Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Arguments in Favour of Single-Sex Schools
The subject on individual sex schools has drawn broad and different sentiments in the public sphere for a long clip. Persons, groups, establishments and governments have so far presented different ideas sing the subject. By definition, the phrase, â€Å"single sex school†means a signifier of a school where by male childs and misss attend different schools. To be precise, individual schools implies, misss go toing a school that is specifically for misss while male childs go toing a schools that is specifically for male childs. Therefore, individual school unlike the conventional or instead traditional schools ( assorted schools ) is an political orientation that even though has been in existed for a long clip, some people in the community feels it is a good thought that need to be embraced. Meanwhile, there are some people excessively who feel that misss and male childs should larn together in the same school as it will assist them develop together as one. Regardless of the ma ny ideas that have been presented opposing the position, individual sex schools when implemented, they are good for instruction. One of the grounds why individual sex schools are good for instruction is that ; they create a feeling of safety, encourages pupils to encompass their life style every bit good as detering any signifier of distraction in the class of prosecuting their dreams through instruction. There are a figure of pupils whose instruction has been affected due deficiency of concentration in category. This is because some pupils find it so difficult to concentrate when they are in a conventional category. This is a job that is really common with male childs as opposed to misss. Boys tend to lose focal point in a category of assorted gender because they will be seeking to move different in order to pull their female category couples. Worse still, it is truly difficult for male childs to concentrate on larning while there are a watercourse of cunning ladies to look up to in the same category. However, it is of import to observe besides that, this job does non impact all male childs but so the per cen tum of male childs who get distracted from larning because of beautiful misss in category is higher as opposed to the per centum that does non acquire affected ( The Many Advantages of Single-Sex Schools, n.p ) . Meanwhile, there are a figure of misss who get affected excessively when in a conventional school. This arises on affairs refering safety. Psychologically, immature misss fear being touched physically. This creates fear among them and as such they are non in a place of set abouting their surveies in a normal manner. On the other manus, female pupils will experience free and safe if they are enrolled in a female school where by they are meeting fellow misss. This creates assurance and therefore s encouragements their academic public presentation, a clear indicant that same sex schools are good for instruction. On top of that, it is besides factual that both male childs and misss develop different in the procedure of turning up. This is apparent given the fact that, misss dev elop quicker every bit compared to boys. Furthermore, the believing capacity of ladies grows exponential faster as opposed to that of male childs. This indicates that the demands of misss are to some extent different from that of male childs. Therefore, there is demand to promote individual sex schools that will assist misss and male childs understand the demands of their bodies’ good which finally can be translated to good public presentation ( Single-Gender Classes, n.p ) . Harmonizing to Gilbert ( par. 5 and 6 ) , the instruction system has been stormed by females as opposed to males. Gilbert presents his determination that, the figure of female decision makers in most schools is higher as compared to males in many schools. He besides states that, the figure of female instructors in assorted schools is higher than those of male instructors. Gilbert besides observes that, female pupils have the ability to detect their emotions good as opposed to pupils. On top of that misss are besides known to be better readers as opposed to male childs. Worse still, the current instruction system tend to stress more on cooperation. This leaves male childs stranded in their surveies, because they prefer more physical actions and competition. In fact, Gilbert asserts that, this type of system favours misss who excel while the public presentation of male childs keep on deteriorating. In his decision, Gilbert therefore argues that, assorted schools merely favours misss as opposed to male childs. In his justification, he asserts that, coeducational schools affects male childs in that they lose attending in acquisition, every bit good as stoping up enduring from developmental upsets. Therefore, Gilbert suggests that, the best manner to advance equality in instruction for both male childs and misss is to follow scorch sex schools given that coeducational schools tend to prefer misss as opposed to male childs. Another position as to why individual sex schools are good for instruction as opposed to coeducational schools is from the point of instructors. Given that the behaviour and demands of both male childs and misss are different, teachers’ public presentation is besides affected in the procedure of bringing in category. This sis because, there is no uniformity in footings of nearing different issues in the same category. As such, a instructor must handle a boy different every bit good as a miss in a alone manner excessively. This affects teachers’ preciseness. However, encompassing scorch sex schools, instructors will be able to associate their instructions methodological analysis to the behaviour of their pupils and therefore good for instruction ( The Many Advantages of Single-Sex Schools, n.p ) . Meanwhile, an environment plays a great function in pupil public presentation. A favourable acquisition environment contributes to high public presentation of pupils as opposed to an unfavourable environment. A relaxed environment is good for a acquisition set up as opposed to a helter-skelter environment. This works for both male childs and misss. However, one thing that need to be clear is that in coeducational schools, male childs and misss try every bit much as possible to affect one another. In so making they feel fixed in that they are supposed to move in a mode that attracts one another. In the procedure, a miss or a male child may fear inquiring a inquiry because she/he may believe it will non affect their opposite sex opposite numbers. This affects the pupils in showing themselves openly and if continues for a long clip, it becomes a wont that can non and will ne'er be erased. Actually it becomes portion of their life and accompanies them in the remainder of their unrecorded. In comparing to individual sex schools, pupils have cipher to affect and as such, they fear less in inquiring inquiries, that is an of import component in larning. Furthermo re, the ability to prosecute with others without experiencing intimidated by the gender of the opposite sex flicker arguments and conversation that enhances instruction in a positive mode ( Kennedy, n.p ) . Indeed, instruction is one of import gift to both male childs and misss. It is through instruction that male childs and misss can be able to accomplish their assorted dreams in life. Therefore, there is demand to accommodate a theoretical account that works for both of them. Over clip, there has been a argument as to whether individual sex schools improve pupil public presentation. This argument has drawn a batch of positions from the pupils themselves, parents/guardians, instructors, human support groups every bit good as the legal authorization. Even though there are opposing positions refering the encouragement of individual sex schools on the premiss that ; they tend to divide misss and male childs doing them fear one another and therefore taking to isolation every bit good as lending to high degree of divorce in the long tally, individual sex schools are good for instruction for assorted ground. One of them is that they encourage a feeling of safety, promotes a feeling of safety every bit good as avoiding any signifier of distractions. Another ground is the fact that boys and misss develop otherwise every bit good the undeniable truth that schools are stormed by females as opposed to males, which makes male childs uncomfortable. On top of that, instructors are besides more productive in individual sex schools as opposed to coeducational schools due to uniformity. Furthermore, individual sex schools enables pupils to prosecute in arguments and conversation without any signifier of gender based bullying. Plants Cited Gilbert, Michael. â€Å" Single-sex Schools Help Children Thrive. †The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor. Web. 4 May 2015. Kennedy, Robert. â€Å" What Are the Advantages of Single Sex Education? †Web. 4 May 2015. â€Å" Single-Gender Classs: Are They Better? †Education World:. Web. 4 May 2015. â€Å" The Many Advantages of Single-Sex Schools. †CRC Health Group. Web. 4 May 2015.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Life Plan
In this essay I am suppose to explain what the plans for my life are, how I plan on achieving them and the problems I might face. If you have a goal it gives you a clear focus on things. It also helps you to organize your plans by letting you set time limits and boundaries. I think if you plan on achieving things in life then you have to set goals. After high school there are many things I want to do and accomplish in my life. My goals probably aren’t different from most kids, but it will take a lot of hard work to get where I want to be. I have many goals, but to accomplish these goals I will probably have many things that could get in the way. The reason I need to set goals is to make sure that I don’t fall behind in life and not achieve my dreams. Last summer I was into some bad things that really messed up my life. Luckily, I was assigned to Youth Court to help me through this. Youth Court is helping teach me the importance of goals because of the way it is set up. I have a 6 month sentence. During this time I have to complete certain goals. Writing this life plan is one goal, an apology letter due the 1st month, a shoplifting class the 2nd month, and a jail tour another month. I have jury duty the first Thursday of every month, I have to phone in weekly, I have to attend school regularly, stay out of trouble, obey my parents, obey 10:00 pm curfew, and complete 40 hours of community service by the end of the 6 month period. If all of this is not complete then I will not reach my goal of having my offense taken off my records. The way Youth Court is set up is to do a little each month until you can complete your goal. If I do the required stuff every month then by the time the 6 months is over I will have completed everything I needed to do in order in graduate from Youth Court and have my offense taken off my record. Even though I haven’t finished setting my goals, I already have some. Two of the most important are to be happy and successful, even if I haven’t started out so well. One goal I have is to get my drivers license, I have already finished my classroom training. I have just taken my written test and I now I my permit. I will have my permit for 6 months before I can get my license. I still need to complete my drivers training class which I am already signed up for. This is an important goal for me because I will need a license to drive. This leads to a goal I am trying to achieve and that is finding a job. I am starting to look for an after school/weekend job to save money to buy a car and for gas money. Another goal I have is to graduate from high school in 2 ? years. I have problems in school because I have learning disabilities, including ADHD. I am also in Special Education classes. I need to work hard every day so I can keep my grades up. I think the most important value that will make me successful is determination. In order to be successful in my life I have to stick with it. While you can be happy achieving something it can take a lot of effort. There can be many mistakes and setbacks, I already know about some of those. Another goal I have is to become an x-ray technician.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
