb and Pendleton, 2006). Off-site construction (OSC), off-site manufacturing (OSM) and off-site production (OSP) is basically interchangeable terms refers to the construction process, to carry out the construction site, such as in factories, away from the part of or sometimes in a specially established near the construction site (or field factories) (Goodier and Gibb, 2006) of temporary production facilities. Pre-fabrication is usually in a dedicated facility where a variety of materials joined to form the final part of the installation components (Tatum et al, 1986). While, the components maybe assemble on and offsite, Pre-assembly carried on a definition as in which a variety of materials, prefabricated components and equipment to join up as a sub-unit of the installation process in a remote location. It is generally concentrated in the system (ibid). Therefore, a general classification of IBS-MMC term is promoted in this paper based on the following hypothesis compiled by the previous researchers. Figure 2.1 below is show that a generic classification of IBS in MMC. Modern Method of Construction (MMC) Industrialised Building System Non Industrialised System Off-site Manufacturing (OSM), Prefabrication, Offsite Fabrication (OSF), Offsite Production (OSP) On-Site Fabrication Pre-assembly at Factory Assembly on site Figure 2.1: A generic classification of IBS in MMC (Sources: adopted from Kamarul Anuar Mohd Kamar, 2009) As defined, IBS-MMC has a various classifications, materials, processes and systems basis. Table 2.3 describes the classification of IBS, system construction, MMC and OSMs. It compares the different views and classification terms. Table 2.3: Comparison of IBS-MMC Classification (Sources: Adopted from Kamarul Anuar Mohd Kamar, 2009) Industrialised system classification (Badir et. Al 1998) Majzub (1977) system classification MMC classification (Gibb Pendlebury, 2006). Ross and Richards on (2005) and (NOA, 2005) Gibb Issac (2003) pre-assembly and pre-fabrication classification Abosad et. Al (2009) classification on OSM IBS Classification (CIDB, 2003) -Conventional building system -Cast in situ formwork system table or tunnel formwork -Prefabricated system -Composite system -Panel System -Box System -Frame System -Volumetric -Panelised -Hybrid -Subassemblies and components -Non-off-sites-Modem Methods of Construction -Component manufacture and sub-assembly -Non-volumetric sub-assembly -Volumetric pre-assembly -Modular Housing -Volumetric System -Panelised System -Hybrid System -Sub-assemblies and component system -Modular system -Pre-cast concrete-framed building -Pre-cast concrete wall system -Reinforced concrete Building with Pre-cast concrete slab -Steel Formwork System -Steel-framed building and Roof Trusses Majzub (1977) described the construction of classification should be based on the proposed use of components in Table 2.4 the relative weights. Weight factors have a significant impact on the portability of components, but also on the production of components and field methods of installation method. By weight category, there are components used in the production of basic material itself to determine the characteristics of the system being studied to distinguish between the advantages. However, Majzub classification is found to have inadequate construction of the recently incorporated into other systems to flourish. One striking example is the interlocking load-bearing blocks; this is a group of researchers at the University Putra Malaysia brainchild. This new system construction cannot be according to the framework, panels, and even box system. On the other hand, complex system that combines two or more of the construction methods cannot be classified under the classification of Maj zub. Therefore, the classification needs to be updated to imitate current technological progress. Table 2.4: Building system classification according to relative weight of component (Source: Adopted from Majzub, 1977) No General System System Production Material 1 Frame system Light weight frame Wood, light gage metals Medium light weight frame Metal, reinforced plastics, laminated wood Heavy weight frame Heavy steel, concrete 2 Panel system Light and medium weight panel Wood frame, metal frame, and composite materials Heavy weight panel (factory produced) Concrete Heavy weight panel (tilt up- produced on site) Concrete 3 Box system (module) Medium weight box (mobile) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Medium weight box (sectional) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Heavy weight box (factory produced) Concrete Heavy weight box (tunnel produced on site) Concrete C:UsersAndyNGAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.WordNew Picture (2).png Figure 2.2 Type of Building System in Malaysia (Source: Adopted from Thanoon et al, 2003) In general, there are currently four types of building systems in Malaysia, Razali building system classification according to Badir et al. 1998, there are traditional, cast in situ, precast composite building system is shown in Figure 2.2. Each building system is on behalf of their construction method, which is further through its construction technology, features and geometry features. It is reported that there are at least 22 companies in Malaysia to provide institution building (Badir et al, 2002). From the point of structural classification, IBS can be categorized into five major groups, which are: prefabricated timber frame system Components under this group are the columns, beams, floor slabs, prefabricated roof truss system and similar as made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹from wood. Formwork system Mould for concrete component moulds to cast there as pillars, beams, floor slabs and wall panels that can be used repeatedly. These moulds are usually made of plastic, fibreglass, steel, aluminium and other metal materials. Steel frame system Components of this category are column, beam, portal frame and roof truss systems are made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of steel. framing systems, panel and pre-cast concrete box Components of this category are column, beam, portal frame and pre-cast wall panels. It also including in three-dimensional pre-fabricated components such as stairs, balusters and toilets. System block This system refers to the use of concrete block (precision block works), including lightweight concrete blocks; the blocks are locked (interlocking block) and so on. It is hoping that IBS classification can be standardized in order for IBS-MMC to be acknowledged by practitioners as a primer construction method. 2.3 Essential Characteristics of IBS This is a reasonable review of the conditions, they emphasized that the successful implementation of industrialized building systems. Each of them briefly discussed below. 2.3.1 Modular Coordination Modular coordination or MC is a dimensional system. Coordination of a modular space size harmonized system, parts, accessories, etc., so that all elements fit not to cut or extend the components and accessories, even from different vendors (Trikha, 1999) made together. It is a concept of dimension and space, including construction and components on the basis of their name is called 1M, equal to 100 mm in the basic module units or coordination. The use of MC in IBS is effective application of the important factors, because it completed the industry through quality control and productivity answered by a staff of CIDB. The objectives of the modular coordination are: Create a variety of types and sizes of building components, can minimize foundation. Through the rationalization of the construction method, each component of the design and other similar exchange, therefore, designers freedom and choice provides the greatest degree. This can take a relatively large basic unit of measurement (basic module) and by limiting the dimensions of building components to recommended preferred sizes said by Warszawski (1999). Allow easy by any prefabricated buildings layout and exchange capacity. This is to achieve a common, rather than references to other components (Warszawski 1999) definition of modular grid construction and placement of each component. To reduce waste in the production of the installation process, by increasing productivity, to improve the quality of the construction industry and to encourage an open system. With open systems approach, building components can be combined in a variety of individual projects, while ensuring that their design architects of freedom. Modular building component of the length of the coordinated application of the basic units or M = 100cm module. This allows designers to apply this size or in the production of building components, its multiple. While the concept seems easy to pass, its application in the manufacturing process involves a large degree of harmonization and alignment and component interfaces (Kamar et al. 2009). 