Research paper - Essay Example Thus, this paper considers supporting and opposing arguments, arguing against the perception painted by the media that the sports are too dangerous. Introduction The phrase, ‘extreme sport,’ refers to a collection of activities traditionally associated with risk taking. They mostly involves dangerous elements like severe weather, high speeds and high altitudes, therefore making them highly risky sports, particularly when judgment or equipment fail (Burke and Orlick 42; Clemmit 304). The mental and physical demands in these sports are high. Jay (6) categorizes these sports into three based on the place of action. Speed is the major goal in extreme land sports. Extreme air sports have its participants fly, leaping off a high building or bridge. Extreme water sports involve speed, balance or nature exploration. These are all risky sports and should be tried only with proper equipments and training and under supervision. Examples of these sports include high altitude climbin g, skating, motor-cross and martial arts among others. Extreme sports have become popular all over the world because of entertainment industries, corporate sponsors and mass communication. According to Mickle, over the past two decades, the sport has grown exponentially, outdoing other sporting activity. Many organizations use these sports to sell their products because the sports attract mass audience. Another reason is because they want customers to associate their products with the power exhibited in extreme sports. For example, snowboarders are about 18.5 million in the world, with 75% of America’s population of these snowboarders being made up of young people below the age of 24 (Clemmit 300). This popularity could be interpreted to show that the sport is not as dangerous as the public has been made to perceive it or that many people are at risk of the involved dangers. It is therefore important to consider arguments on either side to make an informed conclusion. Argumen ts for Extreme Sports being too dangerous Referring to these sports as extreme indicates their potential; any small mistake could highly lead to death, hence considered as too dangerous. First, they are barbaric and deadly. Clemmit (299) gives the example of mixed martial arts, MMA, where combatants use deadly moves which are kickboxing, sumo and jujitsu among others. It is out of such techniques that the author gives the example of Dean Lewis, a Canadian teenager who was injured badly in the ring because of an upkick to the nose, an illegal technique in MMA. In fact, the American and British medical associations does not approve of ultimate fighting because they risk physically and permanently harming participants. Their advocacy for states to ban such sports has seen states such as New York consider illegalizing such extreme sports (Profato 313). The risk of death extends from competitors in such sports to third parties, including the referees and audience. Even if participants pr epare themselves well, unforeseen risks such as slippery surfaces could easily lead to fatal accidents. Therefore, even the most competent sportspersons face the risk of death from extreme sports. Damage to property has been another reason for argument against extreme sports by its opponents. Property stand to be destroyed in case of an accident in these sports because most of them happen in public, multi-use spaces (Clemmit 310). Motor-cross sports have been cited
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Introduction to business law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Introduction to business law - Coursework Example It can be gleaned from the communications made by herein parties their intention to enter into a contract. Under s.64 of Restatement, acceptance given by telephone or other medium of substantially instantaneously two-way communication is governed by the principles applicable to acceptances where the parties are in the presence of each other. Hence, if Eddie had intended to revoke the contract, he should have manifested the same on Tuesday. In the case of Megalift v Terminals [2009] NSWSC 324, the court ruled that both parties were already in negotiation, discussing terms and details such as transportation and delivery. These conversations involved quotations and although no fixed price was agreed upon, it was nonetheless a contract, which was legally binding. Moreover, her Honour disregarded the quotation for the purpose of a budget only. This did not prevent the parties from contracting. Answer to question # 2. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA) places a number of restrictions on the contract terms businesses can agree to. Specifically, it lays down rules for the ways in which vendor businesses can use exclusion clauses to limit liability in certain areas. (Business Link, Buyers' terms and conditions and unfair contract terms). The business selling the goods or services isn't allowed to exclude liability for: death or injury - under any circumstances, losses caused by negligence - unless to do so is 'reasonable' and defective or poor quality goods - unless to do so is 'reasonable' (Ibid.) Liability for negligence that causes other types of damage are subjected to a test for â€Å"reasonableness†(Alistaire 2009, Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms Part 2). S.2(1) of the UCTA states that â€Å"A person cannot by reference to any contract term or to a notice given to persons generally or to particular persons exclude or restrict his liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence.†Under s2(1) no one acting in the cou rse of a business can exclude or restrict his liability in negligence for death or personal injury by means of a term in a contract or by way of notice (Law Teacher 2011, Exclusion and Limiting Clauses). Bambi cannot make reference to the notice on the desk that excludes or restricts its liability in case of claim for damages resulting from its negligence. UCTA is the main statutory provision, which regulates exclusion clauses and can either render a term effective, ineffective or subject to the test of reasonableness. It applies to business liability as between businesses or a business and a consumer. Therefore, if parties are not acting in the course of a business, say for example a contract between two private individuals, they can exclude liability. UCTA applies to exclusion clauses in the course of a business in three situations:1. Negligence 2. Consumer 3. Standard Term Contracts (Gillhams Lawyers 2008, Business and Commercial Contract Terms). Negligence is failure to use reas onable care. It is the doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not do, or the failure to do something, which a reasonably prudent person would do under like circumstances. It is a departure from what an ordinary
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The effacts of poverty on children living Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The effacts of poverty on children living - Essay Example Therefore, children from poor backgrounds lack the necessities to ensure success. In other instances, the poor parents lack the capacity to offer their children the conditions for success such as books (Ferguson & Mueller, 2007). Poverty causes psychological challenges to the children. The challenges result from parents inability to afford childrens basic needs. The situation in turn lowers their concentration level in class. Therefore, such condition makes children from poor families to score low grades in communication skills, use of vocabulary and knowledge of numerical. In addition, poverty also causes segregation among school going children. Therefore, it affects the nature of relationships and corporation among children from different social classes (Ferguson & Mueller, 2007). Parental unpredictability and change of caregivers are challenges in the poor neighborhoods. They arise because the parents take multiple and inconsistent jobs to support their families. Therefore, they contribute to declining performance among their children because they lack role modeling and supervision. In most instances, these children engage in bad social activities such as theft. Lack of parental guidance and role modeling breeds a culture that is unaware of benefits of schooling (Ferguson & Mueller, 2007). Hence, poor environments adversely affect the cognitive, social, and academic performance of
Business economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business economy - Essay Example An excise tax is defined as a tax imposed on a specific amount per unit of product, and for this reason is sometimes also referred to as a specific tax (Keats & Young, 2005, p. 149). In contrast, there are ad valorem taxes such as sales taxes, which are imposed on the value or price of the product or service. Taxes imposed on â€Å"unhealthy†goods are also called â€Å"sin taxes.†They are usually state-sponsored taxes which legislators readily resort to at times when the government is seen to run a budget deficit and needs to raise funds. The taxpayers rarely protest any imposition or increase of sin taxes, for the reason that the tax is not imposed on the general public but only those who buy the product which is seen as harmful to them, anyway. Sin taxes may either be specific or ad valorem, and are generally imposed on cigarettes or tobacco, liquor, and gambling. (Investopedia, 2009) The price, income and cross-price elasticities of demand as well as the price elasticity of supply all bear on the effectivity of imposing sin taxes. Price elasticity measures changes in demand due to changes in prices of the good, income elasticity the changes in demand due to changes in the buyer’s income, and the cross-price elasticity of demand changes in demand for a good due to a percentage change in the price of a related good. On the other hand, the price elasticity of supply refers to the percentage change in the quantity supplied for a good given the percentage change of price for that same good. These four elasticities are important in the determination of the tax incidence, though those that bear most directly are the price elasticities of demand and supply. This is because different commodities have different responses to increase in prices, and government’s selection of which commodities to tax and how much to tax will determine government revenue. Rose (2003) observes that this was considered by Adam Smith
Friday, July 26, 2019
Socialization and Criminal Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Socialization and Criminal Behavior - Essay Example A convicted child abuser and closeted homosexual, John Wayne Gacy kidnapped and killed thirty-three young boys over a six year period. Seeking to understand the particularly heinous crimes of Mr. John Wayne Gacy, this brief research paper will discuss the linkages between socialization and criminal behavior. We begin with an overview of the life and times of this violent murderer with an eye to his early period of socialization. Following this overview of the crimes of John Wayne Gacy, this paper will discuss the linkages between social forces and crime by looking at the sociological theory of anomie (Bell and Bardsley 2009). What kind of family life did John Wayne Gacy have? How did his early experiences shape the killer he became? John Wayne Gacy was born during the height of the Second World War during the relative tranquility of suburban Chicago and was the second of three children. It was reported that his father was both physically and mentally abusive as the young Gacy grew up in a strict Polish-Danish household. Teased about being overweight and supposedly demonstrating feminine characteristics as a young boy, John Wayne Gacy faced a series of challenges growing up. His scholastic record was shoddy and although he became a somewhat successful businessman, his previous academic record gave no indication that Mr. Gacy would achieve much financial success in life. As a young man who had dropped out of school and ventured to Las Vegas to win a livelihood, John Wayne Gacy married the first woman who paid him any attention, the unsuspecting Marlynn Myers. Despite appearances of normality John Wayne Gac y had a severe attraction to young boys and although reports of his alleged homosexuality surfaced while a member of the Jaycees, he managed to hide this aspect of his life while beginning life in Waterloo. On one side John Wayne Gacy
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Introduction Part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Introduction Part - Essay Example Over the last two decades, the different rating agencies have focussed on developing innovative methodologies for evaluation of social performance of the companies. The evaluation is important as the non-financial performance of the companies like corporate social responsibility reflects the strategic policies of the company gives an insight of the future course of action and business of the companies. Undertaking corporate social responsibility leads to spread of information in the market that the company is looking to maintain a stable environment and reduce the damages caused to the society as an effect of its operations. Thus the information flow to the market gives an understanding of the long term plans and sustainability of the companies. As a result of this flow of information, the decision of the market investors, suppliers, creditors, customers would vary in terms of entering into a relationship with the company. The activities of corporate social responsibility also pass t he information on the profitability, retained earnings, capability to engage in non-financial performance. ... All these information and subsequent effects in investment decisions of the stakeholders create an impact of the prices of stocks and shares of the companies (Celliera and Chollet, 2010, p.1). The stock prices would fluctuate in anticipation of good financial health and sustainability of the companies in long run which would be interpreted from the information derived out of their social performance. Thus the stock prices of the companies carry an important relationship with the company’s social responsibility. Rational for the research The announcements and disclosure of corporate social responsibility has shown a proportional impact on the stock prices of the companies over the years. The degree of social performance delivered by the companies could be understood from the ratings on corporate social responsibility. The rational of this research is to find significance of corporate social responsibility by interpreting the effects of CSR ratings on the stock prices of the com panies. A company rated highly on its social performance would give rise to investor reactions and these reactions would influence the investment decisions. Through research, the change in prices of the stock could be compared to the change in responsibility on social actions performed by the companies. The effect on stock prices could be determined to check whether the changes in stock price are directly proportional to the increase or decrease in social performance. Social performance may also be viewed by some sections of the investor as not contributing to maximization of their financial wealth in the long run. The research would also serve to provide an understanding as to what percentage of investors
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Interview - Essay Example All three of them were from different places. John was from Arizona while William was from Sydney and Martin from London. A number of topics such as their early life, school life, interests, hobbies, jobs, experiences etc were discussed with them. Their answers have changed my perception about the senior citizens. They are the role models for the younger generation. Early life A peep into the early life of these senior citizens was a refreshing experience. They always used to live together with the entire family which gives an excellent image of their lifestyle. Their parents had always thought them to value the relations. Young children along with their grandparents and parents made up for the perfect family. Stories of children playing together with each other, fighting for toys were a refreshing feeling. All the vacations to the farm, the celebrations, birthday parties with all the brothers and sisters are enough to prove the bonding which they had with each other. The best part o f their life has been the way their bonding has been carried out for years. They never miss out on any opportunity to meet on occasions. This bonding has been carried out over the years and has been passed on to their children as well. Interview with them also gave insights about their first home. Though they were not able to recollect all the information as to where their first house was, most of them said that their first home was somewhere near the valley. They played with their friends, brothers and sisters in the lawn which was a part of their first home. The most exciting part of their life was that most of them used to play with the cattle while they took them for grazing. I am a part of a generation which expects students to create advanced gadgets. But after knowing about the life of these senior citizens, I have realized that I have missed out something in life. John was born in the state of Arizona, during the Second World War. Though it was the time of war where thousand s of soldiers and sailors were sunk by the Japanese warplanes, their families always stayed together. They explained how their parents made sure that their children were not affected by the war and gave them all the values to be a good citizen. This picture of their family tells us the sense of bonding they had with each other. The love, bonding and care has been carried out over the years and something which everyone should learn from them. A lot was learnt about these senior citizens and their early life. It changed my thinking about the bonding between the brothers and sisters. My perception on them was that everyone during their growing up had forgotten each other and got along with life. They have proved my view on them wrong. Even after years, they have maintained the same love and bonding with each other. It is a lesson for most of us in the younger generation who are in the race to win and succeed. It has changed my perspective towards life. Everyone should grow like them. H appiness is not about just achieving ones personal goals; it is about being lovable towards the ones who care for you. Though they have not grown with the most advanced of technologies around, they have experienced the smallest of happiness in life. Living, sharing and creating happiness with their loved ones has enriched their life. It is the path which they have left for us and we
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Strategic management Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic management - Article Example This presence can further intensify the competition as more and more niches within the market are developed. There can be opportunities specially in terms of offering comprehensive services under one roof because most of the players are focused on providing specialist services and are not clearly focused on universal medical services under one roof. 2) Due to lack of more sophisticated hospitals in non-urban areas, the overall bargaining power of consumers may be low. However, due to overall size of the healthcare suppliers, there is relatively higher bargaining power available to suppliers i.e. physicians, medical professionals, healthcare supplies etc. The fact that RRMC was not able to procure some of the supplies required for essential procedures therefore outline that due to demand and supply dynamics of medical supplies suppliers, they are yielding more power. The overall competitiveness and the lower concentration of high quality services providers in the non-urban areas there fore make it relatively more lucrative for new players to enter into the market. The chances for the substitute products to dominate the market are relatively low because alternative medicine is not common yet and therefore may not take place of the traditional services offered. The overall rivalry in the industry therefore is relatively high due to the fact that more and more players may enter into the market and serving different niches of the market. 3) One of the key competitive advantages of RRMC is its ability to offer different services under one roof. Started as an acute services provider, RRMC developed itself into a larger healthcare services provider by including innovative services such as heartburn treatment center, chest pain treatment, and diagnostic services along with other general services. This therefore can serve as one of the key competitive advantages for RRMC and can distinguish it from other players in the market which are mostly focused on providing selectiv e services. This competitive advantage could be sustainable if RRMC is able to continuously upgrade its operations and bring in more innovativeness in its operations. An expanded base of services coupled with latest technology therefore can surely help RRMC to maintain its competitive advantage and sustain it for longer period of time. 4) A closer analysis of the facts provided in the case study suggests that RRMC’s inbound logistics may have minimum impact on its competitiveness. However, the operations of the hospital are really critical and are probably the major source through which it generates its competitive advantage. The network of different departments and services including outpatient departments therefore can serve as the outbound logistics of the firm. Outbound logistics of the firm coupled with operations of the firm work in tandem to offer RRMC a unique advantage in the market. The use of membership incentives through MedKey program can also serve as one of the key sources for competitive advantage of the firm. Through this, hospital has been able to achieve both the retail i.e. individual as well as local businesses as customers and offered them bundled services. The use of internet for the purpose of market can also be considered as key part of the overall marketing campaign of the hospital to maintain its competitive advantage. Since the essential nature of the hospital is to provide healthcare servic
Monday, July 22, 2019
Summarise the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years Essay Example for Free
Summarise the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years Essay The first physical stages in a baby happen after they are born. They will start by learning how to hold their head up. Babies have a grasping reflex which enables them to automatically tighten their fingers when an object is placed in the palm of their hands. Around 6 months a baby will be able to roll forward and maybe start to crawl and shuffle their bodies around. Mobility is hugely increased in babies between 9 and 12 months. They will usually be able to sit upright unaided and even show signs of wanting to stand and walk. By the time a child reaches 2 years of age, they should have mastered the art of sitting, standing, crawling and walking. Some children by this age can begin to run, kick a ball and walk up and down stairs (assisted by an adult). 3-5 years By this age children should be able to stand on tiptoes and jump from very low heights. Climbing should make them feel confident and many will be able to ride a tricycle. A child’s mobility progresses to an advanced level meaning they can move about freely without any help or hesitation. Moves such as catching, kicking, throwing and bouncing a ball will have developed and will encourage children to participate in simple ball games. Between the ages of 4-5 years children will be able to use certain playing equipment such as skipping ropes, hoops and even skittles. Children of this age will understand much better the right of personal space and are also able to move around safely. 5-8 years Children by the age of 5 will be more agile. Some will be able to stand on one foot for 10 seconds. A lot of children in this age bracket can touch their toes without bending their knees. Many will be able to ride a bike without any stabilisers. They may also enjoy games such as sliding, climbing frames and swinging. Their stamina should have increased which means activities such as gymnastics, swimming and athletics are a good choice. Other sports such as football, basketball, will allow them to run around without colliding into someone or something. Intellectual Development 0-2 years Babies are born with primitive reflexes which can include a rooting reflex this is when a baby turns his or her head to suckle as a result of stroking his or her cheek. They will be able to recognise certain sounds and voices. Imitation of facial expressions are enjoyable to them and making eye contact with them is comforting. Bright lights can be exciting for babies of this age and they will also enjoy looking at themselves in a mirror. Between 6 and 9 months babies will enjoy playing with toys and imitating simple tasks such as clapping hands or waving goodbye. Babies will enjoy banging objects together, throwing, dropping and shaking toys/objects around. Memory skills will start to develop. By the age of 2 children will have learnt how to use a spoon and drink from a cup. By this age they will typically have a vocabulary of around 50 words. 