2.3.2 Closed system A closed system can be divided into two categories, namely design and production according to customer design and production based on pre-casters. The first category is designed to meet customer space requirements, that is, the specific building design and construction of various features of the space required. In this case, the customer needs is critical, pre-caster always forced to a specific part of the building. On the other hand, the fabrication on the basis of pre-casters design, including design and production of a single building type or alternative of a group of buildings, can generate common component assortments of. Such building includes school, parking garage, gas station, low cost housing, etc. Nevertheless these types of building arrangement can be justified economically only when the following circumstances are observed (Warszawski, 1999): Commitment because of specific design and project large enough to allow for the additional cost of each component in design and production costs of distribution. Openerved a large number of architectural design elements of repetition and standardization. In this regard, a new kind of prefabricated systems can automated the design and production process to overcome a number of standardized elements of the requirements. There is sufficient demand, is a typical types such as school construction, so that mass production can be. There is a pre-caster intensive marketing strategy to inspire customers and designers in the economic and non-economic aspects of long-term potential benefits of the system. 2.3.3 Open system In closed system the limitations inherent to an open system, which allows greater design flexibility to maximize coordination with designers and pre-caster have been proposed. The system is feasible, because it allows pre-caster products in a predetermined range and architectural aesthetic value while maintaining a limited number of elements. Kamarul Anuar Mohamad Kamar (2009) defined that open system concept is encouraged by the irritable bowel syndrome, to ensure that the architects in their design freedom. Open systems approach building components, a variety of individual projects can be combined in different products and technologies as part of interchange ability. A partition between the structure and the filling system may give different solutions, customized and pre-level standards. Separation according to building components, could lead to new forms of organization of production, use of standardized elements. Open System was first promoted during the rebuilding years of post-war Netherlands. Size, location and components of the interface rules of the open system is an important part. Kamarul Anuar Mohamad Kamar (2009) defined open system with the following characteristics: Open system is an innovative design and construction. It allows interchange ability of various components and subsystems manufacturers and suppliers. An open architecture components together the advantages of market needs, a variety of geometric and functional building types. It will encourage participation in manufacturing and assembly to enter the market, thereby reducing the price of IBS components. It advocates a modular concept and the separation of different levels of decision-making. Use standard welding system to resolve two or more systems in a building. It allows customers to participate in the design. Customers can choose to use the components provided by the developer of any building components directory. Open system will encourage pre-assembled by a higher level of industrialization and automation. 2.3.4 Standardisation and Tolerances To achieve the requirements of modular coordination, all components need to be standardized production. This standardization of the elements of space and the need to provide at various stages of construction, such as manufacturing tolerances, the tolerances and erection tolerances, so that combined statistical considerations on acquired tolerance to the extent permitted (Trikha, 1999). If the output is standardised, then the production resources can be used in most efficient manner. Then the production process, machinery and training of workers, can best absorb the specific characteristics of the product. 2.3.5 Specialisation Large precast production and standardization of production process, the height of the division of labour. This process can be subdivided into a lot of small standardized tasks. In such working conditions, workers exposures to their work repetitiously have a high level of productivity (Warszawski, 1999). 2.3.6 Production facility The initial capital investment to establish a permanent factor is the relative experience. Plant, equipment, skilled workers, management of resources needed to produce pre-acquisition can begin. Such a huge investment can only break even, if there is sufficient demand for the product. On the other hand, the establishment of a temporary casting yard or plant in the project site to minimize transportation costs (Peng, 1986). 2.3.7 Transportation It is found that the casting slab system can reduce the cost of labour up to 30%. However, these cost savings partially offset by transportation costs. Traffic has also been a large board in the countrys road sector requirements. When adopting prefabrication system, those limitations must be taken into consideration (Peng, 1986). 2.4 Barriers of implementation of IBS in Malaysia Clearly, the benefits offered by IBS are immense and plausible. It has been six years since the launching of the IBS Roadmap 2003 and is about the end of the mission of industrialising construction. The construction industrys stakeholders are little bit sceptical on using IBS product. It is pertinent to examine the progress and how close to the completion of the mission to date. More importantly, it is imperative to evaluate whether the implementation of the roadmap has met the market response to the IBS programme so far. Most policy issues have been resolved and implemented, while all relevant documents required to support the programme have been developed. In particular activities under the charge of CIDB are all meeting their datelines. Notwithstanding these achievements a number of implementation snags were identified as being potential hurdles to the implementation of the roadmap. Warszawski (1999) pointed out some of the barriers in implementing industrialisation in construction industry. There are decline in demand and volatile of building market make an investment in IBS more risky compared to conventional labour intensive method. Prefabrication elements are considered inflexible with respect to changes with may required over its life span. At university level student are less exposed to technology, organization and design of industrialised building system. An adaptation of standardization requires a tremendous education and training effort. Standardization of building elements face resistance from construction industry due to aesthetics reservation and economic reasons (Kampempool et al, 1986). Trikha (1999) cited the hindrance to the use of IBS due to lack of assessment criteria set by the approving authorities to urge the developers to use IBS. Poor response from the construction players to modular coordination despite heavy promotions and incentives from the government is also a hindrance to the successive implementation of IBS in Malaysia. As a result, partial introduction of IBS such as lintels and staircase has not been successful compare to the traditional cast in situ design. Kamar et al. (2009) said that a clear need for the construction industry in Malaysia IBS is a huge and credible strongly encourage the government and the system implementation plan. In fact, most of the contractors are not prepared to bid for IBS construction tender. Thanoon et. al. (2003) also highlighted cheap labour cost is the main barriers to the expedition of IBS. There are wide swing in house demands, whereas mainly caused by the high interest rate and low performance in economical factor. He also pointed out lack of skilled construction workforce which severe the situation. The nature characteristics of construction project which are fragmented, diverse and involve many parties. There lack of local RD and novel building system that use local material, which makes IBS often relies to imported technology from other countries. There are also insufficient incentive and promotion from the government to use IBS. The main