3-5 years Children of this age will participate in pretend play. They will be able to use crayons and pencils and maybe even the ability to handle round ended scissors appropriately. Motor skills will be developing by now enabling them to put tiny beads into a string. Their memory is getting stronger they should be able to remember past events and look forward to future ones. Between 3-5 years of age learning is becoming more interesting. They will begin to name colours and understand simple counting. Drawings will be more accurate and easier to recognise. 5-8 years At the age of 5, children will be ready to start school and should be able to string simple sentences together. Drawings may contain simple details such as a face with eyes, ears mouth and nose. Some children may also be able to write their own names. Writing and reading is becoming more interesting. Those children who are read to aloud and are encouraged to read aloud tend to develop more quickly intellectually Time phrases such as morning, afternoon, night, yesterday and tomorrow will be more understandable to them. Numeracy level reaches the ability of adding and subtracting by the age of 6-8 years. Language 0-2 years Babies will cry and gurgle or coo. Crying can differ depending on whether a baby is hungry, hurt or wants a cuddle. Babies between 3 and 6 months can begin to chuckle and laugh and can imitate certain sounds. Babbling becomes more constant and by 9 months a baby ought to be able to copy words such as ‘mama’ and ‘dada’. By the age of 2 a child’s vocabulary has increased from coo-ing and making various noises to having a vocabulary of approximately 50 words. 3-5 years By the age of 3 communication is greatly improved resulting in talking all the time and many questions asked. The most common words used are why, who, where, how, when. Their skills by now should include using sentences which use tenses and possibly even plurals. A child in this age bracket may become frustrated with their inability to tell as much as they think or understand. Around the age of 5 years old a child will be able to talk about past, present and future events. They will also be able to learn songs and rhymes. 5-8 years A child’s vocabulary is widening by this age and they will be learning new words. They will be able to describe things such as toys and games and also give opposite meanings. Emotional Development 0-2 years A baby’s primary means of communication is crying. Babies will start smiling especially at familiar faces. They would have built up a bond with their primary carer. They will realise that they have only one mother and that not all females are their mum/carer. Around 6 to 9 months babies can develop feelings of insecurity resulting in tears or distress when mum leaves the room or is out of sight. At around 20 months children will be able to show preferences and are becoming more aware of those people around them they can be affected by another person’s mood. Self-confidence begins to build and they start to believe in themselves. 3-5 years By this age, a child should be able to communicate how they are feeling and discovering the differences between males and females. They will start to get independent enough to carry out little tasks such as dressing themselves, and going to the bathroom by themselves. Children of this age can start to feel anxious, especially as they are unsure of their imagination and inner feelings. This can also lead to overwhelming emotions and fears regarding the unknown. They often do not know the difference between fantasy and reality. By the age of 5 curiosity is at its most advanced and a child will want to try new things which to them are alien. Usually children of this age are able to form successful relationships that may last for a long time. 5-8 years By now children should be able to express their likes and dislikes. As time passes by they are able to have more control over their emotions and their instincts may be greatly developed, for instance if someone appears to be in distress or sad. Children of this age are better at sharing and engage in co-operative play. Arguments now make more sense compared to those of small toddlers. Peer pressure may begin to affect them. Social 0-2 years Babies will enjoy close physical contact especially with their primary carer. They will enjoy being cuddled, feeding and bathing. Babies will enjoy socialising with other babies of their own age. Between 6 and 9 months babies will start to imitate others and hearing laughter will make them laugh even though they will not really be aware of what they are actually laughing at. Around 9 months they can entertain themselves with toys and games and will have learnt to occupy themselves. Some babies by this age will be able to feed themselves with finger foods and drinking from a cup. 3-5 years Children around the age of 3 will enjoy making friends. Learning to take turns in play and sharing can bring on tantrums as they will all want their own way. Children around this age will also learn to dress themselves and will learn to carry out simple requests. By the age of 5 children will be more understanding of social backgrounds, difference skin colour, religion and even cultures. Children of this age will make new friends and form a close relationship with one â€Å"best friend†. 5-8 years Children will be able to carry out more complex tasks such as tidying up their toys, They should be able to dress themselves without the help of a grown up. They will understand the difference between right and wrong and will know how to value a true friend. Some may become stubborn or even bossy.
Stereotyping Essay Example for Free
Stereotyping Essay This is a reflective paper demonstrating the understanding of the concept of stereotyping as well as the implications of this concept. It integrates readings and class discussions into work and life experience. It also includes explanation and examples from previous experience as well as implications for future application. The purpose of the paper is to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing the understanding and application of knowledge in the field of psychology and the critical thinking process that is involved with review of the two sides of the issue discussed. This focuses on real life, real time application of topics covered in this course, the uses that have seen and can envision. As a thesis statement like â€Å"How is stereotyping portrayed in the society and to what extent are the effects of its manifestation?†, the paper revolves on this account. I. People and Stereotyping A. How the Social World is divided into Categories Stereotypes are notions carried regarding parts of certain factions, established predominantly on attachment in that cluster. They may be constructive or detrimental and may be employed to give reason for some actions. A few of the positive characteristics of stereotypes are the following. African Americans are in the main believed to be talented musicians and basketball players. Some of its advantages to communities are that their typical outfits promote the facilitation of communal service such as firemen, law enforcers, staffs, or teachers, about their particular strong points, familiarity of circumstances, and compliance to lend a hand. But most of the time, stereotypes are observed by lots of people as objectionable ideas that are inflicted to view activities of prejudice and domination, considered as uncompromising and prone to criminal activities. Other unconstructive consequences are excuses of unawareness, aversion to tamper with people’s way of behaving towards typecast clusters, inhibiting the racial people of doing well in different disciplines. Cases in point are that the whites deal with the blacks in a more unfriendly means since they are anxious of them. The blacks respond in a more hostile way correspondingly, hence bearing out the stereotype, the whites who are attempting to progress into the hip hop venture, the blacks struggling to obtain a university  certification, and Asian males who are making an effort to wed white partners. B. The Phenomenon of Stereotyping Stereotypes are hardly ever entirely precise and are merely established on false beliefs and regarded as a prediction of a person’s concerns onto others, in spite of the certainty of other people. Diverse fields provide various explanations of how these come into existence. Psychologists concentrate on how dealings with factions occur as well as the patterns of interaction about them and their conflicts. Sociologists directs on the associations among the clusters and the arrangement of diverse groups in a community makeup. Stereotypes are implicit features based on a considerable cluster of persons whose viewpoints and behavior are related. Stereotype creation can be from past aspects, overview, and overstatement. In relation to groups, shared stereotypes comprise assertions about age, sexual characteristics, traditions, nationality, line of work, spiritual convictions, corporeal look, and societal status. It can also be shaped by the media, presenting an erroneous judgment of a group’s customs. II. The Antecedents of Stereotypes A. The Human Nature Explanation Different kinds of antecedents of stereotypes, based on human nature explanation, are present. According to Jost and Hunyady (2005), there are dispositional backgrounds such as the necessity for shutting down and sincerity to occurrence; while situational background are intimidation and danger and relevant transience of the inclination to hold scheme principles (260). Dispositional and situational antecedents can be comes hand in hand. The driving force root expresses that self-fraud, measured as an individual difference variable. The affinity to consider that actions and results are naturally just and valid, are fairly to deeply connect with support of other thoughts like conservatism and resistance to fairness and oppression. The remark that self-deception and sense of hazard are linked with the level of arrangement rationalization points out that there is an encouraging part to if not cold reasoning of the legality of political and trade and industry organizations. B. Conflict as a Cause of Stereotyping Group stereotyping is basically caused by conflicts of different factions of people. The public who have sensitive needs to handle ambiguity and threat are in particular probable to accept conservatism and resistance to fairness and oppression. Cognitive complication and ingenuousness to occurrence are unconstructively related with it (261). There is a good correspondence between requirements to diminish them, for the reason that defending the status quo permits individuals to uphold what is recognizable at the same time as discarding the vague outlook of communal transformation. For a lot of persons, the wrongdoers they are acquainted with gives the impression as less intimidating and more rightful than the wrongdoers they do not recognize. The piece of evidence, that the 9/11 radical assaults concurrently brought to mind presence of mortality and scheme threats, may facilitate to make clear why they gave rise to comparatively powerful intensification, among liberals and conformists, in nationalism and collaboration for the Bush government and its courses of action. On the whole, threats to the orderliness, on the condition that they fall short of bringing down the present occurences, are in control of citizens to strengthen accessible provisions by giving the backing to system-justifying principles (262). III. The Costs of Being Stereotyped Against The Perpetuating Mechanism of Stereotypes The imagery in what most of the people call Ghettopoly as an example is without a doubt not as good as anything that is of stereotypical descriptions might come into sight from time to time in rap records or as a function of the bigger hip-hop way of life. In any case, for all of its responsibilities, existent and anticipated, hip hop is a wide-ranging civilizing style, which takes account of both stereotype-strengthening and prospective destructive images on one hand and at the side of affirmative, and political and liberal manifestation on the other. These harm existence since they represent as means of explanation for those who single out or categorize (Wise, 2007). The other examples of costs of stereotyping are domestic violent behavior, repressed womens role in bringing about gender stereotypes, not utilized educational grants, discouraged control of indigenous voters, teenage pregnancy, and juvenile delinduency among common concerns elicited. They frequently did not get benefits of their entitlement to certain civil liberties of the society they are into. Although efforts have been carried out to bring to an end some specific types of stereotyping, a vast number of groups still cannot immediately change their attitudes towards certain factions. The authorities, in connection with circumstantial variable, the appeal of conservatives, and scheme-mitigating beliefs, are being subjected under circumstances of administration threats.  