reasons for the low adoption of IBS in Malaysia as stated in Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP 2006-2015) are lack of integration in design stage and poor knowledge. IBS manufacturers are currently involved only after design stage. This lack of integration among relevant players in design stage has resultant in need for plan redesign and additional cost to be incurred if IBS is adopted. Client and approving authorities have poor knowledge of IBS compared to architects and engineers. Familiarity with IBS concept and its benefits is vital to its success because IBS requires different approach in construction. Despite this advances, some of the barriers were identified as potential barriers are being implemented: 2.4.1 Awareness and Knowledge According to the IBS Roadmap Review Report (2007), in Malaysia IBS is through a client-driven. Benefit of IBS has a good knowledge and awareness of the customer is bound to encourage the appointment of architect to design building to the IBS. However, the lack of awareness programs, to understand customer needs, and give correct information on IBS lack of interest from clients and policymakers (Rahman and Omar, 2006). Therefore, IBS is often misunderstood as high-risk process, rather than any interests of the owner of the building to contribute the lack of knowledge between the designer project lead to take the extra time delay to produce the details of the drawing. Client IBS roadmap (2007) based on client review, by Malaysia IBS is no longer such as customer-oriented Jusco, Tesco and other customers have insisted fast track construction. In housing development, with good knowledge and awareness of IBS clients will thus benefit from the appointment of designers to encourage the construction of IBS. However, the lack of awareness programs, leading to misunderstanding led to a lack of interest from clients and decision makers (Rahman and Omar, 2006). IBS is from the clients point of view, unless it is necessary to fast track projects, such as Tesco, Jusco projects, often misinterpreted as high-risk and expensive solutions. Local Authority Lack of knowledge among the approving authority, IBS, and the relationship between the current building codes misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Familiar with IBS will speed up the design approval, to ensure the success of IBS projects (construction of the master plan, 2007) is essential. But most of local authorities do not know the design of IBS often need more time than usual to deal with design approval. Policy Makers Chung and Kadir (2007) observed that most local authorities in Malaysia is unlikely to change local building regulations, to meet the adjustment, will consume a lot of time and cost of IBS. IBSs mid-term review (2007) stated that through a unified architecture from low amendment (MC) of modular coordination of law enforcement (UBBL) has not been implemented due to lack of knowledge and decision-makers between the concept of understanding. Workers Government hopes the IBS will help reduce dependence on foreign workers, 30% by 2015. But most people in the industry do not think IBS will greatly decrease the number of workers in the industry. IBS is a plant from the job site environment, environmental issues, said: A senior industry source said. 2.4.2 Planning and Implementation At presents, the pre-casters and contracting companies in Malaysia involved in the construction bidding phase the value chain. However, the observation of the design of IBS, and plans need to be addressed in the form at the design stage, to be successful through the slot before casting machine, designers and contractors (IBS roadmap review, 2007) integration. As a result, many projects in Malaysia IBS are not cost-effective, because it is intended to replace the traditional methods of design. IBS application has been included in the design stage. Changes in design, requires a lot of further adjustment, the rise of the initial time and cost. In addition, IBS demands a more coherent process, from initial planning and control structure, the end of the project, in order to achieve the target, and decrease defects and errors (Gibb, 2001 and Warszawski 1999). The overall project should be considered in such way that as soon as the components are manufactured, it is probable to bring it to the construction site and assemble it. Any delay, either in workshop or construction site has been phased requirements and production plans, from the part of several construction projects, as scheduled at the same time a serious impact on production. Although you can create any type of pre-architectural design, but if the possibility of production and construction, taking into account at the design stage itself can solve several problems related to manufacturing, transportation, and assembly of complex interfaces (Pan et al. 2008 and Hamid et al. 2008). The most common problems usually involve beams, columns and column bases in connection with the improper assembly of the components. These problems arise due to the fact that the parties involved in the construction of a main underestimating the accuracy of the base line and levelling. Basically, the precise formation and alignment of the two bases is the most important aspects of the rapid success of precast concrete erection (Rahman and Omar, 2006). 2.4.3 Costs Kamar et al. (2009) mentioned that many small contractors are unwilling to use the IBS system, and want to continue using traditional construction methods. This is due to the fact that small contractors are already common with the technology and suitable for small scale projects, so do not want to switch t
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Ecology and the Biosphere
Ecology and the Biosphere Ch. 50 (Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere) I. Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and the environment. Events that occur in the framework of ecological time translate into effects over the longer scale of evolutionary time. The environment of any organism includes two components. Abiotic, or nonliving, components chemical and physical factors such as temperature, light, water, and nutrients. Biotic, or living, components all the organisms, or the biota, that are part of the individuals environment. Ecology can be divided into areas of study ranging from the ecology of individual organisms to the dynamics of ecosystems and landscapes. Organismal ecology: Can be subdivided into the disciplines of physiological ecology, evolutionary ecology, and behavioral ecology. Concerns how an organisms structure, physiology, and behavior meet the challenges posed by the environment Population ecology: Concentrates mainly on factors that affect how many individuals of a particular species live in an area. Population group of individuals of the same species living in a particular geographic area. Community ecology: Deals with the whole array of interacting species in a community. Community all the organisms of all the species that inhabit a particular area Ecosystem ecology: The emphasis in this ecology is on energy flow and chemical cycling among the various biotic and abiotic components. Ecosystem all the abiotic factors in addition to the entire community of species that exist in a certain area. Landscape ecology: Deals with arrays of ecosystems and how they are arranged in a geographic region. Patchiness is an environmental characteristic where a landscape or seascape consists of a mosaic of different types of patches. Focuses on the factors controlling exchanges of energy, materials, and organisms among the ecosystem patches. The biosphere is the global ecosystem, the sum of all the planets ecosystems. II. Interactions between organisms and the environment limit the distribution of species Biogeography is the study of the past and present distribution of individual species, in the context of evolutionary theory It provides a good starting point for understanding what limits the geographic distribution of a species. Factors limiting a species distribution may include: Dispersal. Behavior. Biotic factors. Abiotic factors. Dispersal is the movement of individuals away from centers of high population density or from their area of origin One way to determine if dispersal is a key factor limiting distribution is to observe the results of transplants of a species For a transplant to be considered successful, organisms must survive and reproduce in the new area If it is successful, the potential range of the species is larger than its actual range. Behavior and habitat selection may limit distribution. Plants may select their habitats by producing seeds that germinate only under a restricted set of environmental conditions Female mosquitoes select specific habitats for oviposition, or the depositing of eggs Biotic factors that limit the distribution of a species may include: Predation Disease Parasitism Competition Abiotic factors may also limit distribution. Environmental temperature is an important factor in the distribution of organisms because of its effect on biological processes Cells may rupture if the water they contain freezes Proteins of most organisms denature at temperatures above 45 degrees C. Water availability is another important factor. Freshwater and marine organisms live submerged in aquatic environments. Terrestrial organisms face a nearly constant threat of desiccation Sunlight provides the energy that drives all ecosystems, although only plants and other photosynthetic organisms use this energy source directly Wind amplifies the effects of environmental temperature on organisms by increasing heat loss due to evaporation and convection It also contributes to water loss in organisms by increasing the rate of evaporative cooling and transpiration The physical structure, pH, and mineral composition of rocks and soil limit the distribution of plants Temperature, water, sunlight, and wind are the major components of climate Global climate patterns: Earths curved shape causes latitudinal variation in the intensity of sunlight Sunlight strikes the tropics most directly, and the most heat and light are delivered there Earths tilt causes seasonal variation in the intensity of solar radiation. June solstice Northern Hemisphere tilts toward sun; summer begins March equinox equator faces sun directly; 12 hours of daylight and darkness December solstice Northern Hemisphere tilts away from sun; winter begins September equinox equator faces sun directly Intense solar radiation near the equator initiates a global pattern of air circulation and precipitation Air flowing close to Earths surface creates predictable global wind patterns Macroclimate are patterns on the global, regional, and local level Ocean currents influence climate along the coasts of continents by heating or cooling overlying air masses, which may then pass across the land. Mountains have a significant effect on the amount of sunlight reaching an area, as well as on local temperature and rainfall. In addition to the global changes in day length, solar radiation, and temperature, the changing angle of the sun affects local environments During the summer and winter, many lakes in temperate regions are thermally stratified, or layered vertically according to temperature Lakes undergo a semiannual mixing of their waters as a result of changing temperature profiles, a process called turnover. Microclimate are very fine patterns, such as those encountered by a community underneath a log Many features in the environment influence microclimates by casting shade, affecting evaporation from soil, and changing wind patterns. III. Abiotic and biotic factors influence the structure and dynamics of aquatic biomes Biomes are major types of ecological associations that occupy broad geographic regions of land or water Aquatic biomes account of the largest part of the biosphere. These biomes are physically and chemically stratified There is sufficient light for photosynthesis in the upper photic zone Little light penetrates in the lower aphotic zone At the bottom, the subtrate is called the benthic zone It is made up of sand and organic and inorganic sediments It is occupied by communities of organisms collectively called benthos A major source of food for the benthos is dead organic matter called detritus Thermal energy from sunlight warms surface waters to whatever depth the sunlight penetrates. In the ocean and in most lakes, a narrow stratum of rapid temperature change called a thermocline separates the more uniformly warm upper layer from more uniformly cold deeper waters Major aquatic biomes: Lakes are standing bodies of water covering thousands of square kilometers Oligotrophic lakes are nutrient poor and generally oxygen rich Eutrophic lakes are nutrient rich and often depleted of oxygen if ice-covered in winter and in the deepest zone during summer The littoral zone is the shallow, well-lighted waters close to shore The limnetic zone is further away from shore and is too deep to support rooted aquatic plants A wetland is an area covered with water for a long enough period to support aquatic plants The most prominent physical characteristic of streams and rivers is current Headwater streams are generally cold, clear, turbulent, and swift Rivers are generally warmer and more turbid, since they carry more sediment than their headwaters. An estuary is a transition area between river and sea They have very complex flow patterns An intertidal zone is periodically submerged and exposed by the tides, twice daily on most marine shores The oceanic pelagic biome is a vast realm of open blue water, constantly mixed by wind-driven oceanic currents Reef building corals are limited to the photic zone of relatively stable tropical marine environments with high water clarity A coral reef, which is formed largely from the calcium carbonate skeletons of corals, develops over a long time on oceanic islands The marine benthic zone consists of the seafloor below the surface waters of the costal, or neritic, zone and the offshore, pelagic zone. Organisms in the very deep benthic or abyssal, zone are adapted to continuous cold and extremely high water pressure IV. Climate largely determines the distribution and structure of terrestrial biomes A climograph is a plot of the temperature and precipitation in a particular region Vertical stratification is an important feature of terrestrial biomes In many forests, the layers consist of the upper canopy, the low-tree stratum, the shrub understory, the ground layer of herbaceous plants, the forest floor, and the root layer Terrestrial biomes usually grade into each other, without sharp boundaries The area of intergradation is called an ecotone and may be wide or narrow Major terrestrial biomes: In tropical rain forests, rainfall is relatively constant, and in tropical dry forests, precipitation is highly seasonal Tropical forests are stratified Deserts occur in a band near 30 degrees north and south latitude or at other latitudes in the interior of continents Precipitation is low and highly variable Temperature is variable seasonally and daily The savanna is warm year-round, but with somewhat more seasonal variation than in tropical forests Chaparral occurs in midlatitude coastal regions on several continents It is dominated by shrubs and small trees, along with a high diversity of grasses and herbs Temperate grasslands cover parts of South Africa, Hungary, Argentina, Uruguay, Russia, and North America. The dominant plants are grasses and forbs The northern coniferous forest, or taiga, is the largest terrestrial biome on earth Precipitation ranges from 30 to 70 cm, and periodic droughts are common Cone-bearing trees dominate these forests A mature temperate broadleaf forest has distinct, highly diverse, vertical layers. Tundra covers expansive areas of the Arctic, amounting to 20% of Earths land surface A permanently frozen layer of soil called permafrost generally prevents water infiltration. Ch. 51 (Behavioral Ecology) I. Behavioral ecology extends observations of animal behavior by studying how such behavior is controlled and how it develops, evolves, and contributes to survival and reproductive success. II. Behavioral ecologists distinguish between proximate and ultimate causes of behavior. Behavior traits are also a part of an animals phenotype It includes muscular as well as nonmuscular activity Is everything that an animal does and how it does it. Learning is also considered a behavioral process. Proximate questions focus on the environmental stimuli that trigger a behavior, as well as the genetic, physiological, and anatomical mechanisms underlying a behavioral act These are how questions Ultimate questions address the evolutionary significance of a behavior These are why questions Ethology is the scientific study of animal behavior, particularly in natural environments. Tindenbergen suggested four questions that must be answered to fully understand any behavior What is the mechanistic basis of the behavior, including chemical, anatomical, and physiological mechanisms? How does development of the animal, from zygote to mature individual, influence behavior? What is the evolutionary history of the behavior? How does the behavior contribute to survival and reproduction? The fixed action pattern is a sequence of unlearned behavioral acts that Is essentially unchangeable and is carried to