The threats to the legality of the societal structure head citizens to augment their utilization of stereotypes to give good reason for disparity between factions. B. Solidification and Justification of the Status Quo In solidification and justification of status quo, policymakers and the public are still hooked with stereotyping. As discussed by Jost and Hunyady in 2005, these can be seen through the observation of people with reduction of self-worth, biased welfare, and decreased in-group in opposition to increased out-group preferential treatment. Some apparent legality coming from powers that be and institutions amplified discernment of authenticity. Decline in reinforcement for societal revolution and not properly allocated wherewithals can also be viewed (263). Cases in point are that Whites execute offenses against Hispanic Americans; whereas the people of society would not be reluctant to respond to the stereotyping. People do not often notice that game shows highlighting other clusters of minorities are being subjugated and made fun of as a front of safe amusement. And so far when it takes place to Asians, it is up to the observer to settle on the scale of abusiveness. Sadly, the contemporary community does not reflect that it is inappropriate to exhibit stereotypical and demeaning depictions of some groups of people for the reason that, stereotypically, they will not attack back (Sue, 2004). IV. Approaches on Reducing Stereotypes A. Knowing Each Other as individuals To counteract stereotyping, diverse people must have perfect information about other groups of people have as ways of life. They must be able to know and respect each other as individuals. B. Reduction of Stereotyping Through Contact 1. Conditions for Contact If perfect knowledge is not that effective, group movements such as rallies or other forms of demonstrations against the claimed oppressors can be incorporated. As a result, both parties may come to terms of agreements such as compromising and the like. 2. Emphasizing or De-Emphasizing Group Identity As stated by Cameron (2005), stressing disparities evident on prior studies points out that those individuals who are greatly branded with their factions are apt to stay unswerving to them under risk. The general status of this effect to a real-life context involving the perception that others view the in-group as intolerant of minorities is expressed in the following statements. Superficial hazard was conversely linked to self-stereotyping for view of self-in group correspondence, although only for persons with frail bonds to other cluster associates. Peril awareness was as well projecting enhanced shrewdness of within-group inconsistency on risk scopes, predominantly for persons with feebler in-group bonds. A range of approaches for dealing with a vulnerable societal distinctiveness are related to diverse sides of classification (73). 3. Stereotyping and History of Pain and Suffering In the late 1700s, a renowned French type-founder coined the name stereotype for producing concrete lead plates. Lots of troubles were stumbled upon in the course of the experiments, and stereotyping was the ultimate result, causing people to experience pain and suffering. Conclusion As a restatement of the thesis, stereotyping is portrayed in the society in different ways. Its effects of manifestation are indeed to a great extent that the unpleasant image of society is hard to revolutionize. It is imperative that each and every individual in the society which they are into take a stand and get rid of or put an end to fabricated portrayal of stereotyping.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Visual Aids Help Tths Students Improve Their English Education Essay
Visual Aids Help Tths Students Improve Their English Education Essay In Vietnam, English is considered the most important foreign language, which is taught as one of the main subjects in schools as well as in universities and is also used the most in communication among other foreign languages. According to the Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics, English is used as a foreign language or a second language to communicate with foreigners who speak the English language in non-English speaking countries. The English teaching and learning at Thuong Tin High School is not very significant in terms of the students achievement. Especially, the big concern is for English vocabulary retention. At the end of the first term 2009 2010 only about 50% of the students got an average of 5 and 6, and only 8% got 7 or 8 and the rest got 3 or 4 in the English oral test in the 2009 State First Term Examination. These figures have made the teachers of English in TT High School feel worried, they need to consider the serious problem carefully and find out the best methods to improve the situation quickly. This poor achievement is not new but has lasted for years, and there have been many things done about it but the situation has not improved. Students have been given extra lessons so that they have more time to practice their English, especially English speaking lessons, they have been helped a lot with revision before every test. They have even been provided with well-prepared hand-outs of the points on which they are going to be tested and told what to learn to do the tests well. In spite of what they have been informed and reminded of, unexpected things have still occurred, students have not improved their achievement, and the fact that most students were not very proficient in speaking and writing tests which were shown on the report of first term. To find out which factors are important in language learning, it is necessary to have a close look at social factors as well as a number of psychological dimensions of difference. Attitudes and motivation, self-confidence, intelligence, language aptitude, and language learning strategies have also been found to have an effect on language learners success in their language learning (Gardner, 2001). The research project took place at Thuong Tin High School located in Thuong Tin, a town about 30 kilometres from Ha Noi Capital and has been developing very fast. The people have become richer and a large number of families have invested money in after school activities and private tutoring for their children in English and other core subjects. If students and learners have an excellent level of English, they will gain acceptance to higher schools of learning and better-paid jobs. English is an important and compulsory subject at almost every school in Vietnam. Thus, usually students have to learn English for at least 7 years, from grade 6 to grade 12. In many schools in cities children start learning English in grade 3. There is even a trend to learn English before elementary school as their parents believe that the English language is a useful investment for their childrens future. Most jobs now require the applicants to have knowledge of English language at certain levels. Though English is taught from grade 3 in primary schools, most high school students are difficult to read an English paragraph fluently, talk to each other in English as a conversation, listen to a short introduction on television or write a letter or even a paragraph of description in English well. The issue that why most TTHS students have still had low results on speaking and writing tests though they have been helped a lot before tests, and what possible solutions could be found. The TTHS teachers have had a serious discussion and come to conclusion that most TTHS students have low English vocabulary retention and this has great influence on their speaking and writing tests. Students can not speak, listen, read and write English if they do not have enough necessary English vocabulary. But what we, teachers, have to do to help our students improve their English vocabulary. More things must be done to change the situation for the better, and the concerns were carried out, such as; motivation, methods of teaching and learning, environment of teaching and learning, materials and inclusive of Visual Aids. The defined solution for this issue was that Using Visual Aids to help students improve English vocabulary retention, because the teachers believed that there is no ways of lear ning vocabulary better than seeing the real things or illustrated things. Most teachers of English agree that it is difficult for them to have successful lessons on vocabulary or communication without visual aids and students will not be easy to understand and practice if they do not have certain visual aids for every task because students do not have enough necessary vocabulary to practice. The purpose of this research is to determine using Visual Aids helps TTHS students improve English vocabulary and the effects that visual teaching strategies have on the academic achievement of TTHS students. Research questions: How do VISUAL AIDS help students improve English vocabulary retention? What effects do visual teaching strategies have on the academic achievement of TTHS students? LITERATURE REVIEW Visual aids Brown (1973:1) emphasizes that using variety of media, visual aids, will increase the probability that the students will learn more, retain better what they learn and improve their performance of the skills they are expected to develop. Moreover, Finocchiaro (1974:63) states that the students will understand and retain better when they have been shown or taught some objects that associate with it. Educational professionals have acknowledged the fact that students who struggle in reading comprehension because they may lack the ability to comprehend words. Joseph (2006) realised, there are several approaches to teaching word-reading skills but few incorporate systematic procedures that facilitate mastery, build fluency and lead to retention of skills for struggling readers(p.803). Students who struggle in acquisition skills need specific interventions to increase their reading level and word knowledge. These interventions should be ongoing and occur early in the learning process in order to ease the cognitive load at the students current reading level and for the next grade level. Using visual aids to enhance English vocabulary and vocabulary retention is a strategy that has been researched and implemented into TTHS English classromms. With the use of visual aids, such as; authentic materials or illustrated things, students could increase their English vocabulary retention as well as they can base on their vocabulary to improve their speaking, writing, listening and reading comprehension skills. Joseph (2006) confirmed that students tend to be more motivated and choose to complete assignments and tasks that contain some items that are known to them and that appear to demand lower level of effort because they feel confident about their ability to complete such tasks. If implemented properly, visual aids, which are authentic materials or illustrated things, can make ongoing deffernces in students ability to read with confidence independently and continually. It is the consistency of vocabulary interventions that allows the struggling students to see the vocabulary terms within the reading passage if they are to expand their knowledge of the vocabulary term. This can make the difference in their proficiency of languag e acquisition Dave (1975: 10-11) also proposes some of the visual aids as follows: Real things and toys with different sorts, sizes and colors are useful to draw students interest. Real things can be presented to students by means of field trip or bringing the object to the class for direct observation. Chalkboard or blackboard are certain to be the most useful teaching aids, used in the class. They have the advantage of providing points of attention for the class and they can be used for many purposes. Pictures are flashed for a brief moment, therfore, the pictures should be simple and big enough to be seen clearly by every student in the class. Wall charts or wall pictures are big papers with some pictures and words, useful for presenting vocabulary to the class. From the explanation above, not all of media can be applied in the classroom; the teachers have to select the appropriate media that directly related to the learning process. Vocabulary assessments should also be used for a precursor to evaluate students comprehension. Johnston (1997) pointed that as childen spend more and more time reading and writing, many routines and common patterns become automatic, picking up speed and actually going through