completion A FAP is triggered by an external sensory stimulus known as a sign stimulus Imprinting is a type of behavior that includes both learning and innate components and is generally irreversible A sensitive period is a limited phase in an animals development that is the only time when certain behaviors can be learned III. Many behaviors have a strong genetic component. Biologists study the ways both genes and the environment influence development of behavioral phenotypes. Nature and nurture Innate behaviors are behavior that is developmentally fixed and are under strong genetic influence Kinesis is a simple change in activity or turning rate Taxis is an oriented movement toward or away from some stimulus. Trout automatically swim or orient themselves in an upstream direction, exhibiting rheotaxis Bird migration is partly under genetic control. Animal communication consists of the transmission of, reception of, and response to signals A signal is a behavior that causes a change in another animals behavior It is an essential element of interactions between individuals Many animals that communicate through odors emit chemical substances called pheromones They are typically very concentrated Many animals also communicate by auditory communication A variety of mammalian behaviors are under relatively strong genetic control. Research has revealed the genetic and neural basis for the mating and parental behavior of male prairie voles. IV. Environment, interacting with an animals genetic makeup, influences the development of behaviors. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that the type of food eaten during larval development strongly influences later mate selection by Drosophila mojavensis females Cross-fostering studies of California mice and white-footed mice have uncovered an influence of social environment on the aggressive and parental behaviors of mice. Learning is the modification of behavior based on specific experiences. Special learning is the modification of behavior based on experience with the special structure of the environment This makes use of landmarks, or location indicators A cognitive map is an internal representation or code of the spatial relationships between objects in an animals surroundings Associative learning is the ability of many animals to associate one feature of the environment with another Classical conditioning is a type of associative learning in which an arbitrary stimulus is associated with a reward or punishment operant conditioning is called trial-and-error learning Cognition is the ability of an animals nervous system to perceive, store, process, and use information gathered by sensory receptors. The study of animal cognition, called cognitive ethology, examines the connection between an animals nervous system and its behavior. Habituation is a loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no information V. Behavioral traits can evolve by natural selection. When behavioral variation within a species corresponds to variation in environmental conditions, it may be evidence of past evolution An example of genetically based variation in behavior within a species is pretty selection by the garter snake Thamnophis elegans Foraging is behavior associated with recognizing, searching for, capture, and consuming food Laboratory studies of Drosophila populations raised in high and low density conditions show a clear divergence in behavior linked to specific genes D. melangogaster living at low population density followed a foraging path shorter than that of D. melanogaster living at high population density VI. Natural selection favors behaviors that increase survival and reproductive success. Optimal foraging theory states that natural selection should favor foraging behavior that minimizes the costs of foraging and maximizing the benefits. How mate choice enhances reproductive success varies, depending on the species mating system. In promiscuous mating, there are no strong pair bonds or lasting relationships In monogamous mating, one male mates with one female In polygamous mating, an individual of one sex mates with several of the other In polygyny, one males mates with many females In polyandry, one female mates with several males Males competition for mates is a source of intrasexual selection that can reduce variation among males agonistic behavior is an often ritualized contest that determines which competitor gains access to a resource, such as food or mates Game theory provides a way of thinking about evolution in situations where the fitness of a particular behavioral phenotype is influenced by other behavioral phenotypes in the population. VII. The concept of inclusive fitness can account for most altruistic social behavior. On occasion, animals behave in altruistic ways that reduce their individual fitness but increase the fitness of the recipient of the behavior. For example, if a squirrel sees a predator approach, the squirrel gives off an alarm, alerting unaware individuals but increasing the risk to itself This behavior can be explained by the concept of inclusive fitness It is the total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing its own offspring and by providing aid that enables other close relatives to produce offspring The three key variables in an act of altruism are the benefit to the recipient (B), the cost to the altruist (C), and the coefficient of relatedness (r). Hamiltons rule states that rB > C Kin selection favors altruistic behavior by enhancing the reproductive success of relatives Altruistic behavior toward unrelated individuals can be adaptive if the aided individual returns the favor in the future, an exchange of aid called reciprocal altruism. Social learning forms the roots of culture, which can be defined as a system of information transfer through observation or teaching that influences the behavior of individuals in a population. Male choice copying is a behavior in which individuals in a population copy the mate choice of others Human culture is related to evolutionary theory in the discipline of sociobiology, whose main premise is that certain behavior characteristics exist because they are expressions of genes that have been perpetuated by natural selection. Ch. 52 I. Population ecology is the study of populations in relation to the environment, including environmental influences on population density and distribution. A population is a group of individuals of a single species living in the same general area II. Dynamic biological processes influence population density, dispersion, and demography. Population density, the number of individuals per area or volume, results from the combination of births, deaths, immigration, and emigration. Dispersion is the pattern of spacing among individuals within the boundaries of the population Environmental and social factors influence the spacing of individuals In clumped patterns, individuals are aggregated in patches In uniform patterns, individuals are evenly spaced Animals often exhibit uniform dispersion as a result of antagonistic social interactions, such as territoriality, the defense of a bounded physical space against encroachment by other individuals In random dispersion, individuals are unpredictably spaced, and the position of each individual is independent of others This occurs in the absence of strong attraction or repulsions among individuals of a population Populations grow from births and immigration and shrink from deaths and emigration Immigration is the influx of new individuals from other areas Emigration is the movement of individuals out of a population Demography is the study of the vital statistics of populations and how they change over time Of particularly interest to demographers are birth rates and how they vary among individuals and death rates Life tables are age-specific summaries of the survival pattern of a population the best way to construct one is to follow the fate of a cohort, a group of individuals of the same age, from birth until all are dead A survivorship curve is a plot of the proportion or numbers in a cohort still alive at each age Idealized survivorship curves: Type I curve is flat at the start, reflecting low death rates during early and middle life, then drops steeply as death rates increase among older age groups Type II curves are intermediate, with a constant death rate over the organisms life span Type III curve drops sharply at the start, reflecting very high death rates for the young, but the flattens out as death rates decline for those individuals that have survived to a critical age Reproductive tables, or fertility schedules, are age specific summaries of the reproductive rates in a population III. The traits that affect an organisms schedule of reproduction and survival from birth through reproduction to death make up its life history. They are evolutionary outcomes reflected in the development, physiology, and behavior of an organism. Semelparous organisms reproduce a single time and die. When the survival rate of offspring is low, as in highly variable or unpredictable environments, this is favored Iteroparous organisms produce offspring repeatedly. When environments are dependable and where competition for resources may be intense, this is favored. Life history traits such as brood size, age at maturity, and parental caregiving represent trade-offs between conflicting demands for limited time, energy, and nutrients. IV. The exponential model describes population growth in an idealized, unlimited environment. The per capita birth rate (b) is the number of offspring produced per unit time by an average member of the population The per capita death rate (m) is the number of individuals of a population that die per unit time The per capita rate of increase (r), or a populations growth rate, equals birth rate minus death rate. R = b m Growth occurs when r>0 and decline occurs when r C Kin selection favors altruistic behavior by enhancing the reproductive success of relatives Altruistic behavior toward unrelated individuals can be adaptive if the aided individual returns the favor in the future, an exchange of aid called reciprocal altruism. Social learning forms the roots of culture, which can be defined as a system of information transfer through observation or teaching that influences the behavior of individuals in a population. Male choice copying is a behavior in which individuals in a population copy the mate choice of others Human culture is related to evolutionary theory in the discipline of sociobiology, whose main premise is that certain behavior characteristics exist because they are expressions of genes that have been perpetuated by natural selection. Ch. 52 I. Population ecology is the study of populations in relation to the environment, including environmental influences on population density and distribution. A population is a group of individuals of a single species living in the same general area II. Dynamic biological processes influence population density, dispersion, and demography. Population density, the number of individuals per area or volume, results from the combination of births, deaths, immigration, and emigration. Dispersion is the pattern of spacing among individuals within the boundaries of the population Environmental and social factors influence the spacing of individuals In clumped patterns, individuals are aggregated in patches In uniform patterns, individuals are evenly spaced Animals often exhibit uniform dispersion as a result of antagonistic social interactions, such as territoriality, the defense of a bounded physical space against encroachment by other individuals In random dispersion, individuals are unpredictably spaced, and the position of each individual is independent of others This occurs in the absence of strong attraction or repulsions among individuals of a population Populations grow from births and immigration and shrink from deaths and emigration Immigration is the influx of new individuals from other areas Emigration is the movement of individuals out of a population Demography is the study of the vital statistics of populations and how they change over time Of particularly interest to demographers are birth rates and how they vary among individuals and death rates Life tables are age-specific summaries of the survival pattern of a population the best way to construct one is to follow the fate of a cohort, a group of individuals of the same age, from birth until all are dead A survivorship curve is a plot of the proportion or numbers in a cohort still alive at each age Idealized survivorship curves: Type I curve is flat at the start, reflecting low death rates during early and middle life, then drops steeply as death rates increase among older age groups Type II curves are intermediate, with a constant death rate over the organisms life span Type III curve drops sharply at the start, reflecting very high death rates for the young, but the flattens out as death rates decline for those individuals that have survived to a critical age Reproductive tables, or fertility schedules, are age specific summaries of the reproductive rates in a population III. The traits that affect an organisms schedule of reproduction and survival from birth through reproduction to death make up its life history. They are evolutionary outcomes reflected in the development, physiology, and behavior of an organism. Semelparous organisms reproduce a single time and die. When the survival rate of offspring is low, as in highly variable or unpredictable environments, this is favored Iteroparous organisms produce offspring repeatedly. When environments are dependable and where competition for resources may be intense, this is favored. Life history traits such as brood size, age at maturity, and parental caregiving represent trade-offs between conflicting demands for limited time, energy, and nutrients. IV. The exponential model describes population growth in an idealized, unlimited environment. The per capita birth rate (b) is the number of offspring produced per unit time by an average member of the population The per capita death rate (m) is the number of individuals of a population that die per unit time The per capita rate of increase (r), or a populations growth rate, equals birth rate minus death rate. R = b m Growth occurs when r>0 and decline occurs when r
Monday, August 19, 2019
Hanging of Billy Budd Essay -- essays research papers
The Hanging of Billy Budd The hanging of Billy in Melville’s Billy Budd was a questionable and complex decision made by Captain Vere. Captain Vere, or â€Å"starry Vere,†chose to coincide with the law rather than spare Billy to make himself happy. The hanging of Billy was necessary for order to remain on the ship and for justice to prevail. Billy Budd, also known as the â€Å"handsome sailor,†was on trial for killing the master-at-arms, Claggart. Everyone wished for Billy’s life to be spared, but Captain Vere chose to follow the oath he pledged to the King. Consequently, Billy was given the death penalty and hanged. Billy Budd's death was presided on very questionable cicumstances although he was liked by everyone, he was accussed of mutiny abored ship, and the muder of the Master at arms Claggert. His death was looked st as a tragedy by all abored ship even Captain Vere who made the decision to hang Billy, but it was the only decision which could have been made to keep the ship and the shipsmen from rebelling and killing all those people of higher command      Everyone on the ship enjoyed Billy’s presence, except Claggart. He was described to be a â€Å"sweet, pleasant fellow†(pg. 5). Captain Vere liked Billy as much or more than the others, â€Å"†¦they all loved him!†(pg. 6) Because of this, he wondered what the best choice was: save Billy, or hang him? The decision to hang Billy was, in retrospect, the right one. If Captain Vere chose not to hang Billy, no one wo...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Terrorism Essay -- essays research papers
A gunshot, an explosion, and screaming heard. That is what is generally thought of when one hears the word "Terrorism". In most cases it is true, but there are many other types of terrorism. Most terrorist incidents in the United States have been bombing attacks, involving explosive devices, tear gas and pipe bombs. (Collins, B. 1)The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) categorizes terrorism in the U.S. as either; domestic or international terrorism. Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the United States for purposes of intimidation, coercion or ransom. Terrorists often use threats to create fear among the public, to try to convince citizens that their government is powerless to prevent terrorism, and to get major publicity for their causes. (Hancock, L. 1) Terrorism has been around for many years. A recent mass act of violent terror occurred during WWII. Terror was released on Germany and many neighboring countries because of one mans belief in how people should be and how they should live. Hitler was elected chairman for the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) party in 1920. Adolf climbed his way to power over Germany. An Enabling Act passed by giving legislature, allowed him to "Nazify" the bureau, and replace all labor unions with one Nazi-controlled German labor front, and not allow any political parties except his ...