a different part of the brain, no longer involving conscious efforts (p 145). This is an important factor if students are to become independent of the classroom teacher. It is important to increase students toolbox of vocabulary strategies. According to Haycraft (1983: 102) teaching aids can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practicing structure and word order or for variety of games. Besides, teaching aids can also give a great help to the teacher in the class. A learner cannot always successfully learn English just by listening to the explanation from the teacher. Visual aids help teacher give more emphasis on pronunciation of the words, utterances and incorrect written of words. Moreover, in vocabulary class, the learners are encouraged to give their opinions about the visual aids that are presented by the teacher, thus the learners can be more active in teaching-learning process. Visual aids are also very useful to train the students to speak and memorize the words automatically. Visual aids, especially pictures are very useful in teaching vocabulary to encourage and motivate the students to learn the language. As stated by Coppen (1969: 88) pictures are parts of visual aids.The purpose of picture is to provide a stimulus which will elicit a particular response from the learner. The picture represents some action and in order to learn the appropriate words to describe the action itself must not be in question. Pictures are parts of visual aids. They may be used in teaching the elementary school students to avoid boredom. Brown (1973: 410) states some functions of pictures as follows: Media are used to teach the students to learn effectively. Pictures help the students read the books and eventually interpret and memorize words. Edmund Fason (1959: 416) states that teaching-learning process with pictures will get succeed if the pictures are related to the material of the study, pictures should be coloured and varied, colourful pictures intensify the students imagination. Using visual aids can give a great help to the teacher in the class. The students will not always be successful in learning English just by listening to the explanation from the teacher or by reading many books. Using visual aids in vocabulary class encourage the students to give their opinions about the presented pictures. The teacher can make them more active during the teaching-learning process. Moreover, flashing visual aids for a short time is very useful for the students to speak and memorize the words automatically. Retention Retention should be a requirement for the acquisition of vocabulary terms. Joseph (2008) makes these recommendations, in specific environmental conditions, words that were taught were considered learned when they were read correctly on next-day retention probes. Words that were not read correctly on next-day retention probes were not considered learned. Previously taught but unlearned words were retaught with the same instructional condition until they were read correctly on next-day retention probes (p 298). This would be a good procedure to follow if learners are to highten their retention of vocabulary terms. These retention probes were designed to measure students vocabulary acquisition. Retention probes were always administered the day immediately following the instructional condition and before another round of instructional conditions bagan. Each retention probe consisted of all the visual aids of unknown words that were taught in the previuos daily sessons. The visual aids we re exchanged and presented as one group of words to the students. Reiser and Dempsey (2007) states, maximizing learning with rich media involves two memories systems; working memory and long term memory that shapes human learning (p314). METHODOLOGY Subjects This research study took place in Thuong Tin High School in Thuong Tin town, 30 kilometres away from the centre of Ha Noi Capital. The subjects involved in this research were 40 students, they were in two different classes 12A2 and 12A3 (aged 16-18). They were randomly selected to put into two groups: 20 students in the control group (12A2) and 20 other students in the experimental group (12A3) (This means that the class 12A2 has 20 participants who belong to the control group, and the class 12A3 has 20 participants who belong to the experimental group). All of them are grade-12 students in the school year 2009 2010 and go to school everyday from Monday to Saturday. They have 3 English periods every week, each period lasts 45 minutes. The experiment lasted one month. After forming two groups, a test was given to students to check their English vocabulary so that the researcher could ensure students in two groups had the English vocabulary equivalence (Appendice 2). Instruments. Many visual aids were used when conducting this research, this was done by using pictures, real things and illustrated things. To make clear the research question, these following types of data were collected: surveys, pre-tests and post-tests, interviews, observations, and test scores. A survey was given at the beginning of the study to determine if the students enjoyed learning English and their attitudes to the instructional style of the class (Appendice 1). This helped me understand students perception of the class and if any changes, other than those used during the study, needed to be made to maximize the students academic performance. A Pre-test and Post-test were used before and after the research to find out the difference between the pre-test results and post-test results in order to know whether studentsvocabulary retention has been improved (Appendice 3A, 3B). Observations and test scores were also used as measurement tools. In order to take notes and determine the participation and attitudes of the students, observations were used daily. Did the students respond differently to the various visual aids? Were the students on task during a certain visual strategy? Did the students enjoy some visual strategies over others? Observing also made it possible to determine if outside variables affected the students test scores. Were the students having a stressful day? Did the students just come back to school from a holiday break? To determine if the use of visuals affected test scores, test scores during the four week study were compared with those from the previous four weeks. At the end of the study, the answers to the questions must be found; Why do TTHS students speak, listen to, read and write English so badly? How do visual aids help them improve their English vocabulary retention? Which effects do the visual teaching strategies have on the academic achievement of TTHS students? Design and Methods of Data Collection When implementing the experiment, the researcher used different visual aids in lessons, for example; pictures, real things and illustrated things were utilized alternatively so that students could understand the mentioned words and memorize them more effectively. Interviews were done before and after the research in order to know whether students were interested in the experiment, how they behaved during the research and what they achieved after the research. Observation was implemented in the process of research, this helped the researcher know that all the students in the experimental group took part in the experiment regularly. Test scores were done after the experiment finished, the test scores were collected from the pre-test results and the post-test results to show the improvement and difference of using visual aids in teaching and learning English vocabulary. Teaching activities that used visual aids were provided to the experimental group students in the class 12A3 in all the lessons; listening, speaking, reading and writing lessons every week. RESULTS Survey Results. The survey that was given to the two English classes included five questions and five answers, numbers 1-5 (Appendice 1). When asked students the five questions, the researcher found that there was a big difference about students attitude to learning English, and learning English vocabulary with the help of visual aids before and after the experiment. The result was compared in the Pre and Post-survey (Appendice 1). Questions Answers Before the experiment (n=students) After the experiment (n=students) 1. Do you enjoy learning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do not like learning English, why? Because : Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of visual aids 46 62 3. Would you like to learn English vocabulary by watching visual aids, such as; pictures, real things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Do you think you will improve your English vocabulary better by looking at the visual aids when you are discussing a topic? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should visual aids be used and taught regularly and variously in classes Yes 48 66 No 32 14 There were several tests (a sample test in appendice 2) given to students in the both groups to ensure that the students in the experimental group was equivalent with students in the control group about the English vocabulary before the experiment. Groups Percentage of words that recalled and written down before the experiment 0 20% 30 50% 50 70% 80 100% Control group (n=20) 2 8 7 3 Experimental Group (n=20) 3 9 6 2 Interview Results In each group, 5 students were randomly invited to interview before and after the experiment. They were asked to give answers to 3 questions (Appendice 4). The 5 students in the experimental group produced the same words as the 5 students in the control group before the experiment but the experimental students produced more words than the control students after the ezperiment. a. An interview before the experiment b. An interview after the experiment. Tests Results Pre-tests: Groups Number of words 10 40 40 70 70 -100 Control (n=students) 8 9 3 Experimental (n-students) 7 10 4 Pots-tests Groups Number of words (n=100 words) 10 40 40 70 70 -100 Control (n=students) 5 10 5 Experimental (n-students) 2 11 7 From the results of the post-tests, it was easy to find that if students were provided with visual aids in their lessons. They could increase their vocabulary much better. Before the experiment, the two groups were equivalent in their vocabulary, but there was a big gap between the control group and experimental group after the experiment. The experimental group increased their vocabulary a lot more than they were before. However, the control group did not improve their vocabulary a lot. Questionnaire Results After the study time, the 20 students in the experimental group were given a five question interview about their feelings towards the class. The answers were categorized as either being agreement and disagreement and compared with the results before the experiment.. Comparison of Agreement and Disagreement Responses from the Interview QUESTIONS Answers from Ex-group (n=students) YES NO Before After Before After 1) Do you like the English class? 8 15 12 5 2) Do you enjoy learning with visual aids 12 17 7 3 3) Do you think the visual aids are helping you? 10 14 10 6 4) Do you want to have visual aids in future lessons? 