White Noise Essay -- Literary Analysis, Don DeLillo
In Don DeLillo’s eighth novel: White Noise, warmly accepted by critiques, the author exposes, that the money gained colossal meaning during our time, plunging down other values like freedom of customer choice and respect for shoppers. In his work of fiction he illustrates how current world of commerce impacts our minds by manipulating our decisions, and also he indicates that a human nature demonstrates immense vulnerability for such attack. Moreover the ubiquitous commercials lead us to desire of having things we never tried before, to see things not worth seeing, to buy stuff we really do not need. The novelist tries to open our eyes to identify and understand how works this commercial destructive mechanism. There are plenty of commerce techniques, which lead customers to make a certain selection, to convince them to buy a product. Sometimes those techniques are so forceful that may radically change our opinion. One of the very first scenes shows us a picture of the family eating lunch. DeLillo focuses our attention on how packaged is the food on the table: â€Å"open cartons, crumpled tinfoil, shiny bags of potato chips, bowls of past substances covered with plastic wrap, flip-top rings and twist ties†(7). There are a lot of things, but I would say: lack of food. From Babette, current Jack’s wife, who prepared the meal, we hear, that the matter of fact, she wanted them to eat something totally different. Farther she is critiqued by her teenager daughters: Denise and Steffie for her bad taste: †She keeps buying that [food]. But she never eats it†(7). How is it, that Babette, who picks the food, makes so horrific purchases? She is the brightest example of someon e, who stopped to think independently, and got attracted to shiny packa... ...ldings with zillion products we can select from. There must be a place where we can get the goods, it is fantastic that we also can relax, listen music, meet a friend, and enjoy ourselves there. However we, the clients must be aware of the fact, that those places are gigantic, war arenas where our minds are under siege, where our brains may be attacked by subconscious contents, that those palaces are really full of hidden suggestion traps. This is the full package. Don DeLillo in his novel states, that we easily become victims of massive number of commercials, and salesmen, whose job is to guide us â€Å"to endless well-being†(83). From the well-trained specialist we hear: what we want to wear, eat, listen, read, and this is the time when we truthfully die. We die as a separate, unique, valuable unit, in order to become subscriber to the â€Å"noises from the tiers†(84).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Biblical Accuracy
January 3, 2012/17 Rhetoric I Ask In Kennedy's inaugural address he pledges to help the people around the world who â€Å"struggle to break the bonds of misery. †He wishes to help these people because it is the right thing to do. This shows that there was much poverty around the world at the time. Even the rich needed help; Kennedy said, â€Å"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, then it cannot save the few who are rich. †Kennedy also wanted to assure the survival and success of liberty. He wanted every nation to know that America would do anything to preserve and spread liberty. In his inaugural address, Kennedy uses the oxymoron â€Å"peaceful revolution. †He was referring to the peace he wanted to maintain with Mexico. Likewise Kennedy wanted to pursue and attain world peace. In his 1961 inaugural speech, Kennedy states numerous times the achievement of world peace. He understood that peace would be difficult to accomplish. Therefore he made a request to the enemy to begin anew a quest for peace. He states that the only way to achieve peace would be to have â€Å"arms sufficient beyond doubt†because only then will they be certain to never be used on each other. Yet peace is a distant dream because both sides are frantic to not be outdone by the opposing force. Which goes back to what Kennedy said, â€Å"let us begin anew. †A way to achieve harmony is to â€Å"let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. †Another way to attain serenity according to Kennedy, is to have both sides explore what will unite them instead of dwelling on what separates them. Lastly, a way to unite the world would be to explore the endless wonders of science together. Kennedy explains this specific road to tranquility by using parallelism. Kennedy's words on obtaining peace suggest that a war, the cold war precisely, was occurring. John F. Kennedy is considered to be one of America's greatest presidents. It's not hard to see why with his elaborate, inspirational speeches. Kennedy loved America and wanted the best for her, peace, freedom, unity, and liberty. It was JFK that said these motivational words, â€Å"United, there is little we cannot do†¦ Divided there is little we can do. â€Å"
Friday, August 16, 2019
Yeast Fermentation Lab
The aim of this work was to identify how sugar concentration does affect yeast fermentation. An increase in sugar concentration must increase the release of CA as a result of yeast fermentation. The following analysis considers the average CA concentrations measured as a result of three independent experiments. In absence of sugar no CA was released. A 5% increase in sugar concentration showed a lowCA presence, 0. 33 CM. Then as a result of another 5% increase in sugar concentration it is observed a higher concentration of CA, 1. 1 CM measured. Till then the increase of CA concentration was expected. When sugar solution reached 15% surprisingly the CA concentration decreased to 0. 57. Actually it was expected a relative increase in CA concentration. Later when sucrose concentration increased to we identified an important increase in CA concentration.The whole hypothesis could not be supported as a result of the decrease in concentration when sugar concentration reached 15%. Evaluatio n: In order to improve this work we could consider the following elements: use more different samples of yeast, in this work we only had one yeast source. It could have sugar concentration was added was not accurate and changes in the temperature could have affected the results. Furthermore the use of pipettes could have been improved during the process of the procedures.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
How have cultures from the ‘west’ been represented in the ‘east’ Essay
Fundamentally the term culture means to cultivate but on other hand this word also contains some other meanings and definitions as well. Number of writers and author worked and surveyed on the actual definition of culture and in year 1952 Alfred Kroeber and Clyde has presented approximately 164 defamations of this word â€Å"culture†. If we focus these definitions and research work by our well-known authors then we can came to know the fact that culture is simply the critical review of concepts and definitions that people have. Along with this the fact has also been revealed that culture can be presented and illustrated with three different approaches like the taste in fine arts and humanities is one of the significant ways of defining one’s culture or perspective. Similarly values, goals and attitudes are also used in illustrating the cultural values. (Bryan 1963) Beside above mentioned points the human knowledge , belief and the attitudes are also used in promoting culture as these things has the power and capacity to define the thoughts and ideas of people. Later after finding numerous definition of culture in twentieth century this word emerges out with new concepts as the focus point of anthropology, which means that culture is a word that is actually composed of all the actions and thoughts that is performed by human anywhere in the world and all these behaviors does not have any sort of relation with the genetics. In West, this word has its own meaning as they have their own approaches and thoughts regarding this term, as according to them culture basically defines two things that include the human experience, imaginations and incidents which occurs with them and later they present those things according to their art and used their power of creativity as well. (Alan Bryan 1963) Similarly they illustrated the meaning of culture by presenting the idea that in this entire world there are number of people who have their own way and manners of living and with their own ideas, experience and conditions they define their own meaning of culture as the way of defining culture varies from place to place and from people to people as well. But later after the World War 2 numerous authors reformed the definition of culture and the style they had presented it was also changed and among those authors albeit played a significnat role as in this era his work and ideas are still followed and apprectiated. Besides these above mentioned definition when we go though numerous research paper and studies of different authors from all over the world we came to know the fact that number of artist were born in west side and presented beautiful and unique work that portrayed their thoughts regarding culture and numerous other things. Among these beautiful and talented artist Hansen is a significant name. This man was born in year 1960 in West area where the natural beauty, purity and environment was so attractive