11 16 9 4 5) Are you motivated with and interested in learning English vocabulary with visual aids? 10 18 10 2 Discussion The objective of my research was to find out how visual aids help students improve their English vocabulary and to discover if visual learning strategies have an effect on ESL academic achievement in a high school English classroom. The main findings of this research show that there is a positive correlation between the use of visual aids and the results when using surveys, interviews, observations, and test score comparison Comparison of Averages from the Control and Study Periods According to Dong (2002), he found that when teachers use visuals, the students ask more questions. During the study period, I observed that the students in the experiment asked more questions than the control group. The students were interested in the visual aids and always asked questions to clarify their misunderstanding. CONCLUSION This research indicates that students may learn in many different ways and teachers should do many things possible to support and to meet the needs of all students. Visual aids can break the language barrier that separates students from teachers. Pictures, ral things or illustrated things always helped to explain both special and common English words fully. For example, the word fire an employee was given to students in a question on a test, but none of the students in the class knew what that word meant and trying to explain it did not help either. The meaning of the word was then made clear when I made a picture on the board. This research would recommend that teachers use as many visual aids as possible in their classroom. This research also shows that visual aids can increase students English vocabulary and improve their vocabulary retention. The most useful and popular visual aids were introduced in class were pictures, illustrated things, such as; toys or model forms. For example, during the unit on cars, it was so easy for students to guess and to know the parts of a car when they saw pictures of car parts or a toy car. My research had a positive impact on student learning, English is quite a difficult subject with lots of vocabulary and visuals are the best way to learn those words. There are also a lot of topics that have to be covered in an English class. Visuals, especially pictures, are a great way to show students the overall concept and the minute details of a topic. The students in my English class have learnt and improved their vocabulary a lot when I applied the visual aids in the class. As already mentioned, pictures were the most popular and effective. There was a purpose behind each and every visual. I carefully planned out how I would do and explain each visual so that students could performed well. REFERENCES Collier, V. P. (1992). A synthesis of studies examining long-term language minority student data on academic achievement. Bilingual Research Journal, 16 (1-2), 187-212. Dong, Y. R. (2002). Integrating language and content: Education and Bilingualism, 5 (2), 40-57. Duran, B. J., Dugan, T., Weffer, R. (1998). Language minority students in high school Hamblen, K. A. (1993). Theories and research that support art instruction for instrumental outcomes. Theory into Practice, 3 (4), 191-198. Mayer, R. E. (1989). Models for understanding. Review of Educational Research, 59 (1), 43-64. Gardner, R.C. (1985), Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The role of attitudes and motivation, London: Edward Arnold Gardner, R. C. 2001. Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher.Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, Volume 6, Number 1, Fall 2001. Joseph, L. (2006, May). Incremental rehearsal: A flashcard drill technique for increasing retention of reading words. International Reading Association, 51 (1), 90-92. Petrie, G. M. (2003). ESL teachers views on visual language: A grounded theory. The Reading Matrix, 3 (3), 137-168. Tan, A., Nicholson, T. (1997, June). Training poor readers to read words faster improve their comprehension of vocabulary. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89(2), 276. Appendice 1 Survey The servey was given to 2 classes (each class consists of 40 students). Questions Answer Before the experiment (n=students) After the experiment (n=students) 1. Do you enjoy learning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do not like learning English, why? Because : Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of visual aids 46 62 3. Would you like to learn English vocabulary by watching visual aids, such as; pictures, real things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Do you think you will improve your English vocabulary better by looking at the visual aids when you are discussing a topic? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should visual aids be used and taught regularly and variously in classes Yes 48 66 No 32 14
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Essay -- Alchemist Paulo Coelho essays
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho The book I read is called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The Alchemist is about a boy from Spain, whose name is Santiago and is a shepherd. The book tells how he gets around countries, and how he deals with his problems and how he solves them. It shows how he follows his dreams, and who helps him along the way.      Santiago leaves his family to become a shepherd, before leaving his dad gives him money he has saved up, Santiago buys sheep with the money. As a shepherd Santiago travels around Spain. As he travels he is in search of food and water for his sheep. During his journeys he gave his sheep names and really connects with them. When he ran out of money, Santiago sold wool from his sheep for money. He learns that being a shepherd is not hard as long as you have food and water for the sheep.      Santiago is a very intelligent boy, he knows how to read and write because he went to school. Santiago wanted to become a shepherd because he loved traveling and he never traveled while living on his farm with his parents. Another reason he didn’t like living on a farm was, because there was no change in every day life, and he liked change. That’s why his dad understood his reasoning for wanting to become a shepherd.      One day he had a dream while resting under a tree in an abandon ruined church. Santiago had dreamt that same dream before so he decided to go to a dream reader. There was a town near by that he knew had a dream reader,...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Women :: History, Caribbean Women
â€Å"During the twentieth century, poor women in the Caribbean were pulled into a predictable, gendered, labor pattern operating at investment sites in the region. In this pattern poor men leave home to find temporary, labor-intensive employment in the initial phases of economic development. Women follow later to take up more permanent service employment as maids, domestics, and cleaners†(Almer, 99). The significance of the quote is its showing the emergence of a labor model that has shaped the Caribbean for generations. In the beginning of the twentieth century poor eastern Caribbean women followed male migrant workers to various places such as: the Panama Canal, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Curacao, and Aruba in order to provide for their families. Eastern Caribbean women have developed their own family model, which include non-marital relationships and freedom to travel for work. According to eastern Caribbean social norms poor women are expected to have children and support them financially. This results in women leaving their children with extended family and supporting them by working in distant places (99). During the Pre-1960s women migrant workers found employment as seamstresses, cooks, laundresses, and maids at labor camps located in the Panama Canal Zone, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic (100). When employment on these islands decreased, women followed the labor migrant pattern again by traveling to Trinidad, Curacao and Aruba to perform domestic work (101). â€Å"The female labor migrants experienced a form of freedom and independence that came with consistent predictable wages. These migrant domestics were economic mainstays for their dependents left behind in their sending societies†(101). The quote is showing how migrant women have moved from their economic status in their home town to now being able to support themselves and their families through steady employment. During the Post-1960s increased economic investment in tourism on the US and British Virgin Islands, in addition to the Dutch’s Aruba and St. Maarten brought again the labor migrant pattern of women coming to work in the tourism industry (101). The increase in tourism on the Virgin Islands brought with it increases in foreign born populations and in female workers. â€Å" ’The general prosperity that was stimulated by tourism resulted in a demand for female workers, as maids and ancillary personal in hotels and gift shops and as domestics in private households’†(102). The quote shows how female labor plays an important role in the economies of these islands.
The Securities And Exchange Commission :: essays research papers
The Securities and Exchange Commission In 1934 the Securities Exchange Act created the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) in response to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s. It was created to protect U.S. investors against malpractice in securities and financial markets. The purpose of the SEC was and still is to carry out the mandates of the Securities Act of 1933: To protect investors and maintain the integrity of the securities market by amending the current laws, creating new laws and seeing to it that those laws are enforced. During the 1920s, approximately 20 million Americans took advantage of post-war prosperity by purchasing shares of stock in various securities exchanges. When the stock market crashed in 1929, the fortunes of many investors were lost. In addition, banks lost great sums of money in the Crash because they had invested heavily in the markets. When people feared their banks might not be able to pay back the money that depositors had in their accounts, a â€Å"run†on the banking system caused many bank failures. After the crash, public confidence in the market and the economy fell sharply. In response, Congress held hearings to identify the problems and look for solutions; the answer was found in the new SEC. The Commission was established in 1934 to enforce new securities laws that were passed with the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The two new laws stated that â€Å"Companies publicly offering securities must tell the public the truth about thei r businesses, the securities they are selling and the risks involved in the investing.†Secondly, â€Å"People who sell and trade securities must treat investors fairly and honestly, putting investors’ interests first.†2      Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover in a landslide in the 1932 election and began to work on his â€Å"New Deal†. In the New Deal four key regulatory bodies were established: The National Labor Relations Board, Civil Aeronautics Authority, Federal Communications Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Wall Street was not enamored with the coming regulation, but Congress was confident that the Street was seen as an easy target for the Crash and the Depression that followed. In response, the SEC was created by Congress on June 6, 1934 for the purpose of protecting the public and the individual investors against malpractice in the financial markets. Commenting on the creation of the SEC, Texas Congressman and future Speaker Sam Rayburn admitted3 â€Å"he didn’t know whether the legislation passed so readily because it was so good or so incomprehensible.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Language barriers Essay
I agree with what you said that society expects much more from women as compared to men. People grew up with the idea that men should have this rough exterior, which means talking loudly, cursing, and not allowed to cry. It is okay for them to behave in unacceptable manners just because they are men. Women, on the other hand, are expected to act delicately. Those who would act otherwise would be looked down upon. It is very unfortunate that you were taught such things regarding behaving in public because it meant being held back of your feelings, thoughts, and actions. People who think lowly of those who do not act or speak according to their preference are very shallow and only attract conflict with others because of their attitude. I think that not being â€Å"direct†with a stranger is acceptable. Although we want to be transparent to other people, we should still be reserved in the things that we say to protect ourselves. You are right in saying that this could cause misunderstanding because people may not be able to get your point. At times, it is hard to communicate with people that you do not know because of language barriers. This is especially hard when dealing with the opposite sex who might not see things your way and may have the tendency to misinterpret what you are saying. You are also correct in saying that people should be more flexible in terms of following the rules of gender because not all scenarios are the same for everybody else. Also, people are not perfect and would be able to act according to the rules at all times. Men cry. Women curse and shout. It does not matter where they are or when they choose to do so because they should not be judged for their actions and decisions. People do not know what caused their actions and have no right in thinking lowly of them. Your experiences are similar to mine in that I am also a female and that I am expected the best behavior at all times just because of my gender. I also tend to become reserved when dealing with people I do not closely work with because I do not feel comfortable enough to share important information with them. I find having friends, specifically female friends, very comforting because they are able to empathize with me when I need them to. They are also able to give their opinions without appearing biased or judgmental. We all grew up thinking the same things regarding how men and women should act and speak, especially in front of everyone else. This is why it is hard for some to see behaviors that contradict what they have known growing up, which is why they too cannot be blamed. This is the reason why people need to be more open-minded when it comes to understanding others and even the opposite sex. Men and women communicate in different ways and people need to accept this fact. After accepting and adjusting to this reality, people should find ways on how to understand each other more effectively. If it means talking more often or asking questions, then this should be done. On the other hand, people should also learn how to listen and explain what they feel and think better. Your self-reflection says that we should be more understanding and I believe that this is one key to a better communication. We should also make it a point to practice what we preach. If we think that people should be more understanding of others, we should start with ourselves and practice this thought. We should never base our opinions from one encounter with a person because we would not be able to see the real them with just one experience.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Lead and manage a team within a health and social care Essay
1.1- let off the features of utile squad performanceThe features of powerful stem performance is set up by means of positive leaders something which is real and nurtured. An effective group leave al iodine organise together, be focused and bread and butterive of from each unitary other to achieve and reach goals. For a aggroup to be effective, each aggroup member assumes to be cryst entirelyise on their percentages and responsibilities relating to their job. Team performance will be to a greater extent effective if on that point is respect for the leader/ theatre director and an discretion towards their job role and responsibility. The leader/ theater director should excessively be aw atomic number 18 of the attainments or weakness indoors the aggroup and be able to return support where necessity and also utilise their strengths. Training and support will enable stave to modify performance, develop confidence and lift liven within the team.1.2- Explain t he ch anyenges experienced by developing teamsWhen you confer a assembly of diverse individuals together to form a team, ch tot entirelyyenges such as communication and alliance issues brook result. If a team consists of members with standardised skills and interests, the purpose of the team whitethorn non be achieved, therefore choosing team members who induce a range of contrastive skill sets and interests is essential. Teams need leaders to offer a disposition of purpose and direction. lose of effective leadership challenges effective team development. Without a sanitary leader to guide the team and hold members accountable, the team may pretermit morale and momentum. contravention within a team is inevitable. How team members deal with contradict is critical to team development. Investing date in training for yourself and your employees in combat shutdown skills is beneficial, for example, studying a advocate course.With the skills to effectively resolve emp loyment, your team do- nonhing feed together to stay on track without your constant intervention. Even though a team subject atomic number 18as together to achieve a goal, each individual needs to know his specific role within the team, otherwise, roleconfusion results. When team members lack an attending of their specific roles or choose not to follow through with their roles, the team arousenot develop as a organised and well-functioning unit. Any workplace is make up of individuals who see the world differently. Conflict betides when there is a lack of adoption and understanding of these differences.1.3- Identify the challenges experienced by established teamsInterpersonal differences leading to misunderstandings source struggles and competing agendasMembers who appear to reject new ideas and bring a constant sense of negativismTeam that agrees on eitherthing too speedily just to avoid conflictLack of adequate support and resourcesIneffective leadershipMembers resista nt to change or a new way of working- set in their ways and unable to see from an external perspective.Not enough complimentary skills on the team1.4 Explain how challenges to effective team performance brook be pass overChallenges such as team eubstance and lack of module moral can be overcome through guardianship team meetings where staff ar invited to contain their aspects and ideas on ways to improve and depart forwards as a team. We begin a communications book for staff who may not be on shift together for a pertinacious period can express whatever ideas or note tasks that need to be carried out by others. This is a colossal way to keep the team up to date and consistent within their roles. It can notice very draining and insistent if star is constantly repeating or reminding others to carry out certain tasks that ar not being completed, therefore if this broods to happen, one to one supervision can be held to address these issues.Supervision can also help o vercome staff conflict, i.e if twain or more members of staff defecate a disagreement and are not willing to move on from this, one to one supervision will be held with the intent of group mediation with all staff commandd. Supervision is also a chance to discuss with individuals any areas that need improving professional get along withion cheers their practice reflect on work practice and discuss any concerns of the individual.Appraisals are a great way to indue staff and highlight their strengths and improvements, indeed enabling individuals to tone purple of themselves and their role within the team.1.5- Analyse how different heed meanss may influence outcomes of team performance.Managers perform more functions and play numerous roles. They are answerable for handling many situations and these situations are normally different from one another(prenominal).When it comes to handling such situations, managing directors use their own charge styles. several(prenominal) management styles may be crush for the situation and some may not be. Therefore, awareness on different types of management styles will help the passenger cars to handle different situations the optimal way. Different management styles are capable of handling different situations and solvent different problems. Therefore, a manager should be a dynamic person, who has insight into many types of management styles such as Autocratic- In this management style, the manager dies the sole conclusion maker. The manager does not care nearly the other staff and their involvement in closing making. Therefore, the decisions reflect the personality and the opinion of the manager. The decision does not reflect the teams collective opinion. I wear thint feel this type of manager would excel or achieve the vanquish from a team in a social care setting as in many cases, staff work shifts and spend the nearly time with those who they are caring for. Therefore the opinions and views of the s taff are imperative.However, I can see how in some cases an Autocratic style is undeniable for making decisions on poor staffing and location suitability etc. Democratic- In this style, the manager is apply to others opinions and pleasing their contribution into the decision making process. Therefore, every decision is do with the majoritys agreement. The decisions made reflect the teams opinion. For this management style to work successfully, strong communication amidst the managers and the rest of the team is a must. This type of management is most successful when it comes to decision making on a complex matter where a range of expert advice and opinion is required. I feel this style of management empowers staff and makes them feel included in the decision making of the running of the home/unit, thus giving great consideration to their views and opinions.Paternalistic- This is one of the domineering types of management. The decisions made are ordinarily for the best interes t of the party as well as the employees. When the management makes a decision, it is explained to the employees and obtains their support as well. In this management style, work-life balance is emphasized and it eventually maintains a high morale within the organization. In the long run, this guarantees the the true of the employees. One hurt of this style is that the employees may become open on the managers. This will limit the creative thinking within the organization.However, I vex been managed by a manager who adopted this style and I feel myself and the rest of the team were very loyal to him. He would ever so emphasise the importance of our health ahead work and it was evident that through this cost to managing, staff would feel at comfort being absent due to indisposition but this would not be a regular occurrence as loyalty towards the manager was strong.1.6- Analyse methods of developing and maintaining self-assertion and answerability. Trust- develops from con sistent actions that showing colleagues you are reliable, concerted and committed to team success. A sense of confidence in the workplace fall in allows employees to work together for a uncouth goal. Remaining honest with employees about twain positive and negative aspects of the business builds trust. The focus team are also expect to maintain the same level of ingenuousness with the employees. This sense of integrity makes employees and colleagues more trust of your actions. Involve all staff in achieving company goals. Be transparent with your companys mission and goals so all staff feel they are a valuable part of obtaining those objectives. Staff who feel management values them are more likely to instil trust in those leaders. Create a team milieu through collaborative work.Emphasize group achievements to show you are aware and proud of your employees and their successes. Value all input from your employees. throw out staff at all levels to conduct their ideas for impr oving the company and get a line with an open mind even if you dont ultimately choose to follow a suggestion made by an employee.Accountability- managers who involve employees in setting goals and expectations find that employees understand expectations better, are more confident that they can achieve those expectations, and perform at a higher level. Positive results also occurwhen employees dont associate accountability only with negative consequences. If employees do not fear failure, if managers recognize employees for their accomplishments, and if managers support their employees when goals become difficult, employees are more likely to be creative, innovative, and committed to their work. Managers can practice accountability for positive results by following in effect(p) performance management principles such as involving staff in setting clear, contend yet attainable goals and objectives, and give them the countenance to accomplish those goals support staff in all aspects of the job monitor progress towards goals, and provide feed-back that includes credible, useful performance measures provide the training and resources that staff need to do the work and give praise to frank performance, both formally and informally.1.7 Compare methods of addressing conflict within a team.When conflict arises amid staff members, it is important to address it as soon as possible should it not be already resolved between them. When speaking privately and separately with all individuals involved, it is important to summarise what is said so that the person feels listened to and to also slightly reflect their body language so that they feel you are relating to them. Do not conk out as this will only fuck off the individual to feel that they are not being listened to completely and always show positive regard to that individual. Once all views are dumbfoundn in to account, it should be suggested that all staff involved have a mediation meeting where the manager/te am leader will listen to both sides of the conflict. Resolutions can be made effectively through mediation and suggestions to compromise on both parts may be effective. Advise those involved to take time out if necessary because during the resolution of a conflict, emotions may interfere with arriving at a productive resolution. If this is the case, individuals should be support to take a time-out and continue resolving the conflict at another arranged time.
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