that form the early stage this boy started visioning, drawing and portraying his cultural beauty in a marvelous manner. Hansen completed his educational career and returned to homeland in 1990, but during his early days of schooling this young boy started painting in year 1969, after that he went abroad to study mechanical design as well. Later he came back to America and served this country as a technical drawing specialist. Ms Georgian was the lady who impressed Hansen and he want himself to work and serve the idea of culture through his talent and skills of painting and drawing. He has developed his own unique sense of styling which reflects his philosophical mind as well. As time passes this young boy’s skills in promoting culture were notified by numerous people and his professional career started in which he designed numerous spectacular designs in the boating industry. The concept of portraying culture in such manner was so much appreciated by people that the technique of introducing abstract and cubist was later adopted by the artist of East as well. Beside Hansen’s work numerous other artist work and thought are adopted by the people of East. Christians also played a vital role in promoting cultural values and portraying them in such a manner that it was appreciated by the entire world. And among there marvelous work the oldest and the most symbolic thing is the cross sign which is known as the sign of Christian’s faith. The idea of presenting cross sign has played a significant role in numerous other cultures as well. People from different region especially from east side have adopted it as well and defines their own meaning of this symbol. If we go through to the detail and deep knowledge of this cross then we came to know numerous facts regarding it as it was revealed that through ages and centuries people are using and following this cross sign to protect themselves from illness, to have good fortune, and to show their respect to their religion and numerous other things as well. After the great success of promoting culture is such manner numerous other artists has developed countless version of its, which include X-Shaped St. Andrews cross and the T-shaped teau-cross as well. Beside this, the people of Greek have used this symbol in order to represent the four cardinal directions as well or we can say that they tried to represent the four basic elements which include earth, wind, water and fire. Other than this, the people of India have used this symbol as well in order to show the four main directions of heavens. Similarly, the people of Africa has designed cross roads and there concept of it is that these crossroads are places where the world of living and dead meet. In addition with this, numerous Eastern artists used this shaped to promote their cultural jewelry as well. Along with above mentioned things, Eastern people have also discovered new and interesting things in Japan by following the writings of Shakespeare as they had focused the plays of him and started studying the canonical values of his theater and implement the thoughts and ideas in order to promote the cultural things. Similarly, the people of Japan also have a great history in promoting cultural things through different and unique ideas such as the monster is one of the significant thing that Japanese promotes in their culture which was actually the creation of human imagination which resemble numerous things at different points like people, other animals or well –known objects as well. (Kuncaraningrat 1985) The artist of West promote their cultural values and things by numerous ways and among them music is the major source. With the help of unique and different musical instruments they define their thoughts and ideas regarding their culture. All sort of music either rock, pop or slow all were used to promote culture. In addition with these the artist of West also launched numerous sort of games that have music like Krongcong is one of the famous and well-known musical game that was designed in a manner that the music lovers start playing them and the main focus of promoting culture with the help of music will also go on with such innovative discoveries. Similarly along with music, dance is another thing that is used in order to promote culture of West, as it is the best approach of reflecting and showing the diversification of different ethical groups that compose the entire West portion of the world. This technique of promoting culture was adopted by the artist of East as well, as this gave great opportunity to show the traditional and cultural values of one’s states. The people of West also use the source of drama and theaters in order to promote their cultural values, and this technique really works as people form all over the world came to watch such sort of drama that promotes culture and things regarding traditional values. Along with this the people of East represent the culture of West in their region by using the traditional arts things which includes paintings, sculpture and numerous sort of architecture as well. Not only this they also used literature and poetry in order to present the idea and thoughts regarding the culture and traditional values of West. For people who loved food the Eastern group facilitate them by provding and presenting the Western dishes, along with this the more powerful and source that the Eastern people used in order to represent the culture of West in the media, as there is a great number of cinemas within East and these cinemas has played a significant role in spreading every bite of cultural things and cover all the traditional values of the entire West. In previous days, this source did not work as much but at the beginning of year 1980 this platform reaches the peak and concurred the highest level as well. Beside this cinema’s role numerous Eastern artists have played a significant role in order to promote and represent the culture and traditions of West within their country and this medium of representing the culture is very much appreciated by all as in this every age group can find its own interesting things to go for. Other than this, radio network which was formed in year 1945 also played a significant role, especially after 2006 numerous radio channels are launched using Digital Audio Broadcasting and Hybrid system that are also facilitating in promoting the cultural values all over the East. But all these above mentioned approaches had a positive result till political issues do not arise. In early days if we go through the detail representation techniques of promoting and showing culture of West in East we came to know that its result is very much effective as long as it was concerned as the homogenous population things towards mass production. This multiculturalism has worked for a long time in order to show the Western European society. The people of French also liked and welcomed this sort of representation and wrote numerous theories on it and named such things as a class struggle which highlighted the real charm, beauty as well as the weakness, along with this such representation also include ethics, religion and race issues but this thought of promoting culture is no more seen due to numerous political issues. Adams 2006) As now people have the idea that political, cultural, social and economical dialogue projects are addressed but should not be exclusively shown in Muslim countries, beside this according to the political rules the training programs, information of technologies and other things should not be shown and promoted on other side rather than West as this cause great trouble to the citizens of the west. Beside this the global conflict is also one of the major reason of promoting culture and traditional things in such a way, as the people of other country did not have the actual idea or right to promote each other cultural values as by this they often show our cultural things in a wrong manner and this cause big issues. According to a survey and research numerous authors wrote things about politicians idea that they have an idea that assimilation model can’t work longer because he people who are from different state are not like us and they have different skin color, they have other religion whose rules are not applicable on us, as we are not of same group, culture, and we does not have same social and traditional values. Similarly the political rules that are governing West also have the idea that we people are from different type of population and thats why we cant work on same issue with hand in hand as these people are living in a territory which has no political representation and they wants to copy our theories and approaches by promoting our cultural and traditional values. (Adams 2006) In a nut shell, we can conclude our paper that the idea of presenting and promoting culture and traditional values of each other provide us great benefit as by this we can come to know the real concepts and ideas of each other, and this thing also facilitate us in getting new approaches as well but this concept that arises in this era that by doing so we people can face numerous difficulties and political issues is not good for both the citizens of West as well as East so we should cover up such issues and focus on the growth and development of cultural as well as other things which is a great need for all of us.
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